When Eileen told her father that someone had stolen her new cell phone at school,he said that she should have known better than to take her phone to school. Basic Guiding Principals of Perception: (1) Your reactions to others are determined by your perceptions of them, not by who they really are, (2) Your self-perception also influences how you perceive others and how you act on your perceptions, (3) Your goals in a particular situation determine the amount and kinds of information you collect about others, and (4) In every situation, you evaluate people partly in terms of how you expect them to act. Hindsight bias, also known as the knew-it-all-along phenomenon or creeping determinism, is the common tendency for people to perceive past events as having been more predictable than they were.. People often believe that after an event has occurred, they would have predicted or perhaps even would have known with a high degree of certainty what the outcome of the event would have been before . c. in individualistic cultures, to explain the behavior of other people by attributing their behavior to internal, personal characteristics. Hindsight bias is the tendency, after an event has occurred, to overestimate one's ability to have foreseen or predicted the outcome. Define the concepts of bystander effect and diffusion of responsibility, and explain how these and other factors decrease the likelihood of a bystander coming to the aid of a stranger [played a role in the death of Kitty Genovese]: Factors that decrease the likelihood of a bystander coming to the aid of a stranger: (1) The presence of other people - In general, people are much more likely to help when they are alone. After a week of separation, the researchers arranged for the groups to meet in a series of competitive games. In every case, the teacher was reassured that the experimenter was responsible for the learner's well-being. Hindsight bias is the tendency: A) in individualistic cultures, to explain the behavior of other people by attributing their behavior to internal, personal characteristics. One form of in-group bias is called ethnocentrismthe belief that one's culture or ethnic group is superior to others. The three components are as follows: (1) a cognitive component: your thoughts and conclusions about a given topic or object, (2) an emotional or affective component, and (3) a behavioral component, in which attitudes are reflected in action. Could people be pressured by others into committing an immoral act or taking an action that violated their conscience, such as hurting a stranger? Second, the bystander effect seems to occur because each of us is motivated to some extent by the desire to behave in a socially acceptable way (normative social influence) and to appear correct (informational social influence). She was murdered in the middle of the street, with over 40 witnesses, and no one came to her rescue. Define social influence and conformity and discuss the findings of Solomon Asch's research on conformity: Social Influence is the psychological study of how our behavior is influenced by the social environment and other people. 151. The results of this survey showed: all the groups were wrong in their predictions. Sherif successfully demonstrated how hostility between groups could be created and, more important, how that hostility could be overcome. Our behavior is guided by social norms which are the "rules," or expectations, for appropriate behavior in a particular social situation. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A decision-making strategy that involves evaluating all of the options one characteristic at a time, starting with the most important, and discarding an option if it doesn't meet that criterion, is called the _____ model. [Focus on Neuroscience]: Explain the summary conclusions of the fMRI research of attractive faces displaying eye contact vs. non eye contact and how this perceived social interaction is processed in our brain: The conclusions were that when we make direct eye contact with a physically attractive person, it activates same brain areas that are involved in processing other types of pleasurable stimuli. Assuming that currency and deposits remain the same, what happens to the amount of excess reserves, the excess reserve ratio, the money supply, and the money multiplier? just-word hypothesis. Define altruism and prosocial behavior and explain the difference between these two concepts: Altruism is helping another person with no expectation of personal reward or benefit. The APA Dictionary of Psychology defines hindsight bias as "the tendency, after an event has occurred, to overestimate the extent to which the outcome could have been foreseen." Officials in the administration of the U.S. government announce that they are comfortable with a rising euro relative to the dollar. We tend to be more helpful when we're feeling guilty, (3) Seeing others who are willing to help, (4) Perceiving the other person as deserving help. It can happen in various situations such as sexual assault. And, sometimes we help others in order to gain something, such as recognition, rewards, increased self-esteem, or having the favor returned. Research has confirmed that knowing what to do and being physically capable of helping contributes greatly to the decision to help someone else, and (6) A personalized relationship. Factors that influence the likelihood of helping behavior: (1) The "feel good, do good" effect. This tendency is called the out-group homogeneity effect. "I know that Im unable to orgasm consistently, but its not your fault.". When she failed to get the contract in another situation, however, she said it was her fault for not trying hard enough. In other words, unintentionally categorizing people. Nadine's behavior best illustrates the importance of: When we want to be correct but are uncertain or doubt our own judgment, we may look to the group as a source of accurate information. How could harmony between the groups be established? First, the presence of other people creates a diffusion of responsibility. What is implied by stimulus generalization? Attraction. In-group bias is our tendency to make favorable, positive attributions for behaviors by members of our in-group and unfavorable, negative attributions for behaviors by members of out-groups. this example illustrates: When Yoshiko's hard work and ability landed a big contract for her company, she would not accept the credit, insisting it was pure luck. B) scapegoating. B)the tendency, after an event has occurred, to overestimate one's ability to have foreseen