(650) 570-2270. 24 Sep 2022 19:13:22 17 Mar 2023 07:18:01 We now have urologists, gynecologists, and micro-surgeons of all kinds who are involved in genital reconstruction. Imagine trying to run your surgical clinic and instead of getting calls for consultations you instead get angry calls regarding your continued support of a transphobic doctor. She says she felt ignored and hastily cared for after a long and invasive surgery. Specifically, the hospital started a community advisory board comprising of local trans and gender non-conforming people who consult with staff and leaders from OHSUs Transgender Health Program, patient relations department, and other relevant parties. Its been a fucking nightmare. She deleted her post to avoid more attention from anti-trans fanatics. Its a system that makes frank public discussion about surgical outcomes nearly impossible to have. Do not post otherwise. With several different possible medical boards certifying surgeons performing gender-related surgeries, no single board feels responsible for the bad experiences of trans patients. Blasdel notes that while several medical facilities have recently begun calling themselves transgender centers of excellence, there are no current criteria the surgeon or facility must meet in order to earn that designation. Her office accepts new patients. Dr Kathy Rumer is another "sex reassignment surgeon" who botched countless patients and gave many colostomy bags along with other life long complications. Feel free to make flyers to warn your local trans support groups and clinics. According to several studies, the industry average for those complications range between 10 percent and 64 percent. Yeah, avoid Rumer; she's a butcher. These two men are responsible for that fear, Lance Rogers and Joe Heffern. During this time numerous calls from Carlies mother and her OBGYN to Dr. Rumers office went unanswered, both she and her mother say. Partners, caregivers, etc, with a legitimate interest in surgery may post if it's of clear benefit to a trans individual or the community. Our sisters at Stonewall would have never accepted Rumer or her allies and neither should we. Dr. Kathy L. Rumer is trusted by her patients for ethical, high quality care. If you want to effectively apply public pressure, calling these businesses during their operating hours is a great place to start. And according to Green, theres little incentive for university hospitals and other medical research centers to invest in research and training on trans-related health issues if the government could turn around tomorrow and end multiple funding sources on the whims of an ideologically driven political appointee. There are lots of great gender-affirming surgeons in New York; I'm not transmasc so I can't recommend anyone for top surgery, but absolutely do not go with Rumer if you don't want to be mutilated. The two had spoken on Skype a few months before the surgery but . (855) R U A LOOKER Phone: (855) 782-5665. He only sees us as bags of cash. Sinai, to the stand. Rumer falls short in some terrifying waysblaming the patients for their surgical complications, anger and hostility towards those who complain, lack of availability or accountability. Dr. Rumer, she adds, also understands the vulnerability of patients who desperately desire surgery in a climate of still relatively few surgeons.. Transgender questions; transgender answers. To try to fill the gap, people like Dr. Schechter and other doctors who specialize in gender-affirming care have come together to argue for a more standardized training system for hospitals looking to expand into the field. In one case, according to a pre-trial memo, attorneys intended to bring Dr. Jess Ting, a surgeon and medical school professor specializing in GRS at Mt. And speaking out after a traumatic experience, in a moment when so few are able to access care, can either be weaponized by anti-trans activists or interpreted by advocates as a step back. Carlie chose a surgeon, Dr. Kathy Rumer, who was based in the Philadelphia area and specialized in gender-affirming procedures. The Mazzoni Center: Kathy Rumer has made generous donations to the Mazzoni Center in the past who remained completely silent in response to a petition to them for a public statement denouncing Rumers litigious SLAPP suit against her own patients. This must stop immediately. The timing, content, and nature of your emails suggest you are likely working with this individual (either knowingly or unknowingly) in carrying out this defamatory campaign, wrote Dr. Rumers attorney in an email on January 31. I live right near Manhattan. Though regret rates remain low and, and as Dr. Schechter says, the risks and the complications are commensurate with the risks and complications of other similar procedures, anti-trans disinformation has become a serious problem in many corners of the media. Kathy Rumer did not reach this point of zero accountability without help. It's a joke. If you want to put pressure on the heads of Mazzoni individually, working from this list might help. In May 2018, 192 post-op trans patients penned an open letter to WPATH laying out several concerns about the current system, among them that surgeons were offering free or low-cost surgeries to under-resourced patients in order to gain operating experience in procedures for which they have incomplete professional training, falsifying complication rates in preoperative counseling, academic publishing, and public presentations, providing experimental surgeries without informed consent, presenting inaccurate medical information to patients, and providing insufficient aftercare for patients. This is not going to be easy for me to write, and it's really personal and gross. (650) 570-2270. People dont want to talk about complications in their marketing presentations.. Jul 12, 2018. https://linktr.ee/resignrumer There is also a subreddit /r/KathyRumer, Need to radicalize a friend who thinks its possible to beat Rumer via the legal game/system? 