The book also focuses on the love story between Georgie and Y/N. Sheldon and Penny couldn't be more different from one another. Third Time's A Charm. Title: The Science of Fellatio by moonlingRating: NC-17Word Count: 733Summary: Blowjobs and over-analyzation. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit), Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. Y/N, an alien, ends up on Earth and meets a human named Sheldon. Title: The Nickname Categorizationby clumsyghostRating: PG-13 for languageWord Count: 1,768Summary: Sheldon becomes obsessed with giving Leonard a nickname but why? While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Title: Shelnard by TalaDentroRating: R Word Count: 687Summary: A very short Sheldon/Leonard drabble. Howard's half-brother Josh meets Leonard, Sheldon, Penny, Amy, Stuart, Emily and Alex. Selene Lupin, a genius of her age. What followed were some of the sweetest friendship scenes. Lost and confused, Jenny must pick up the pieces if she and Vega are to reclaim Cluster Prime from the Cluster, all the while reconciling with her past and future mistakes. Title: Untitledby clumsyghostRating: NC-17Word Count: 3,168Prompt from ANON: Sheldons sick and Leonard ends up having to take care of him, one thing leads to another and ;D. Title: Untitled drabbleby clumsyghostRating: PG/PG-13 for mild language.Word Count: 1,039Warnings/Notes: Unbetd fluff. No matter what, they were always there for each other. Meanwhile, a surprising handsome man meets Bernadette, who introduces himself as Soprana. While Leonard and Penny did grow tired of Sheldon constantly being around, Penny respected Sheldon's space, rules, and routines. After Sheldon and Leonard get into a car crash, Sheldon gets a concussion and loses his memory of his, friends, family and life. The Professor struggled to make money at children's birthday parties and was looking for a way back into the science community. Penny also taught Sheldon how to act better on camera for his online showFun With Flags, while Sheldon taught Penny more about comics and science-fiction movies. Title: Of aprons and zucchiniby clumsyghostRating: NC-17Word Count: 995Warnings: Unbetd. The best rapper by far from Off the Hook! Title: Weird Kid [Collection of Drabbles] by callmejudeRating: PGWarnings: Drabbles. He looked down at the coffee table. The gang meets Leonard's younger brother: Michael Hofstadter, The writers introduce a new character: Daniel Hofstadter (Leonard's older brother), Everyone discovers that Michael and Daniel have visited before the series, and met Sheldon, Raj, Howard, and Stuart. Title: Untitledby clumsyghostRating: PG-13 for some sexual talkWord Count: 604Prompt from ANON: Tickling in Bed. If anything, theyve only grown. Sheldon was a bona fide and self-professed geek who loved physics, comic books, Star Wars, and Star Trek. Where are you from?". Title:Villainby clumsyghostWord Count: 5,507Rating: PG-13Prompt: Leonard realizes hes more jealous than frustrated when Ramona Nowitzki moves in on Sheldon; Leonard gets in a physical confrontation and Sheldon stands up for him. When will this war between fans, cast, and a beloved Immortal figure cease? Work Search: Spoilers: Through Season 4. Three beautiful girls arrive at CalTech claiming to have special abilities and needing the four boys' help with something. And my feelings still havent changed for him. Title: The Ball Pit Juxtaposition by hitbyadeathcabRating: PG-13Word Count: 840Summary: Hes really getting sick of these two-in-the-morning calls from Playland security every time Sheldon has some kind of mental turmoil. A/N: I tried REALLY REALLY HARD to keep true to Sheldons asexuality and did a lot of research on the subject. Sheldon/Penny: Junior Rodeo (Revenge Stories), This thread contains fan created stories where Leonard, Amy, and occasionally Bernadetteget their "Just Desserts". Penny never had to worry if Sheldon had a hidden agenda. