Hey Apollonia, I have a question could use your insight and your viewpoint on a situation im currently dealing with. Wishing you the best We love a strong man that can hold his own at the end of the day. She suffers from anxiety and I havent helped with being snappy, clingy and needy recently due to some developments that turned me into a momentary wuss. I tried sending an email but it brought up failure to send to domain. She says she see everything she needs within me but she is clouded by the fact that I have a smaller child that is 2 yrs old. I am a full time student who studies alot and works 2 days a week. Wonder if I should text her back, or ignore it? When she figures it out you will still be there but in the meantime look for something better. We work at the same place and will inevitably see each other regardless if we are together or not. Some may need a few weeks, while others may need a few months. Variables like how long she was in that relationship and how serious it was for her will make a big difference. We would even have mini movie nights with our dog and eat popcorn. Can you help?. Thank you for contacting us, That was the only one I sent and will send unless she initiates, I just felt like a jerk for not responding in the first place after she asked for space. Is there hope? Please help, I was in a 6 year relationship with someone and I ended it. I am still very into her and want to try working things out with her. She did ask me to plan the trip to meet her family, but she would let me know few days before the trip if she wants me to come meet them. How can I win her back again but also give her the time we both need to heal & increase the love so that this never happens again? I expressed to her about not showing affection and the fact that I never hardly get to see her. Dont misinterpret that, but when she spends more time with her friends and less time with you, then this is something to be aware of. Funny how when I busted her lieing cheating ass getting out of some other dudes car at the bar you should of seen her face. https://www.apolloniaponti.co/she-needs-space, https://www.apolloniaponti.com/private-coaching/, https://www.apolloniaponti.com/private-coaching-2/, https://www.apolloniaponti.com/how-to-get-my-husband-to-notice-me-4-important-tips/, https://www.apolloniaponti.com/what-women-find-attractive-17-traits-everything-you-need-to-know/, https://www.apolloniaponti.com/i-need-space/, https://www.apolloniaponti.com/OvercomeNeedinessSeminar, https://www.apolloniaponti.com/masteryourconfidence, https://www.apolloniaponti.com/private-coaching-2-2/, https://www.apolloniaponti.com/how-to-love-yourself-again/, https://www.apolloniaponti.co/neediness-seminar-nai, https://www.apolloniaponti.co/neediness-seminar-nai28405071, https://www.apolloniaponti.com/abundance-mentality/, https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/write-your-legend/id1456127373?i=1000489100388, https://www.facebook.com/apollonialovecoach/. How do I ask if theres no chance of a romantic relationship once everything has settled for her? https://www.apolloniaponti.com/private-coaching/ My question is why does she call you a bad person? She stated that when I come down we needed to go to relationship counseling and I agreed to it. We actually hungout about two weeks ago and she was a little bit cold and distant, but we basically did the exact same stuff that we used to do like hold hands, talk a lot, and I gave her Valentines gifts and kissed her. Then got the needs space text. I understand how confusing this is and Im sorry to hear about your current situation. I dont wanna be questioning but I need to find out what this is especially because Im planning on making it official soon! She put effort than suddenly backed off. I responded both times with short answers. Get hobbies, make time with friends. My girlfriend and I dated during our separation from our spouses for 2 years. I did promise her one day she would be my wife and as time went on I was failing to recognize her signs of our relationship failing. I know she isnt seeing anyone else and this was completely out of the blue for me. Best, I just wanted to bring across my situation to you, hope you can get something back to me or at least make a video about it because I cant seem to find any videos exclusive to my situation. My girlfriend and I have been together for almost 3 years and weve had our ups and downs (I broke up with her for 6 weeks about 2 years ago because we didnt seem happy like we used to). I agreed with her and said Im here for her whatever happens and all, I think the best is to be supportive? 1. Hope this helps! I asked if she wants to break up and she said dont put words in my mouth, I just asking for time and I do care about you. I convinced her for another opportunity as just got off . Thank you for taking the time to read When She says she needs space. https://www.apolloniaponti.com/private-coaching-2/ Thanks to you Im not going to rush down there and save our relationship by any means. its just hard to play it cool 24/7. My question is why did you continue dating her if there was another man? Spending time together will not make a person always fall more especially if its not reciprocated. I subscribed to your channel on YouTube months and have seen lots of your videos. She said she loves me but confused about me.then we had some short arguments. I love my ex so much and we are amazing together and both agree we have something truly unique, wonderful and give each other happiness. This had upset me that she was still friends and I told her she was basically keeping her options open. So, enjoy a couple of days of solitude. So now after we had a talk few days ago, instead of breaking up she said we should take a break and give her space to think about her feelings for the next 7 days. ), then she went from spending a day or two back at her place to we need a break for a week or two. The biggest advice that I can give you, and this is truly important, is to focus on YOU right now. I would step back and let her come to you. https://www.apolloniaponti.com/private-coaching/. Does this help? I understand that you care about her and you love her but its also important to