Woakhattimi, mulberry; (mint'quakin A) A.) Ngattummen, to leave behind, to bequeath; nga'ttammen, Alloquepi, hat; cap. Achewen, bushy; a bush, thicket (dub., A.). Mehukachoook, copper snake. A.) A.) Witalamuin, to cry with; to sing in company with. Uschewinaquot, painful. over another. Schashiwilawechgussin, to be put to grief. Lauchsoheen, to make live, to make walk, to cause to be Gelackelendam, Z., levity. Kschikan, knife; (pachschikan. done. Moschpekat, clear water. Machelemoachgenimgussowagan, the receiving of honor and Lawachtowagan, price, value. Ewenikia, who I am, Gangamattok, bad action, bad behavior; (out of use. Majawiechton, to do orderly, to do properly, to compare. Ta. Pitelaweminschi, honey locust tree. leanness. Nowoaktschochwen, to go a crooked road. A.) Nguttitehewagan, the being of one mind; unanimity. Pallikteminak, unfortunate, unlucky. Majawat, one, only one. Nianque, Z., a wild cat. Lekhiken, to write. Wonnessin, to forget. Haken, coal; (not in use. Glakelendam, to be merry, to make sport; (to be excited. Tschitanissowaoan, power, capability; strength. Zelozelos, A.) from pendamen, to hear, and means to continue to hear. Poquiechton, to break. Mengiechsu, a swan. Hempsigawan, Z., a tent. Undachlitti, a little this way. is too bad, it is inferior. Nipenachhen, summer hunt. A.) Awossin, to warm one's self. Allokuwagan. Kpahikan, stopper; a cover or lid. A.) Nawalan, to pursue somebody, to follow some one. Abtschinaluxin, to be afflicted, to be tormented to death. A.) from the drumming sound of his wings. Allemih'hillen, to pass by, to fly; (ellameh'hilan. Nolemutees, silk worm. Migun, quill; (miquin, a quill, miquinuk, Pemetonhen, to preach. Amementit, babe. Achgameu, broad, wide. for the rattles in ceremonies. Wipantin, to eat with each other. Mawunappin, to be assembled. A.) Tepilawechoussin, to be satisfied, to have received satisfaction. Lamowo, downward, slanting. or Delawares; (from min-achsin-ink, where the stones are Achquetahen, to shoot at a mark. A.) (Choi, a pelt. Tachpachihflla, in the afternoon. Ahoaltowagan, love. Putawen, to blow; (puta'tamen, to blow as in starting A.) Skaphakejeu, wet ground. Nag'atamen, to trust, to confide in, to rely upon. Wtenk, after, behind; thereon, thereafter; lastly, at Machtschihillen, spoiled, corrupted. Melanschpewagan, vomiting. Laptonasu, Z., commanded (bridled, held by the Nipen, summer. Pawalin, the corn blossom falls off. A.) Schingachpin, to be somewhere unwillingly. Anoschi, shoe-string. Muchigischunemin, to keep holy day. Mequit, bloody. Gintschtschinman, to send somebody; Tenktschechen, open; (burst open, broken open., A.) Wulelendamuwi, joyful, merry. See achquiwanis.) Wtappandewagan, advice, counsel, information. Wschacheu, slippery; smooth, glossy. Poquewachen, higher road. Nutschquehend, innocent sufferer, martyr. Yucke, Z., now; gischquik, to-day; -untschi, an assembly.) Maniton, to make; nin mattineto, Z., I make; has reached full age and the fibers hardened. Petixumnien, to dry. Wundenasik, where it is to be gotten from. Nachgihhilleu, it stops. Ceschiechsit, pure, holy ; (as above. Lawitpikat, midnight. Tukauwussowaaan, favor. Woatasik, known; (weitwistasik. Wuliwoatam, to know well, to be of good understanding. Nakewi, a little while. Mamchachwelendam, to suffer, to endure pain. Wuttoney, beard. of roasting ears.") Pachhamawo, Z., the wild red plum (pochgama.) (after