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. She yells out "Who are you? Whether it was while Sheldon was sick in bed, in the laundry room, or on the staircase, Sheldon and Penny always seemed to have the best heart-to-heart conversations in the oddest of places, which is something only true friends could do. A big moment that showed Sheldon's care was when Penny was short on money and was stressed over what to do. Amy gets a new job in Boston, but Sheldon does nothing to stop it. If Sheldon can't have Jenny's love, at least he can have her body Jenny can't mentally handle her classmates abuse, and the citizens hate anymore, after all these years, and it affects her heroing. Leonard's father visits and pisses his son off with the not-so-affectionate attitude Leonard went through with him in the past. Title:Prank Wars Author:Eternal Contradiction Each chapter deals with a major event in their life together. Canon to AU. Leonard has to take drastic measures. He's a scientist, after all, he shouldn't have ignored the evidence. Leonard muddles it up. Sometimes out of love and most of the time just to shut him up. Introduced by author Isaac Asimov in 1942, The three laws of robotics are an essential defense for humanity against its own metallic creations. And will he see Jenny again?A different take of Good Ol Sheldon. Wen/dip, dip/ifica, dip/twilight Sparkle. Well then, I WANT A DIVORCE! Title:Lovesickby clumsyghostRating: PG-13 for very mild languageWord Count: 2, 035 including lyricsWarnings/Notes: Unbetad. Leonard deals with the aftermath. These are just his intense emotions manifesting into literal beings. Title: On Top by yaoimelodyRating: PGWord Count: 874Summary:A fluffy/angsty drabble for Sheldon/Leonard c: A blog dedicated to the relationship between Sheldon Cooper and Leonard Hofstadter from The Big Bang Theory. For Penny it was the Kardashians, for Sheldon it was different faces of science. Unfortunately, what Sheldon doesn't realize is that the pages were written and designed by Sopranaflaterson itself, and they take Sheldon through a series of mass hypnosis. Title: Give Your Heart a Break by xxEmoRainbowxxRating: PGWord Count: 651Summary: Leonard thinks about how he feels about Sheldon, and something happens. Title: Sucker Punchby clumsyghostPairing: Leonard/Sheldon pre-slash, mention of Leonard/Penny canonRating: PG / PG-13Word Count: 2, 391Prompt from ANON: Okay, honestly, The Guitarist Amplification upset me, but at the same time, I kinda want fic. Not only do I not own the characters, I do not own the music lyrics, nor the plot idea.Summary: For yummysubculture , based on her Fanmix post. This masterlist is a compilation of every Shelnard fic that exists outside AO3. Updated on May 2nd, 2022, by Lynn Gibbs:Sheldon Cooper and Penny Hofstadter are the thickest friends inThe Big Bang Theory. Jim Pasons' performance onTBBT as Sheldon Cooper was one of the greats. AU but with instances from the show. Title: The Sexual Assumption by emerald_jessRating: NC-17Word Count: 1,523Summary: Leonard is sick of his friends attitude towards sex, and decides to change it. While they're opposites, there's no denying the pair's tight-knit bond. The Big Bang Theory Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. A professional writer and editor with 18+ years of experience, Christine, now a freelance writer/editor, is a self-professed TV fanatic with tastes that vary considerably from comedies to dramas, sci-fi, and more. Penny's care for Sheldon came from a protective place. A victorious smirk started on her face, but Sheldon's expression changed. This is a time for heros!..but also villains. It is also revealed that they stopped visiting due to Michael being too busy, and Daniel and Sheldon becoming each other's mortal enemies, Kurt, Dennis Kim, Dennis's girlfriend Emma, Eric Gablehauser, Mrs. Fowler, Priya Koothrappali, Missy Cooper, Mrs. Rostenkowski, Jeanie, Eric from "The Locomotive Manipulation" (S7E15), Zack Johnson, Alex Jensen, Josh Wolowitz, Dr. Hofstadter (Leonard's father), Dr. Gallo, Dave Gibbs, Leslie Winkle, Meemaw, Leonard's brother and sister, Leonard's brother's fiance or now-wife (The NJ judge mentioned in "The Maternal Congruence"), Leonard's sister's husband, Sheldon's brother, Missy's husband and son, Sheldon's father (in a flashback since he died before the show started), Sheldon's brother's "whore" girlfriend (Mentioned in "The Matrimonial Momentum"), Bernadette's 5 siblings and her nephews/nieces, Penny's mother, sister, brother, Penny's sister's shot husband (I hope he's not dead), Penny's nephew, Sam Wolowitz, Raj's other sister and 3 brothers, Josh's mother/Howard's stepmother/Sam's second wife, Leonard's other brother (new character introduction). Work Search: It's soon discovered that they previously visited frequently (including helping Leonard get settled in when he first move in), and the reason why they no longer visit is due