Eros and Psyche were mythical lovers, and were brought together by fate. 5. Thanks. Lol! And does Amor conjunct Jupiter in Davison means the couple has overflowing love & kindness for each other? mine trines both of him, I would have to do the whole chart to use the word doomed, Love. I don't need anything from you, except to serve you. Eros and Psyche are natural mates. I would call this a surgical strike. Check out my article. They may still have physically satisfying sex, but the spiritual component will be missing, and that's on a whole different plane of existence. Thank you any way With Mars Conjunct Mars synastry aspect, both people understand each others anger and point of view. Also, his natal vertex is the same degree conjunct the composite sn and Chiron while my natal vertex is conjunct the composite moon, Venus, and POF. What would amor conjunct amor mean in synastry? 9. The asteroids conj the Moon would count as the moon is a personal planet. If a man had a very strong Bacchus, such as Bacchus conjunct the NN, I would not want this, as his life would be consumed with over the top sexual pursuits, which I would not want, myself. Are asteroids fast-moving bodies like the moon or angles, so depends on accurate birth time? This aspect brings a sense of comfort and familiarity, emotional understanding, and the potential for emotional healing. You would bring yourself as a victim to him, I think. Mars-Sun conjunctions, squares, and oppositions usually inspire a need to make the relationship physical and generate a sort of buzz of energy between the two people involved. My Alma conjunct his DC, and his Alma conjunct my Moon/Jupiter conjunction. But, any way, the dates are, if you like just a little to have a look: Juno will bring love and loyalty to the NN person, So with Adonis or Aphrodite, its the planet person/angel person that worship of the them? I had him arrested and got a restraining order AND had him permanently evicted from my house the same day.. It is a wise person imparting wisdom to another. At the beginning of this relationship, both people may feel magnetically drawn to each other and attracted to each other. Do you want that? Me and my friend have Moon trine Moon at a 9 degree orb. Very nice! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. L Nymphe would be similar to Bacchus but Nymphe may want numbers of people, as notches in his belt rather than over the top activities such as orgies. Isis is extreme devotion to the partner in the bravest, most selfless way possible. Sagittarius He is still somebody who is extremely important to my heart and still someone whom i would marry if presented the option. When we truly fall in love with someone, our child touches his child. She is also a feminine energy of love. She got mad at me and had me false arrested. Mars Square Mars Synastry aspect brings with it lots of volatility, fighting, and charged sexual energy. This is a truly excellent article. So fascinating!!! I have a question, but first want to mention Ive learned so much from your blog. Lilith is raw sexuality. I get them confusedRegistered: May 2014, Moon conjunct Uranus surprisingly is my runner up. Finding Jesus is all that really matters in life. My NN is conj her Union in Aq @ 0 deg 32 10 The story of Eros and Psyche is one of deep and transformative love, but their union was not devoid of hardship. In my natal chart also i have nesus conjunct with my vertex. He was born about 2 1/2 years before mewould this still count or no? My vertex also conjunct his sun. 7. Here we focus on indications of sexual attraction using Astrology as our tool. my vertex + eris + valentine + pholus + noth node and AC DC conjuncts with him. My Mars square his Sun I was 18 when we married and had no idea what I was doing. Is Boda conjunct Sun at 0 deg, a marriage aspect? mars will spark fire in ics most vulnerable spots. When your Psyche is conjunct someone's Moon, you feel an immediate empathy. Sun trine Sun is a real understanding of each other. if not for my thearapist, i would be in the river . Well, you really cannot isolate 2 aspects and a whole cake makeno one can, my Friend xoxo. The Isis person may save the life of the Vertex person, even. Psalm 91 is performed by Sons of Korah- such a beautiful and relevant song today! I would not want to see the Child asteroid conjunct any of the dark or angst filled asteroids. These two are very in tune with each others emotions, and very in tune with each others physical needs. Thanks. One would need to study the rest of the chart to see which it would, likely, be. Your Aura conj her vertex would make you very open to her perceptions i.e she could see yo as you are. Thank you so much for your kind words on my writing. Posts . Wren Sie so lieb und knnten sich die Asteroidenpaare anschauen. The rest would need a chart reading due to there being so many, Thanks a lot dear Ami! other things point to great benevolence and affection back and forth and fatedness.. hes married to someone else and.. so its not possible but . Moon Mars Synastry: In synastry, this is another sign of true sexual compatibility. I. Pallasthis is a tribal elders form of wisdom. The capricorn conj. Trines generate some physical attraction, but of a more pleasant kind. Thank you I! At any rate,we can look at your charts or talk on here and Welcome . Click As the asteroid of nurturing and caring for others, Ceres can be important. Also, people will come to both of you that are fated. His Boda square my Eros You may be fated to marry. 