negat.) Wentschikin, to descend, to grow out of. Peptukquekhikenk, compass; circle. prevaricate. Tschannauchsowagan, misbehavior, fault, trespass. Schauwewi, tired, weak, weakly. Mattelemuwi, despicable, contemptible. WapieIukquon, Z., hail; a hail stone. A.) Uchtuchen, Z., a bough, a branch. Achtschingiochwen, to venture to go. Niganit, the foremost. Muchomes, grandfather. A.) Elogamgussit, messenger. Melihasu, mattery, putrid. Tachanigeu, woody, full of wood. Wetschitschauquit, man; (ie., one who has a soul. Ngutti, one. A.) Winigischuch, snow month, November. frompquihilleu, it has a hole. Kittaptonen, to affirm, to assure. Pipinamoagan, an election (choosing of any kind. Ok, pl., oquak, Z, a moth (error; it means maggot. Mechek, great, large. probably an error for Wulachnummen, to loosen, to untie. referring Kiken, to mend in health, to grow better. Nawochgen, to follow. Hakihakan, field, plantation. Mattonheen, Z., to curse (to give bad words. to like to go. Mandomgussin, to be blamed. Wiwuniwi, round about. Petekhamman, to write to somebody. Gettemakitschitanengussin, to be a miserable slave. Wischiki, busily. ot even, allowi matta, let alone; -wsami, quite too. Wonanno, cheek. Lokenummen, to tear in pieces, to pull apart. Wuliechenummen, to take down; (this means to split into A. eating by crunching the grains, A.) Wuligischgu, fine day. word means tapering, pointed. Welilissit, pious person. Machtschilissowagan, sin. See mehittuk. -undachqui, here, hither, this way; -wuntschi, wonderful! Wiquajeu, the head of a creek. Mehowimi, raspberry; (wild black raspberry. Elgilen, as tall as, as big as. Allouchsit, strong, mighty. Guninschu, trough. Wingapue, oood, sweet broth. Amentschinsin, to praise, to give honor. Gunigischuk, daily. Wundanunxin, to be angry at, to be angry for something. Mboagan, death. to discern, to know. Simaquon, com stalk; (arch., A.) A.) Wewoatamowino, wise man. Alod, for, yet. my nail. Gelohittamen, to disbelieve. w' this word means relationship. A.) Aptatschin, to freeze to death. Pochenikan, drum. Getaam, Z., the hazel nut. Awonn, fog, mist. Colassu, Z., sweat by a bath. A.). Temahikan, axe, hatchet. Achginchen, to be quick of hearing. Pimiechton, to make slanting. form of the shell, A.) Wtscheet, sinew; (u'tschghet. Menenachkhasik, garden. A.) Gattopuin, to hunger, to be hungry. Papohhamen. A.) Kloltin, to quarrel, to contend; (to use bad words to nasty smelled. Schauwemi, beechwood. A.) Glikenikan, sumach. Wabiminschiaeu, exclamation of indignation. Wulissowagan, fineness, prettiness, beauty. A.) Pataman, to pray. Nischogunakat, two days ago, day before yesterday. A.) A.) Wunachquim, an acorn. Sekentek, length; (refers to the length of a house, room, A.) Ametschimi, often;-ne leep, there was more done. kettle.) A.) Eluwilissit, the most gracious one. Lawachto, worth, value. as in a room, etc. Wuntschijeyju, where he belongs to, from whence he is. Minschu, glad; (out of use. Nik, these, those. Assisquohen, to mix clay. Pilewiechgussin, to be cleansed, to be made pure. Gegepinquot, blind, a blind person. Assisquohasu, daubed with clay. Ndoniken, to seek. Machkewehhe Hachtikan, flag, banner. Nischinachke, twenty. Nquistook, my sons; an old form; modern form, n'quisak. Schachamek, eel; (w'schachamek, lit., it is a straight A.) Woasgejeu, thin. Hoh, exclamation of joy. Taan, where;-a undachqui, which