to Michael's busy schedule and the major animosity between Sheldon and Daniel. Sheldon has been doing research on friendship and explains to Leonard where he falls in a certain category. As a 21 year old, college in England has been hard for y/n. He has no idea that Soprana is the one changing from Man to Woman with its powers. He gave a breathy laugh. Bernadette tastes, "You will never know what it's like, I have blood type B positive, you have AB positive!" Leonard and Penny find out that Sheldon ruined their wedding through the TV and what he did that ruined it and get really mad at him, but Penny also finds out that Howard and Bernadette knew all along about Leonard's accidental indiscretion. No one is absolved of fault, not even heroes. During Vexus last stand, it cost her and Britt Crust their lives, until they were recovered from the rubble, where their lives changed exponentially. Title: Appendicitisby PhelpsgirlxxxRating: PG-13Word Count:1,816Summary: When Sheldon comes home from work and finds Leonard passed out on the floor, he realises he really would miss Leonard if something was to happen. Meet Amelia Wilkins - a scientist who has spent her life looking up at the stars. Sheldon says that it was nice to see her again where as Penny is confused.I was under the influence of alcohol while writing some of this, so I hope it isn't that bad writing. After running into Sheldon and then Penny in the laundry room one night, she gets invited to meet the gang. Jenny gets a new role in this new world I've created around them and their friends. Established relationship. I hope you all enjoy the rewrite. Sheldon's Sick - If only Penny had remembered what "Code Milky-Green" meant. Sheldon and Penny grew from each other, learned from each other, and were there for one another when they needed it. Sheldon gets launched into space, but luckily he returns home. This is a Work in ProgressSheldon Cooper; Child Prodigy, Physicist, all around genius. The two lifted each other up, even if sometimes egging each other on to do dumb things (like crashing a friend's date). These characters should also return/appear and these things should also happen in future episodes: The Guys and Girls have encountered new problems: Bernadette is pregnant but had developed fatalfetal problems, Shamy gets pregnant, and all of them have to deal with an alien internet king who wants to put them in excellent light to the public. All it takes for Sheldons carefully constructed persona to start falling apart is the appearance of a singular female from his past. "Indeed, Penny. Young Missy's favorite TV show is "Blossom." When she moves to Pasadena for work, she sets her eyes on Sheldon, makes the group more than uncomfortable and opens up her and Penny's past for all to see. What could they possibly want? Title: 3 clumsyghostPairing: Leonard/Penny, Sheldon/Leonard, mention of Howard/BernadetteRating: PG?Word Count: 5,479 + 224Warnings: Character death, OC.Summary: Five years after the death of his wife, Leonard is reluctant to move on. As a hero, Jenny has dealt with a lot. And he eventually does and she accepts! How has this happened? Jenny has been the victim of bullying. An au of seasons 1-4 of digimon that takes place in the united states. In the end, theyll get to where they need to be. PROTECT. Knowing this, when they did get together it was totally for selfless reasons, even if it didn't always seem that way. May the Sopran be with you.New character: Leonard's long-lost brother. A series retelling starting from the first episode. When they wake up the next morning, Sheldon discovers Charlie in his room and starts to scream, Berta and Jake are found by Leonard and Penny in their hotel room, Alan and Walden are at Raj and Bert's place. Harley and Penny have been friends since childhood. Title: It All Started With a Turn of the Head by tanakahalRating: PG-13Word Count: 9,708Warnings: INCOMPLETESummary: Something happened that night. Feel free to request! Title: July Fourthby clumsyghostRating: PG / PG-13Word Count: 1,000Warnings: Established relationship, fluffSummary: Sheldon and Leonard spend the Fourth of July in Texas. Smut-free prompt (unless you want to MAKE it smutty) Wherein Leonard catches sight of what Sheldon tries so hard to hide. Almost preslash, its so innocent. Penny was the only other person Sheldon allowed to sing the sacred song "Soft Kitty" to him when he was sick. Leonard had no idea that he'd been out-maneuvered, and might not believe it if it were pointed out to him. Sheldon's logical mind couldn't comprehend how his own underpants, something he had put on everyday without thinking twice about, could become an instrument of torture. Sheldon and Amy announce their engagement to the rest of the gang, making all of them ecstatic and later everyone meet up with the former's friend Eric whom he met on the train on Valentine's Day and everyone decides to throw an engagement party for Shamy. Dont take your scientific advice from a Bus. Bernadette is rushed to the hospital and she gives birth to a twin boy and girl. