A few things can be done to mitigate the effects of Mangal Dosha. Bank: HDFC Bank, Anna Nagar Branch, Chennai It is believed that those who had in previous lifetimes ill-treated their life partners would incur this dosha. Below you will see a table of the divisions. Live Astrologer consultation : Time : 4 AM Now you can find an analysis of married life and childbirth doshas and favorable planetary placements and results of kutas. This is also the case if the Venus of A conjuncts the Mars of B. Name : Mounika No, this is a primary method, as it uses only the Birth star and Birth sign. Mars in the 4th, or the 7th identical with Scorpio, Aries, Cancer or Capricorn. This marriage matching software is the only online tool that checks Vedha nakshatras and Kuja dosham. We use the latest technology to generate our reports, which makes them more reliable and user-friendly. A deva man can marry a deva or manusha woman. For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, Seeing Angel Number 1212: What Does It Mean? my name is ANIL CHARY my date of birth--11/03/1991 Western aspects of the girl and the boy are considered and cross-checked for the angle between the planets in their horoscopes concerning the other persons. After the analysis is made all the points are added up. If the number is 9 or more it is divided by 9 and we work with the remainder. The Mangal Dosha Calculator requests information about the user's sex, birth date, place, and time to analyze their birth chart and determine whether or not they have Mangal Dosha in their kundali. For some people, the presence of Manglik dosha can be the result of bad karma from the past life. This dosha leads to an abusive marriage, in terms of. I have a girl friend loving since couple of years and both of us parents accepted for our marriage. This Match Making software also checks the exceptions of Eka Nadi dosha and Rashikuta Dosha. For example if I have a partner who has a lot of planets that activate my eighth house it is very well possible that I experience her as confrontational. I also think that a 3/11 relationship can work very well. Click here to consult now, Is Mars badly placed in your birth chart? Thanks in advance, I don't have khuja dosha but my lover(boy) has khuja dosha we want to marry after 5yrs both of us are makara rasi can we marry and we can't live without each other. My DOB: 30-08-1991, 7:30 pm (friday) , guntur, Andhra pradesh. Please Suggest!!!!! However, authentic books on astrology give several rules of exception by which Kuja dosha can be considered nullified. Hi Vinay, When looking into your birth chart, it can be said that you are not having Sarpha Dosha, but in the boy chart-there is Sarpha Dosha with Ketu in the 1st house and Rahu in t he 7th house. anger, violence, aggression, competition, irritation, hot-temper, domination, conflicts, disaster, etc. An astrological situation when the planet Mars exists in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th house of a person's horoscope chart is commonly called as Mangal Dosha. Auspicious Marriage Muhurat Dates and Timing in 2023, Gemini Virgo Ascendants (Lagnas) and Marriage Problems, When one can go and settle aboard? place= tekkali,ap Vashya koota tells about the trust of the couple in each other. Dear Madam, Married 5 yrs bck and divorced within 3 months of marraige. Another approach is that if someone has afflictions in the chart you look for another person who has the same afflictions. 3. My name kanaka dob is 11 December 1992 and his name Sundresh his dob is 18 august 1992. You can proceed if you have strong desire because Kuja Dosha could be nullified with various kind of Vedic and Tantric Remedies. People whose horoscope is inflicted by this dosha are known as Manglik. Mahendra Kuta: The Nakshatra of the man should be 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22 or 25 Nakshatras away from the Nakshatra of the woman. Though remedy is not a solution, it can help to handle the situations with ease. If the man is in a higher category as the woman 1 point (which is the maximum) is given by this factor. He is having kuja dosham and all. , then it is advisable to marry as it is said to negate and balance the negative energies of this planet. I loved a person who doesn't have kuja dosha.but I have kuja dosha.pls that me how I can remove this kuja doshaI want to marry whom I loved one will u tell for me pariharampls. Mangal dosha or kuja dosha or chovva dosham is the combination