27 Mar 2023 05:58:12 ALBANY - A political guru recently exposed as a main adviser to Gov. My symptons and complaints are WELL-DOCUMENTED in all of my emails to Dr. Rumer's office. (855) 782-5665. Rule 5: This sub is by and for trans people. They dont make themselves available for trainings. (Do not EVER contact me again.) In late 2018, Heyer published the contents of the complaint he received in The Federalist, accusing the hospital of exploiting Medicaid patients to give Dr. Dugi early experience performing the procedure so he could move on to more lucrative patients. UPDATE: a petition has been posted demanding Rumer's immediate resignation. The plaintiff requests a trial by jury and seeks damages of not less than $75,000, costs, pre-judgment and post judgment interest and other relief. In 2017, Dr. Schechter co-wrote an article in the Journal of Sexual Medicine laying out some training minimums for prospective surgeons. Basically two steps forward, one step back, says former WPATH president and current communications director Jamison Green of the explosion in surgical growth. In regards to Mazzoni we also need to make sure Rumer is permanently banned from attending the annual Trans Health Conference (A wonderful place to distribute the new flyers we are currently producing.) According to her website, she is one of the few female board-certified plastic surgeons in the Philadelphia tri-state area, a fellow of the American College of Osteopathic Surgeons, and a site director for the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM) Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Fellowship. According to a complaint submitted to the Pennsylvania State Medical Board and shared with Jezebel, Dr. Rumer allegedly claimed a 1 percent complication rate for fistula and stricture following urethral lengthening, one of the procedures commonly performed as part of phalloplasty, the surgery which creates a functional penis for transmasculine trans people. Get botched by the butcher, get sued if you speak out. These patients experiences and their difficulty finding recourse arent about one doctor. Call her up, (717) 575-3757 ask her why she is eagerly sending her trusting patients to a psychopath like Rumer. People will always make the choice of fast and cheap over good in some cases, he added more recently. Dr. Rumer's office doesn't make outbound calls to insurance providers. These are . According to the complaint, the defendants performed male-to-female gender reassignment surgery, a bilateral augmentation and related surgical procedures on Minto on July 12, 2016. The subpoena demanded I turn over all notes, emails, documents and research referencing Dr. Rumer or her practice. In response to several questions from Jezebel, Dr. Dugi says the hospital does not address specific patient interactions because of privacy laws but does admit the staff had several discussions with transgender patients. Cookie Notice Currently, I barely have a fucking vagina. I'm still bleeding. I found new doctors thanks to Reddit. RT @ShifterofShapes: Dr Kathy Rumer is another "sex reassignment surgeon" who botched countless patients and gave many colostomy bags along with other life long complications. On March 11, the surgeons attorney attempted to subpoena me based on an unfounded assumption that I was coordinating with this John or Jane Doe. 105 Ardmore Avenue, Ardmore, PA. 2.9 31 reviews. We hold them accountable through organizing and direct action which you can help partake in. I'm not a doctor by any means. Her office is still open for business and she still performing surgeries for profit. Please help! Now I can only get half-way to the first dot on my smallest purple dilator. There is a larger concern that is poised to swell as demand for GRS grows: that without a specific reporting mechanism for patients who feel wronged or an institutional body tasked with regulating the specifics of trans-affirmative care, patients who seek these surgeries are locked in a devils bargain, unable to be assured of the quality of care when they sign on and unclear how to move forward when theyre unhappy with the results. Heyers publication of the OSHU complaint put a serious dent in talks with the hospital, and shocked the post-op patients who had been looking to start a dialogue with the hospital. Sometimes it smells really bad and I'm extremely embarrased and hate myself. Dr. Rumer was referring to World Professional Association for Transgender Health, or WPATH, the organization that sets out guidelines and best practices for trans-related health worldwide. A sub for the discussion of surgeries, surgery results, surgeon satisfaction and the costs incurred by transgender people. According to Carlie and her mother, Dr. Rumer snapped at them in a phone call with Carlies mother: I remember hearing it clear as day, says Carlie, who could overhear the conversation. Then watch an all-new episode this Sunday, June 29 at 10/9c! I need help! RT @ShifterofShapes: Dr Kathy Rumer is another "sex reassignment surgeon" who botched countless patients and gave many colostomy bags along with other life long complications. . Conservative scaremongering against transition-related surgeries have directly led to eight states introducing bills which would criminalize doctors who provide transition care to minors. Medicaid sent her to see Dr. Daniel Dugi in Portland, who she says informed her that she was his 12th transgender vaginoplasty patient ever. In addition to performing hundreds of gender-affirming procedures each year, Dr. Rumer also directs a 1-year . (Like Alexis Lake, these guys are also deserving of some free publicity.) I meed much MORE urgent help now. You all don't know how many times I've had to call my insurance company and then start a 3-way conference call with Dr. Rumer's office. "You can have permanent redness of the nose and, if the undermining of the soft tissue is too severe, you can have skin death. Dr. Rumer completely fucked up my body. Yes, butcher Bart is the most evil butcher and a complete predator.
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