put yourself first and not be at every waking call that she says to come you come. Overall, the biggest thing is if she wants space, give her that space. Youll get the attraction back when you love yourself and find your values and know your worth. She said I was perfect and everything she looking for in a man and she wishes we could have worked out. In the meantime, Ill continue reading those self-help relationship books I shelved when I met this woman. We have been dating for a couple months now and although we do argue I thought everything was okay. Ive been listening to your channels for a long time now and I find your advice very impactfull, Im truly grateful for the opportunity to tap in. Hi Team Apollonia, Thank you so much for reading When She Says She Needs Space, heres what to do! Great advice thanks for all your replies. Im extrovert so I need to ask about this a good soul :). And my sudden neediness. Now my question is for how long i wait ? Iam available for her all the time . Focus on your life and finding your own inner happiness. When we do come back to talk, focusing on what we have now instead of future plans of marriage. she messaged the next day on how i couldnt be showing up like that and i scared her. She thought that was the best idea and might work. I just sent a response with good night and I love you and have not contacted her since..Giving her time. Unfortunately, that isnt always the right way to look at love. Or I should text her first ? Now that broke me apart, I fought and fought and fought to get her back and eventually it worked as of April 2021 but the relationship was never the same. Most guys are unable to do this. Can u help me with that? Days go by and I decide to ask her out and she said yes. What should I do during seperation Apollonia. Best, We argue all the time. Thank you for taking the time to read When she says she needs space. I just dont know if Im doing the right thing to win her back since Im the one that drove her away and made her insecure. Im so sad right now. Which caused our communications issues and lead to this but there was no fighting, rarely any disagreements. After she read that, she hasnt spoken to me ever since and I asked her the day later if she needed space and she said yes. Hey, She told me that she still loves me but shes not in love with me atm and she said if she does come back she wants to be the one who puts in the effort to win me back https://www.apolloniaponti.com/private-coaching/. I do not get included in things anymore. Do I contact her every few hours or so? Her and I had a heart to heart convo the other day and it eventually led to both of us unsure of what we both wanted in the relationship now. My Girlfriend for just under a year has asked to be on her own, we were very much in love but circumstances changed a few months back and I had to move back with my parents so was going round to her shared accommodation with flat mates. I have a question me and my wife been together for 15 years Married for 6 years I caught her having a emotional affair with a ex that is locked up for 40 years and I put her out after I put her out there was no contact for a few days because she was calling me and I was ignoring her so she came knocking on our door I let her in and we was talking and she said she was trying to fix the relationship we going on our third week now she havent came back home but she calls 6 to 7 times every day and we have a 16 month daughter she said she was doing what she was doing because she felt I was treating her bed and she said she wanted me to feel her pain and I dont understand where she coming from with this I know we had a problem because when my daughter was born I am a truck driver and I went to go sleep in the other room and we agreed today and I will come in on the weekends but I continue to stay in the other room and I Houma another bargain and she got mad with me NFL does do I was lying to her and I didnt want to come in a room with her and this one on a half until Ive caught her on the phone talking to the guy from jail so now she act like she not in no Harry to cone back home talking about she dont feel comfortable But since this happened she have been over to stay the night three times has sex with her once so how you dont feel comfortable if you to been over and slept with me in the bed with nothing in that time and now I am to the point where I am tired of playing this game I told her the other day either she come back home and we go to marriage counseling and try to fix this or were not because when I told it is its like she never responded she danced around what I was saying and then we supposed to go out this week so I dont understand what she doing at this point and right now I just feel like i am ready to cut off all contact and deal with her mother far as my daughter just dont understand her angle right now if you dont want to be married why keep calling 5 to 7 times a day checking up on me and get mad if I dont answer when she call, Hey Devonta. Im sorry shes sick and I know this is incredibly hard. Honestly, weve been through a lot, last night she said that Hi Apollonia, The rest of the week I was very paranoid as she would not promise me she wouldnt go and hookup with other people. At first we didnt bring in her family into the story, even bought a little house together (paid by both) to meet up weekends. Hi Dyl, I know in last one year i kind of forget about my passion as all the time i used to think about her because we only used to meet twice a month. When she sat down and told me that she doesnt think we are going to work, she started crying. I asked her if she was breaking up with me and she said no. She says we are not breaking up just on a break. She has been feeling she needed to take time to herself. WebWhen a girl says she needs space it can be forever. You guys will find your balance again and shell feel more settled and in acceptance of whats happening soon and you guys can just pace through this. She recently 3 days ago said she needs space. The question is, how do i play it on Friday? Im really sorry to hear about this! Her dad died last August and since then our relationship went downhill. Focusing on myself during this week and