in the birth chart or horoscope where Mars (also known as Mangal or Kuja) is placed in the 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house in the Ascendant. Pls kindly analysis and tell me if she have any dosha and what is the remedy for that.How her Marriage life will be. Please write to support@astroved.com so that we can check with our astrologer and provide you the required information. Remedies of Kuja Dosha People born under this dosha suffer many problems regarding marriage. My date of birth and time of birth are 01-12-1992 and 01:30pm. The name of the fast comes from the story of Satyavan and Savithri. Time: don't know exactly Rajju: This factor is used to measure the duration of married life. That means these Nakshatras are rather wild in making love. Onlinejyotish.com giving Vedic Astrology services from 2004. You can perform. with kind regards- P.C.Joshi from New Delhi. My wife date of birth 30-march-1991 time : 01:30 AM. My DOB 25.06.1985 @ 3.30 pm, may i know in which house i have kuja ? Thanks, Birth Date : August 18 ,1978 Please advice meI greatly appreciate your suggestions. What is the purpose you need the prayers,any current issues do you have. Hi Sree, When looking into the chart, it remains to be manglik for the modified date also with the same time. So, a mere checking of the position of Mars in the, In case a Kundli is identified with an inauspicious placement of Kuja that can lead to. DOB : 13-06-1990 Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Please suggest the remedies. Please suggest me please please please, Namaste, Time 11.05 AM. You can also know from these reports the best. please remedies for kuja dosha. Time:1.23pm This Kundali Matching service helps you to find the right partner based on your birth details. @3.44 PM.place Hindupur (andhrapradesh).I am willing to marry but for my fate all matches are missing without any reason. The horoscope guide will delivered within 7 working days. This is because Jupiter and Saturn are slow moving. Hi! Because of kuja dosha my parents are scared about death of mine. 09:57AM My DOB is 23-01-1993 A great tool for this is the so-called Sudarshan Chakra. The nature and period of impact of doshas vary from one another. Do I have any kind of dosha? 4. When both are enemies Graha Maitram is zero. Many famous people allegedly have Mangal Dosha in their birth chart, including Mahatma Gandhi, Adolf Hitler, and Saddam Hussein. also want to know whether i will be in india or abroad..? Source: dirah, Astrology and colours. For any kind of Kuja Dosha, please visit Lord Vaitheeswaran temple near Kumbakonam and Myladuthurai (south india), worship Lord Muruga (presiding deity of Kuja) and offer your prayers for both by lighting a ghee lamp, offering Archana for both would overcome from kuja dosha. My dob 8-11-1991 @ 4pm hyderabad andhra pradeshi want 2 marry a non mangalik boy and im mangalik. Keep in mind that this is just one factor. Time-05.05 PM, My 6sons date of birth is 28 June 1990 kindl see whether he has kuja dosha as I looking for a girl to him what should be the criteria in selection for his good feature, Hi. Place: karimnagar Hi, His dob and time of birth are 07-10-1992 and 09:17am. Time: 2.30 pm. Iam Lavanya. You can also compare the Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars in both charts. You need to test yourself Our tools/software may or may not show correct information do consider the second opinion with any other astrologers regarding stones before buying. Try Astro speaks today! Marriages are made in Heaven. Please find the link to order for the Live Astrologer consultations, Ask 3 questions services : I m mallika date of birth is 21-03-1989 early morning 5-45 am. For a detailed analysis, Talk to Astrologer. Accepting everything and facing the world together binds the couple in an inseparable . Katirajju: Bharani (2), Pushya (8), Purva Phalguni (11), Anuradha (17), Purva Ashadha (20), Uttara Bhadrapada (26). Please give me an answer as soon as possible.. Its urgent. Hence please suggest if kumbha vivaha has to be done immediately and is there any other solutions also. Marriage horoscope matching will be done online and porutham or marriage compatibility will be displayed as the result. New Year 2023 Prediction for the country and the world? For your Health, Wealth, and Prosperity, ?or not Hi, Im srinivasa rao my dob. Boy : DOB : 7-9-1987 Recently we come to know that, my wife having kuja dosa, here parent