or predicted the outcome. "Ill make sure that you are always sexually satisfied."c. The innocent victim of a crime, disaster, or serious illness is blamed for having somehow caused the misfortune or for not having taken steps to prevent it. The fundamental attribution error plays a role in a common explanatory pattern called blaming the victim. after an event has occurred, there is a tendency to overestimate the ability to have predicted the outcome Attitudes learned tendency to evaluate objects, people, or issues in a particular way b. in collectivistic cultures to blame oneself for one's failures, while downplaying one's successes. Overconfidence bias is the tendency to overestimate one's knowledge and abilities. The results? Conformity is adjusting your opinions, judgments, or behavior so that it matches the opinions, judgments, or behavior of other people, or the norms of a social group or situation. f(t)=1+2cos[3(t3)]. When we're uncertain or doubt our own judgment, we may look to the group as a source of accurate information, which is called informational social influence. Hindsight is 20/20. The tendency, after an event has occurred to think the outcome was predictable. People who feel good, successful, happy, or fortunate are more likely to help others, (2) Feeling guilty. You can safely predict that: the results of the female-only study will probably be the same as the male-only study. Thinking in this way also helped reduce any cognitive dissonance the soldiers might have been experiencing by justifying the aggression. consistancy hindsight bias. Refers to feeing drawn to other people and having positive thoughts and feelings about them. D) the self-effacing bias. Listed are 29 ages for Academy Award-winning best actors in order from smallest to largest. The term "hindsight bias" is defined as "the tendency, after an event has occurred, to overestimate the extent to which the outcome could have been foreseen." Uploaded By beforemalone. Stereotypes are based on the assumption that people have certain characteristics because of their membership in a particular group. Blaming the victim reflects the belief that, because the world is just, the victim must have done something to deserve his or her fate. Being wise after the event: an investigation of hindsight bias. In general, the more familiar a person is, the more we tend to like them. Tendency after an event has occurred to overestimate ones ability to have forseeen or predicted the outcome. B) after an event has occurred to overestimate one's ability to have foreseen or predicted the outcome. In other words, once an event ha5 occurred, we are 0 out of 1 points A ) self - serving bias ; self - effacing bias. Because the detainees were presumed to be potential terrorists, the guards were led to believe that it was their duty to mistreat them in order to help extract useful information. The tendency to overestimate one's ability to have foreseen or predicted the outcome of an event after it has occurred is to _____ as the tendency to blame an innocent victim of misfortune for having somehow caused the problem is to _____. Meagan's behavior in this example illustrates: _____ is the social psychologist who is best known for his pioneering studies of conformity. a. a measure of central tendency Behaviorism was characterized by: a. the rejection of consciousness as a topic in psychology and a focus upon observable behavior b. a narrow focus upon the consciousness and conscious experience c. a focus upon the importance of free will, self-determination, and psychological growth The American social psychologist who is best known for his controversial series of studies investigating destructive obedience to an authority is: answer Stanley Milgram. This can lead to a false sense of confidence in our ability to predict future events. The text book defines _____ as behavior that is motivated by the desire to gain social acceptance and approval. The branch of psychology that studies how a person's thoughts, feelings, and behavior are influenced by the presence of other people and by the social and physical environment is called: Social psychology is a branch of psychology that focuses on a broad range of topics. Prosocial behavior is any behavior that helps another, whether the underlying motive is self-serving or selfless. As a result, the M1 money multiplier was below 1 for most of the time from October 2008 through 2011. a.the tendency, after an event has occurred, to overestimate one's ability to have foreseen or predicted the outcome. The hindsight bias refers to a cognitive error (bias) which are the human tendency to strongly claim about an event's prediction after the event has occurred. What was the question that Milgram wanted to study? The fact that human aggression varies widely from culture to culture most strongly, Comparisons of identical and fraternal twins highlight the impact of ________ on, The Y chromosome is the most well-known genetic marker identifying those who are, People who have low MAOA gene expression have been identified as those who are, The monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) gene, sometimes called the warrior gene, When a leader of a caged monkey colony became threatening, one small monkey, learned to push the control button, which reduced this behavior by activating the. True or False, which of the following attitudes is associated with taking responsibility for your own pleasure? Other researchers joined the effort to understand what factors influence a person's decision to help another. Identify and explain the factors in Mailgram's experiment that led to decreased levels of obedience: Conditions that Undermined Obedience: (High to Low) original study, experiment conducted in office building instead of university setting, teacher and learner in same room, teacher require to force learner's hand down on a "shock plate," experiment leaves laboratory and gives order the phone, experimenter leaves and ordinary man gives orders to continue, teacher observes two other teachers rebel and refuse to continue, and teacher free to choose shock level. Sherif and his colleagues studied a group of 11-year-old boys in a: a summer camp located at Robbers Cave State Park in Oklahoma. Stereotypes are closely related to another tendency in person perception. Because individualistic cultures tend to emphasize independence, self-expression, and standing out from the crowd, the whole notion of conformity tends to carry a negative connotation while it does not in collectivistic cultures.
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