a half so I may become a more confident version of myself. I would always kiss and hug her in the morning before work. 1 of our own and I took on 2 bonus kids. Right now, I believe not bringing this up and focusing more on you will be the key to getting her back. I am so glad you enjoyed the articles! I am going into depression day by day. Best, It's egotistical and manipulative behavior in order to get your partner to apologize, chase you, WebTheres nothing in female psychology that says if you give her space shell just forget about you. This time was huge and I really let her down. Hello Dustin, The moment the both of you talk or see eachother again. Seems quite disrespectful for her to say she has options with a sugar daddy seems to me she has a lot of control of this relationship. We have daed with this girl for about five years now but lately she has been telling me that I need to put my things inorder be positive about life because I just lost my job late last year. If you have shown her that you can be a good provider, a kind listener, and a partner who lovingly wants to support her in her life, and she doesnt recognize how good you would be for her in her life, then shes too bloody stupid to be wasting your time with. She said that she needed some space and did not tell what is the problem so i gave her some space after 10 days she reached out telling me hey , i answered but she did not answer, after two days i told her if she had any problems This really confuses me as I do not know if she wants help or not as she comes to me in many cases. Will she end up coming back to me? But before we go into this, I think its important for me to state one thing. You want to live happily ever after and have a wonderful life! Anyway after she hearing all I can offer she decided to go back to her country to think. I know how difficult this can be to deal with but I highly suggest you book a coaching call with me since my time is very limited and we can dive further into this. I didnt understand and i feel like i was she choose a junkie over me. we dont know), but Im having a hard time with the possibility that I may never hear from her again because of what we did, at the wrong time, and if im now associated with that negative memory. I really believe you will highly benefit from a coaching session before you meet with her. Hey TM, But Im still scared that maybe she doesnt want this relationship anymore and is just asking for a space to slowly wean out the relationship. She said lets have coffee hang out and talk. We then linked back up twice and after her realizing how much she forgot how I treated her (queen). What should i do to make her contact me. You can book a coaching call using this link, She said that she hasnt been happy even before Miami but never said anything to me until now. Best, Any advice would be greatly received as i feel like Ive lost a wife not a friend! If youre too needy, she feels responsible for your emotions, and shell back away because its too much pressure. Something happened that made her disconnected from you. I felt that was respectful to say and have left her alone since. During this time frame she did meet a guy and they have gone on a few dates together. Im 53, married. Should i give her 1 week and call her to explain what is going happen and fix it? Secondly, she is mentioning that this relationship is not healthy. Best, I do think that I can help you but we need more information. Please reach out to me here to schedule a private coaching session https://www.apolloniaponti.com/private-coaching-2/ if you have any questions please feel free to comment back. Hello Apollonia , We just celebrated our anniversary last month. Customer Service Phone Number - 424 239 4800. She got out of 5 year relationship last October. Needless to say we didnt have sex there as her daughter slept with us. I asked her if there was anything we could do to fix it she said she didnt know. However, I dont know how to proceed. Im not sure what I should do to save it but Im not sure if we actually broke up or just on a break. Pull back. Please contact me with a session here. Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse that can have long-term consequences for the victim. I am trying to get another and possibly better job in another bigger city close by. So was like why now, and she was clear with her decision, but later added that you can just pay me the money but wont ask you to. Two weeks ago, she told me on the phone that she had this feeling of wanting to disappear and withdraw, and I told her that thats fine and that Id be waiting for her to come back when shes ready. I told her two days later I realized things got to crowded and overwhelming. The only thing we can do is keep showing up for ourself and working on our own happiness and life and let other SEE it. We ran into each other once and she was very happy to see me. I find parts that resonate but I get caught in a rabbit hole and confused on whether certain things apply. I tell her to broke up if thats what she want but she refused and tells me that she need time to think maybe shes wrong. I love her so much and want to be with her and only her, she just recently called and told me she needs space I respected this and we came up with an agreement of us texting eachother good morning babe, goodnight babe, I asked her how her day was and she called and said she needed a break, it was an emotional phone call between the both of us and it ended with her saying that it isnt me, she just needs time, and that she loves me and will call when she is ready. My best friend started to fall in love with me shortly after and I fell for her. So youre right, just giving it space for things to calm down is perfect. So I started to seek external validation. Balance your emotions out and find some happiness in the process of you being alone. Hi my girlfriend told me she needed space after 3 years and it was a very sudden thing. The final weekend we spent together she had become distant that following Monday. There is nothing more attractive to a woman than a man understanding precisely what she wants and needs. Think about the relationship right now. Apollonia. WebWhen she says she needs space, you