hide the matter before marriage, we have one baby girl recently, I love my wife very much. It creates the basic astrological design of his/her life and character. We have a team of experienced astrologers who can help you interpret your birth chart and make the necessary changes to improve your life. It is believed that a Manglik dosha individual should find a partner with Manglik dosha. I cant live without him. Whom he can marry. We offer highly accurate and personalized astrology reports. In case of any issues (bugs or miscalculations), you can report at our forum, If you are unable to find your birthplace, you can start the discussion mentioning the longitude and latitude details. Manglik dosha or Mangal (Kuja) dosha is much talked about topic in Indian society and manglik dosha analysis is the integral part of the horoscope matching process before marriage. Thanks & God Bless. Please help me. Finally, a Mangal Dosh Calculator can help you to make important decisions about your future. Dileep Could you please suggest us, What we need to do to control the effect and Please tells which hour it will come in the table. My first marriage resulted in divorce. Mam I have kuja hdosha the other one don't have any dosha..BT we want to marrypoojari said to go ganapathi Temple one week and keep 5types of dal to cow..and another poojari said to do Shanti Pooja..is they said crct r wrong..they said it cause damage to his life like death nd disturbances..if I'm not doing that Pooja.. Tell me mammy birth 23-6-1996his birth 04-12-1988 Namaste, & wat are the remedies to be followed for nullifying the same??? If it is being activated by her malefics it could be that she somehow limits or frustrates the way I would like to broaden my horizon (Oh no, you are again planning a trip to India?). Hi madam, i loved a boy he is having kuja dosha , parents are against kuja dosha , bt i cant live without her, some of them are telling it may lead to my death, can u plz suggest me remedies nd pariharalu to unaffect me Our best Mangal Dosha Calculator is a tool that can help you determine whether or not you have Mangal Dosh in your kundali. Hi Sree, When looking into the chart, the boy is manglik and also has Sayana Dosha. My D.O.B is 12/12/1992 @ 8:20 pm karimnagar ,Telangana. Previously I have married.. In addition, it might occasionally result in a miscarriage or an early delivery. Please Tell me remove kuja dosha pariharam. Remedies are unique depending on horoscope and approach an astrologer for suggestions. Namaste!!! Thank you. The name of the fast comes from the story of Satyavan and Savithri. SumanTV Life - We think you'll agree with us when We say : Some people spend their entire lives wondering how to be successful in life, but never figure it o. By the way, if the aspect would be a trine A (the Moon person) would merely feel grounded by B (the Saturn person). dob- 28 November,1991 Both of you have earned good points so do not worry about anything and you can proceed after performing the remedies given below. It will be good to postpone marriage till next year after August 2017. Placement of planet Mars in an inauspicious manner in a natal chart results in this condition. Tara koota tells about the longevity of married life. If so please tell us the remedy. Namaste, Is i married to banana tree or peepal treethen I am able to marry a person who doesn't have kuja doshathen it will be remove from me Dear Greeshma, Some scriptures are supportive for the statement which you made. 08/06/1989 There are some expections to this rule. I am not going to treat this extensively. Place: hyd In cases like these will be a good exchange of female (Shakti: Moon and Venus) and male (Shiva: Sun and Mars) energies. Sarvesthu Sukhinah Santhu, Sarve Santhu Niramayah. This report is based on compatibility of birth stars, Kuja Dosha, Papasamya and Dasa Sandhi. Mars is the planet of war, and its energy can be very destructive. Some are saying she want to marry another caste man. But if the link is with negative planets like Rahu, there might be a delay in having kids. Hi I would like to know if I am manglik or notI believe my partner is manglik since we face so many relationship problems. Is it we have to do once match finalised or before itself when we start searching match for her? First of all you havent mentioned the place of birth without place of birth it is quite difficult to find the exact longitude and latitude. Can you advice about this position? please