the; -ha. Gachhachgik, wild bay. but,-atta, Tschitatiek, fast, strong. one who is scalped. in the ground. of machti-manitto. Wscheechachquall, chips, shavings. Metapewit, wicked man; (a thievish fellow. Lowan, winter. Waktscheu, crooked; (bent, warped. See luwunsuagan. Aptonaltin, to speak with each other. Only a few Lenape elders still speak their native Lenape language (also known as Unami .) other. Wulapan, fine morning. Nachwena, thereupon, after. Tschipisin, to have a fit, to get fits. Wineu, it snows. Tengandasuwi, pierced through. Gatschiechtowagan, mystery, secret. Niskandamen, to taste nasty. Petschihilleu, it draws near; he is coming on. Wtelli, thus, so. A.). Plitey, junk of fire, firebrand. Pkuschikan, auger, gimlet. Pachhalqueu, noon. inanimate, auwultu,pl.auwultol,) (from wulissu). Nauwaquepin, to hang down the head; (out of use; present Machtississu, bad, ugly; dirty looking. Dawamhican, Z., the jaw bone. Sipuos, wild plum; (doubtful. Lo! Mattameechen, cross roads; (where one road enters another, Ahochwalquot, hard going, difficult travelling. A.) Achgahikewagan, distribution, division. Saken, to shoot forth, to spring up. Wulacans, Z., a basin (a bowl. Machkalingus, sunfish. Welaquik, last evening, last night. Awullsittamsewagan, obedience. to warm the hands. Pachat, split; (pachhaque, to split. boat. Nipawin, to stand, to stand up. house mate. Schabuwihiheu, Z., diarrhea (lit., running through, Nutschi, at the first, at the beginning. Moschhakquat, clear weather. an error for w'halowes, bushy tail, which is the present Pisgeu, dark, night; (lit., it is dark. Schachachkatschimuin, to speak the truth. A.) A.) A.) ill flavored. A.) A.) Alahikan, a mark (to shoot at). Wikbi, Z., bast, the inner bark of trees. Pennauweleman, to consider about somebody. Wulamehelleu, it goes well, it goes gently. Pisgapamukquot, dusky, somewhat dark. Massipook, the river drifts ice. Natholan, to fetch somebody over in a canoe. Schita, either, or. Nihillowet, murderer. name of the animal. Eenhawachtowagen, payment, reward. Gischgu, day. A.) A.) Witauclisall, her brother's wife; (dub., it means living Tonktschechen, the door is open. Kotschemunk, out of doors, out of this place; without; Sachapiwak, lightning afar off. to greet. Lekhiket, writer. Tachquipuin, to hold a feast; -ahoaltuwi, to hold Amandamuwi, sensitive. (doubtful. Allogalgussin, to be sent. Dalaktschetechen, to fall and burst open. Amatschisowapasigan, the herb "colt's foot." Niskachgelunen, to lie abominably. Sapiu, it lightens. A.) Haki, earth ground. Maskequimin, swamp huckleberry. Papachgillintsch, the flat of the hand. Takindamen, to count, to read. out. Achsin, stone; pl., chotachsin. Gischikewagan, Z., procreation, reproduction. cricket; (tschelo'tschelos, an imitative word. Messikanelan, to hail. A.) They call themselves the Lenape Nolemelanden, sultry weather; (the word means somethin A.) Wulinamen, he likes it, it pleases him; (arch., A.) Mlizewagan, food, victuals, provision. Papabin, to play; (arch., A.) This project idea will enhance the lesson and be a visual reminder of how bravery can lead to great honor! A.) A.) A.) Guka, Z., mamma, mother. Nachgundin, to agree with one another. Wulapensowagan, blessing; (lit., the things which we enjoy, A.) Pachgelendan, Z. Awossagame, heaven; (lit., the place beyond or out of A.) Wilachkey, Z., male genitals. Lappilennin, to come together again, to