5 degrees would be more ambient, but felt. Moon trine Moon, Moon sextile Moon, Moon conjunct Moon. I kinda don't want to look. Thank you El and Welcome. Here, mars is hindered and unable to get out its aggression, and neither partner is willing to bring up the issues that they are having in the relationship. I'm not sure how else to describe it. The pic is too small. The opposition and square would have the attraction but the element of fighting, but it would be fighting with that sexual edge. If you have time , How about simplify the question to two planets. You are very welcome! beyond Sun Signs. Her NN is conj my Union in Sag @ 0 deg 19 5 should be very compelling and not something you will ever forget. Mars opposite Eros Venus trine Eros Mars trine Eros/Psyche/bml/Asc Eros/Psyche conjunct Pholus/Valentine Valentine conjunct Pluto Pluto conjunct Juno Lust opposite Lust Priapus sq Bml/Eros/Psyche/Asc Priapus sq Moon Venus/Mars double whammy sq and opposite Mars opposite Pluto priapus trine venus Pluto sq Lust. I am a newbie in astrology and I am really glad I found your site. For example, I would not like to see one persons Child asteroid conjunct the Nessus asteroid of the other. My friend showed me how to make one and mine shows up in most places but not here, for some odd reason. D. Valentineperhaps the truest form of love. Intermediate and advanced students of Astrology might enjoy our article, SoulMate Astrology. Psyche - Mars and Eros -Venus . Hi AmiAnn, What is your take on Valentine conjunct the Vertex in synastry . However, I may be wrong lol. So, is there any chance ? and im not interested in cake. 10. Venus-Uranus conjunctions and squares can generate so much interest to the point of enthrallment, and often result in sexual activity between people before they know each other well. His Pluto opposite my Eros Thank you. Thank you. In synastry, we can see if the goals line up or are averse. This drive can work together and create a flow in the relationship that pushes them forward rather than holding them back. If one person's Sun is conjunct Saturn and the other persons Eros is opposite Pluto, the contact will be quite different than if the Sun was conjunct Jupiter and Eros opposite Venus. Aspects commonly found in the Synastry of Soulmates Double Whammy's (a double aspect: Moon sextile Venus // Venus trine Moon) Squares to the Nodes = Star-crossed lovers Conjunctions to the SouthNode = past life connection Neptune trine Chiron = unconditional love Pallas conjunct Pluto = strong psychic connection 7th ruler conjunct Amor = soulmates It was over the phone. Eros and Psyche were mythical lovers, and were brought together by fate. Thank you for your input and sharing your wisdom to help us all learn and grow. Hallo, The anti-vertex( the opposite point) shows that which you will bring to other people. His Cupido conjunct my Chiron The story of Eros and Psyche is one of deep and transformative love, but their union was not devoid of hardship. Posts: 379From: Edison, NJ, USARegistered: Aug 2019, Copyright 2000-2021 I love you and hope you write to me to say hello or to ask questions. Posts: 7119From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012, - his osc. Whatever the combination is of signs, it seems as though one person in a Mars Opposite Mars Synastry aspect becomes the aggressor, while the other sinks to the background. overlays my son's natal eros/psyche conjunction EXACTLY. Transformative and powerful relationship. A question please. IP: Logged. But in the end, sex with him made me feel icky. Both our vertex was activated the day we met. So his vertex exactly conjunct my sun at Cancer 5 and his Jupiter at Cancer 6. I think she was just talking, Tony. Was ist z.B. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. I want to learn more. The literal feeling of having your mind blown comes from the rise of Kundalini to the 7th/crown chakra, and then beyond to the higher chakras outside of the body. My past relationships have been nuts and every chick had a Venus conjunct or square my pluto (sometimes going both ways). Her venus conjuncts my uranus by 0.09 degrees Im not sure if thats the cause. Heh. Lots of astrologers think that we are. One cannot see you, though. However, if you want me to help you to find Jesus, that is why I am here. My second daughters Venus is exact conjunct my AntiVertex. A synastry can be a thing of beauty. Thank you for your insight! My Neptune conjuncted his S Node. I would not marry someone with this strong kind of Chiron aspect, my Friend. This is a very goal oriented aspect, and both people tend to understand each others individual and career goals. These are rather small aspects. With Mars Trine Mars Synastry Aspect, both partners feel understood, but not overly understood to the point where communicating is in vain. plus a bunch of other really, really nice (venus/mars/moon) stuff. Wow Thank you, Sonia. Thank you for publically sharing your knowledge so accessibly.
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