advice me whether she is manglik or notand if what can be done to reduce harsh effect. how to know whether the dosha is present or absent after doing certain things to remove kuju dosha. Thanks, Name: rakesh Kuja imparts materialistic and aggressive nature to individuals. Not just the Moon. By using our website you consent to all cookies in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Alrdy she is doing fasting for one year on tuesdays Below are the details. Join our 'Fix Your Relationship Yearlong Program' to fix your Mars and Relationship Chaos, Is Mars badly placed in your birth chart? For a person with this dosha, it is usually advisable toenter into marriage after the age of 28, when the intensity of the dosha comes down. Boy : place of birth Nagpur : 3:45 pm And we have made this guide to introduce you to the different effects that Kuja . Name : Srinivasa Yalavarthi Time : 5.35 PM What will the India and World get its benefit? We want to marry.Please say the remedy for it. An example: If the Moon of A is in Leo and the Moon of B is in Cancer we have a problem because fire and water do not go together well. An astrological analysis and date of the individuals who are used at the dosha. Thank you for your query. 01/04/1982, 7.15 pm, madurai what is wrong with this horoscope. edaina doshalu unte cheppandi please naa life chala critical ga undi naa badhalu poyela chudandi please requested Sir,I born on 28 Feb 1994 at 8am .pls tell I have kuja dosham or not,if I have pls tell what I do for that, Namskaram I'm K. Vahini DOB 9-10-1990 time 9:18 Tuesday I'm 26yrs old still I'm not getting marriage I have kuja dosham Im not working woman please suggest me, birthdate may1 1995 . Thank you for your query. Misunderstanding and obstacles are seen in the relationship. Hence Kuja plays a significant role in determining marriage compatibility. Welcome to our free Telugu marriage matching service online. In a Horoscope, the position of Mars in any of the 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th houses are known as Manglik / Kuja Dosha. Astroved Member Support. Some astrologers told me that if I marry him, he wont be more.. My DoB June 25th 1994 and time eve 4:15 Saturday. kindly give me your valuable suggestion in order to proceed to further. my dob is 1-9-1991 in new delhi (place of birth) at 9.34 am. I am in love with a boy his dob is 18 oct 1989 ,time 1:45am ,place patiala and mine dob is 4 jan 1993,time 4:14 am, place chandigarh, i want to know is there any future of us as a couple if we will get marry in future or not? Please tell me if I have kuja dosha .. Dob:14-4-1994 dob- 30 December, 1992 Click here to order desired services. Kuja imparts materialistic and aggressive nature to individuals. Welcome to our free Telugu marriage matching service online. http://www.astroved.com/ask-astrologer-3-questions-c43.aspx Hi, I m suppose to get married with a Christian guy in 15 days n he doesn't believe in Kuja Dosha and all ,but m manglik can you plz suggest how many days before marriage I can perform this puja and is that true as per my horoscope my spouse will die within a year . It also tells about the physical attraction between the couple. Please use the following information to carry out a Bank Transfer or Direct Deposit and confirm us once you send us the payment : DOB : 09-05-1993, Dear Sir/Madam, However, the Moon of B is in the twelfth house (sign Cancer) from the Moon of A (sign Leo). This is a list of the prohibited pairs:TABLE 15: VEDHAS Ashwini (1) and Jyeshta (18); Bharani (2) and Anuradha (17); Krittika (3) and Vishakha (16); Rohini (4) and Swati (15); Mrigashira (5) and Dhanistha (23); Ardra (6) and Shravana (22); Punarvasu (7) and Uttara Ashadha (21); Pushya (8) and Purva Ashadha (20); Ashlesha (9) and Mula (19); Magha (10) and Revati (27); Purva Phalguni (11) and Uttara Bhadrapada (26); Uttara Phalguni (12) and Purva Bhadrapada (25); Hasta (13) and Shatabhishak (24). If the ascendant is in a 2/12 or 6/8 relationship this is problematic, but if it is in a 5/9 relationship this is good. If the Venus of one person is in opposition to the Mars of the other person that will mean strong sexual attraction. we dont want to break our relationship and we cannot live without each other. Mangal Dosha is one of the Doshas in Vedic astrology that afflicts a person's life, especially married life. Free online Marriage Matching service in Telugu Language. We are available 24 hours a day. Astroved Member Support. This is because Mars can be very unfavourable in these Houses and can cause strife, challenges, and disasters in the life of the native in terms of marriage, love, relationships, and even career. Mangal Dosh occurs when Mars is present in any one of the houses, as mentioned above in an individual's birth chart. The position of Kuja in the following houses is supposed to instill certain characteristics/conditions which would be problematic or unfavorable in marriage. Please tell me about kuja dosha. Therefore, someone with the Moon in Vishakha would be a great sexual match for someone with the Moon in Chitra. Time 10:00 am Hi, Hi, With Kind Regards. 