be together again. Sankhikan, gun lock. A.) Wewundachqui, on both sides; opposite; wewundachqui'weu Ntitechquo, for, because. Pallalogasowaaan, crime, evil deed. Woachejekumin, to be light. ), Dachiquamen, Clammieche, Z, to lie still. Pisaeke, by night (last night. A.) Allowiwi, more, yet more, much more; rather; -mehek, here, petschi, till now; (yuch. Kihneu, sharp, biting, harsh, jealous; (means sharp, only. Achwilek, hard, troublesome time; achwileu, A, Gettemagelensi, to be humble. A.) Wewoatangik, wise men. Mbison, Z., bait; tamaquei mbison, beaver A.) Elemiechen, along the road. Gischquik, day. Kigischgotum, green grasshopper. The English mellik Mechmenahikeak, scum ladle. Nepe, I also; I too. Gegepchoat, the deaf; a deaf person. Eemhoanis, spoon. Oh! Naninga, a double plural termination denoting deceased Nanatschitaquik, those that have the care of some business. Wismi or Wiswi, Z., the gall. Tschetschpihilleu, split, split asunder, broken off, it Tatchittu, very little. Kikeyochqueu, elderly woman. winter. Apensoagan, Z., enjoyment, fruition. Wulattauwoapin, to have good sight. Hickachquon, shin; (w'ichkachquon, his shin bone. Achgunnan, to clothe somebody; (achgunha, A.) Wundchennewunk, westward. Gendowewuniwi gischquik, Sunday. Wuskelenape, young person. A.) A.) Allauwin, to hunt. Ndauwat, scarce, rare; rarely, seldom. Bambilenutey, pocket book. Allemewachton, to carry abroad. Mihillusin, to be aged. Gachpattejewink, toward the southeast. Eh! Wachtanquall, his brother-in-law. humility. Nihil'lan, to kill somebody. Wachschiechey, bird's nest; (wisawiamoe, wachschiechey, Wihoman, to make an offering to somebody. Woapange, tommorrow. Nischapachki, two hundred. A.) Hattawaniminschi, dogwood; (not now used. A.). Manasuagan, Z., jealousy (especially sexual jealousy. A.) Wilawi, rich, valuable, precious;(from wil, head Mesaquem, ear of corn. Chokquinen, to cough. A.) A.) Migopoquoak, taste. Kikechum, the mother (of beasts); (properly, a female Najundam, to carry a load. Nitis, friend, companion. Thuppeek, spring, well; (means simply cool water. Palenachtchapachki, five hundred. Bihilewen, to be hoarse. Petachgussin, to climb hither. A.) Ekih! Ahoaltowaganit, he that is love. water. Sachgachtoon, Z., to cook. Mechhanneck, large creek, large river. Unami, one of the 3 tribes of the Lenni Lenape or Delawares. Wipentin, to lie with each other, to sleep with one another. Wikinditschik, married people. Nalauwi, heedless. Nguttitehen, to be of one heart and mind, to agree. Wulalooewagan, good work. Ganschhittaquot, it makes a terrible noise. A.) Allowat, strong, mighty. A.) Wiechquepton, to tie around. Mechohakihan, old field. A.) Newowikan, four fathoms. Auchsu, (of beasts) wild, untractable; (of men) to the shells. A.) Lakenindewagan, accusation. Pschiki, Z. fine, pretty. Lachauwelendamoagan, concern. A.) etc. Soppinquen, to shut the eyes. Apipachgihhillen, to bud, to shoot forth. Ganschapuchk, big rock; (boulder. Pipinamen, to choose. Tachquahoakan, mortar, mill. term is gunhonque, tapering fish. Schengiechen, it lies. Pepguschikan, anger. Linxasu, melted. Wentschindewagan, call, invitation. leaves (of the trees) tum red (in the autumn). Gischachgeniman, to judge somebody. Popohham, to knock. Pidhitehemen, to cut one's self. Potatikan, pumpkin-stem pipe. Pakandhatton, to repair, to make whole.
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