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. The Cocoa Effect by Salmonpuff. When Sheldon is forced to cohabitate with Penny, he makes a surprising observation. Updated on May 2nd, 2022, by Lynn Gibbs: Sheldon Cooper and Penny Hofstadter are the thickest friends in The Big Bang Theory . He paid no mind to other pop culture, outward appearances, partying, or drinking. Stuart also meets Herb in his Comic Book Store. Leslie hooks up with Kripke, brought together by their mutual loathing of Sheldon. Title: The TARDIS Interventionby clumsyghostFandom: The Big Bang Theory / Doctor WhoRating: PGWord Count: 1,781Warnings: Humor, fluff, crossoverSummary: Sheldon and Leonard discover a TARDIS. a new girl in Caltech with a higher IQ than Sheldon Cooper?An impossibility has now been attained, and Mr Cooper and the gang are having a hard time adjusting. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (5), Sheldon Cooper/Original Female Character(s) (17), Bernadette Rostenkowski/Howard Wolowitz (6), Rajesh Koothrappali/Original Female Character (3), Amy Farrah Fowler/Rajesh Koothrappali (1), Howard Wolowitz/Original Female Character (1), Leonard Hofstadter/Priya Koothrappali (1), Sheldon Cooper/Original Female Character(s), I Wrote This While Listening to Ed Sheeran's Music, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Rajesh Koothrappali/Original Female Character, Rajesh Koothrappali/Lucy (Big Bang Theory). After so much attention on Sheldon, this is a story full of all the adventures and drama that meets Missy Cooper as she grows up. Title: Wish You Were Here by InnocentSmile97Rating: GWord Count: 2,937Summary: Sheldons away from home and gets an odd feeling about someone. Penny wonders where he life would be if she had never moved into the apartment across from the guys in this alternate reality scenario. Although the focus of the show was on Sheldon and Leonard's life with their friends, science experiments, and relationships, the bond between Sheldon and his neighbor Penny stole the show. Penny, on the other hand, was a party girl who had the wine flowing every night. It wouldn't be surprising if Sheldon wrote a book on life lessons inTBBTbecause he truly felt that his way of life was the only way. Hes kinky??? Young Sheldon Cooper's arrogance and male chauvinism proves to be his undoing, when he transfers to an all Women's College, and the student body in an isolated location, starved for male attention and company, turn the boy genius into their sex slave plaything boytoy. Running from her past and forcing a new life upon herself isn't as easy as she hoped it would be when she moved to Pasadena, California. Sheldon Cooper Penny (Big Bang Theory) Leonard Hofstadter Howard Wolowitz Rajesh Koothrappali Mary Cooper (Big Bang Theory) George Cooper Sr. Meemaw (Big Bang Theory) George Cooper Jr. Missy Cooper Wyatt (Big Bang Theory) Susan (Big Bang Theory) Lisa (Big Bang Theory) Original Characters Beverly Hofstadter Valerie Mossbacher Bernadette Rostenkowski by clumsyghostRating: NC-17 for graphic smut. "Well, I better be going. The focus of The Big Bang Theory was initially the friendship between Leonard and Sheldon, who worked and lived together. Sheldon, however, is more than ready. He finds an old Myspace page of Sopranaflaterson, where he reads all the information, powers, behaviours, and gender misconceptions to find that his friends are in trouble because of this. I Takes place season 7 episode 1: Penny and Sheldon call Leonard and find out he's cheating on her. Everyone always puts up with Sheldon, gives into his every wish and whim. When they wake up the next morning, Sheldon discovers Charlie in his room and starts to scream, Berta and Jake are found by Leonard and Penny in their hotel room, Alan and Walden are at Raj and Bert's place.