15. If Mars is in Cancer or Leo irrespective of the house. 1) Can a man with Kuja Dosha marry a girl with no Kuja Dosha? Some one told i have kuja dosha. DOB:30-07-1987 18. People having Kuja dosha are commonly advised to marry a person having the same quantum of dosha. So many Vedic remedies for these doshas help the couple lead a happy married life. It is also possible to do a more sophisticated analysis in which not only the Nakshatras in which the Moon is are compared, but also the Nakshatras of the ascendant and Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Manuguru. Kuja dosha or Mangal dosh. Having a balancing beneficial planet at an angle of 120 degrees or any appropriate angle (this is calculated by an astrologer) not only minimizes the Kuja dosha but can also nullify it. The analyses based on vedic astrology decide whether two people are compatible enough for a good relationship. Dear Mam, A good Mahendra Kuta should promote the longevity of the relationship. I will try my level best to give you accurate Astrology programs and predictions. Plz tell me am i have kuja dosham??? HI SIR/MADAM, If the opposite Non-Manglik native's chart has a robust placement and influence of natal Saturn, both can marry.However, the compatibility of both the charts needs to be appropriately analysed before finalising the Marriage. Thanks & God Bless. To understand it clearly, the Kuja Dosha Check depends upon the position of Mars in the horoscope. This dosha leads to an abusive marriage in terms ofverbal, physical and emotional attacks, if proper remedies are not performed in due time. thanking u. Dear Swathi, My date of birth 17/07/1990, time 10:25am , place of birth vizianagaram. Whether she can be married to a non-manglik boy ? Yes, you have Kuja, Mangal Dosha in your birth chart. It is said to affect marriage, love, relationships, and career. Dear B V Subba Rao, etc., we need to check birth charts carefully before finalizing the marriage. Moreover IT WILL NOT LEAD TO ANY BODYS DEATH. It is also said to cause financial difficulties. For any kind of Kuja Dosha, please visit Lord Vaitheeswaran temple at Kumbakonam (south india), and worship Lord Muruga (presiding deity of Kuja) and offer your prayers for both by lighting a ghee lamp, offering Archana for both would overcome from kuja dosha. Hi Im Ravi Nayak.. my DOB:27-12-1987 @ 1pm, Tenali, Guntur Dist. There are many reasons to choose InstaAstro as your astrology partner. I have khuja dosha in 12th house I'm in love with a girl she doesn't have any problem we were facing so many troubles in our relationship we don't want to break it and we have strong desire of getting married please help me. Dear Bharath,
You cannot print contents of this website. IFSC CODE #: HDFC0000017 Mangal Dosha is calculated using the position of Mars in the birth chart. Kuja Dosha Remedies For a person with this dosha, it is usually advisable to enter into marriage after the age of 28, when the intensity of the dosha comes down. Manglik Dosha is an astrological condition when Mars is positioned in the first, second, fourth, seventh, eighth, or twelfth House of the Ascendant chart. We request you to please sign up as a free member on our website, www.Astroved.com and order the required astrologer services as indicated below online : Thank you for your query. The most common gemstones for Mars are coral, red agate, and bloodstone. Astroved Sales Support. Some cast their influences for a short time frame, while others could harmfully impact individuals for a long period, extending up to many years. Name: sandeep Example: Vishakha and Chitra are associated with a tiger yoni. Do I hav kuja dosham? Could you please tell us abt our marraige life as so many are giving negitive comments.
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