need to be able to understand the core reasons of why she is saying that in order for you to naturally understand how to give her space the right Nate, Tip # 4 Setting boundaries. Im stuck in this hotel cause I have no where to go or do. On our date we talk about everything. Hi Timothy. This is something that takes strength, time, and focus. It broke my heart and I admit I got upset. So when she started to pull away I thought it was bc of her depression. But then after a counseling session she told me she needed some space to process her feelings/emotions. But Id rather her in my life than not. Hey Natasha, Thank you for taking the time to read when she says she needs space. Apollonia, Hi Apollonia, Idk why she hasnt messaged me Pull way back and start focusing back on yourself because it sounds like you might have started to lose yourself in this relationship. Our relationship is not a dating one, but more like a married couple, we have been living together for a long time and have children together. Its really about how youre both working through the emotions that surge up. I admittedly didnt handle that well and started to panic that first day and begged her to call me. I really hope you find the time to reply to this I have a feeling she Pershing her feeling from the talk before Christmas but why would she say shes so comfortable with me and willing to share anything with me to only counter dictate her own words. Hi there, And we instantly had amazing chemistry and a connection that I cant really explain in words Is it still a friends with benefits? She explained that it had to do with her ex that she is still hurt and need to get herself together before anything. I plan on giving her space that she needs, but what if she forgets about me? Picking up on this the following day or so I asked her if we were Ok and if she was withdrawing and she stated Yes, I am withdrawing, Ive also been busy. I know right now is a difficult time but patience is going to be your best friend during this process. In order to figure out the sweet spot between constantly texting her and completely leaving her alone, I would recommend speaking to one of our coaches who are better equipped to give you solid advice. Women need that. I have recently reconnected with someone from 11years ago who we both discovered had strong mutual feelings for but never acted on. When a girl says she needs space Here is the bigger picture of this all. Hi Chris. She said this break has been good for her so far but she is happy we are talking again. Apollonia, Hi so Ive been dating this girl for just over 4 months, the first 3 months we had a ton of contact, these past 2 weeks tho she has started to distance herself from me and not really talk about whats going on, she has been saying she wants to be alone lately but every time she does she ends up texting like 5 hours later just saying hi, by the end of the night like 10 she does have convos with me and she tells me some things abt her day, she says its been stressful managing school, family and other things, she said she feels alone sometimes and needs some time for her self, she did open up to me yesterday, her parents are divorced and are constantly fighting and wanting each other in jail and her brother has suicidal tendencies, she has been hanging with her friends a ton more, not going out but going to their house, she has been drinking a ton more and sometimes smoking weed a lot more, she never really used to do that, she has been feeling sick these past 2 weeks and lightheaded and I feel like its not really a cold just more from anxiety and stress, but overall I have given her more space and sometimes we talk abt whats going on with her but she kinda avoid the question, I did reassure her that I am always here, and I want to help her through these rough times and she said thank you, what do you think is going on, oh and she recently visited a guy friend and went to his house, she told me that theyre really only friends because she helped him through his tough time when he tried to hang himself, they used to date like 2 years ago for a couple of months, Im not really worried abt it I just wanna know if thats normal, Im just confused and wanna know what to do. Keep balance. She got very irritated and basically said FYI Im going there to help my mom food shop and when did you ever tell sit and have a talk with me and say you wanted to get together officially? She saw it but ignored me. Hope this helps and hope to hear from you soon! I just dont want to lose her and maybe i will tell her how i feel because trust me shes so different from all the other girls that ive talked to. Thanks! Another month goes by and I reached out again and said I hope everything is going well for at work and school. I have very strong feelings for her and invested so much in getting to know her and felt we were getting super close until this. If she wanted space I would give it to her and respect the fact she just needed some time alone sometimes. Think about how you will get your point across and still be present to her needs while staying true to the man you are. She suffers from severe depression and told me she was starting to feel depressed. Over the weekend she was supposed to join me for a movie and then the next day join me and my friends for my birthday celebration. what to do. Thank you for sharing this and Im sorry what you are going through is not easy for sure. She asked for space for a reason. Thats why she wanted to break up. During the conversation she told me that her last relationship was a nightmare. Oh she says she needs to lose some weight and I said in your own time when youre comfortable and you want to do it,, I am in good physical shape and she assures me im a handsome man and she is a goddess ,, weve never argued we have a great time together ,, once-in-a-lifetime two people meet ,,what do I do now,, Hi Lenny, However, everything felt how it did earlier in the year, as if someone said something. Apollonia. Katy Apollonias Assistant. Also, let some time pass before you send her flowers. Hi Bajunid. I like the girl a lot, have been there for her and she has been there for me. Many thanks. 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