We strive hard in creating high quality Yii2 Extensions and JQuery plugins This will be considered only when You can rate examples to help us improve the quality of examples. Defaults to 'raw'. In case, you are using an outdated browser, this feature may not work, 5) Changing the width of the container inside of the gridview. This is different than the visible property, in the sense, that if this is true the column is rendered, but hidden from display. For example: options: array, HTML attributes for the group header row. If set as an array, each row in this array If the grid's data has This is a new grid column class available since release v3.2.7 that extends the \kartik\grid\DataColumn class. Defaults to tbody. VB.NET. Defaults to false, filter: array, this is an array which is auto generated based on trueLabel and falseLabel as: [true=>$trueLabel, false=>$falseLabel], format: string, the grid column format. To hide a format, just do not add it to exportConfig. contentAfter string, any HTML formatted content that will be embedded in the PDF output after the grid. caret: string, the caret symbol to be appended to the dropdown button. bootstrap is true. This allows you to set a filter input type other than the default text or dropdown list. This will override any auto set format due to GridView::autoXlFormat. skip-export: Will skip this element during export for all formats (html, csv, txt, xls, pdf, json). gridview yii2 This is applicable when configuring this column \kartik\export\ExportMenu. when pageSummaryPosition is set to GridView::POS_TOP, the page summary sticks to the top of the page, and overrides the floatHeader setting to false. outputMessage: string|Closure, the output error message from the editable. hAlign: string, defaults to GridView::ALIGN_CENTER, hiddenFromExport: boolean, defaults to true. corresponds to a HTML table row, where you can configure the columns with these properties: Displays a floating header or footer as you scroll the grid. This is useful when you do not have a filter applicable for the column This is different than the visible property, in the sense, skip-export-pdf: Will skip this element during export for pdf export format. Option 1: Font CSS version of Font Awesome: Option 2: SVG / JS version of Font Awesome (recommended for cleaner scaling vector icons and features like icon layers): Alternatively, you can use the FontAwesomeAsset from the kartik-v/yii2-icons package to load the SVG/JS version. for the grid: replaceTags: array, tags to replace in the rendered layout. For example headerOptions, contentOptions, beforeHeader, footerOptions etc. Refer the Excel Export Formatting section for details. Summaries can include auto calculated values (for numbers) at runtime based on previous child column data. Refer the Bootstrap Info section for details and pre-requisites on setting this property. Displays a Bootstrap button dropdown menu that allows you to export the grid as Defaults to ['class'=>'btn btn-secondary btn-default']. This will override the from property set earlier specifically for TEXT export format. This will override the from property set earlier specifically for Excel export format. Defaults to . ColumnHeader itemsAfter: array, any additional items that will be merged / appended after the export dropdown list. Defaults to empty string. Hi I have just updated to the latest GridView dev version and tried out the column resize with persistResize. If set as a string, it will be returned as is. For example: floatPageSummary: boolean, whether the grid table will have a floating page summary at the This is validated only if group is set to true. from_csv: string, is the pattern to search for in each grid column's cells for only CSV export format. This will override the from property set earlier specifically for CSV export format. For example to set the button group sizes to small in the toolbar you can configure the widget like shown below: This is a new feature added to the GridView widget. This will be rendered using panelAfterTemplate. For example: floatFooter: boolean, whether the grid table will have a floating table footer at the bottom. Supports the following additional ball and extract the extension asset files and folders into your project. The following settings are recognized: neverTimeout: boolean, whether the pjax request should never timeout. ajaxOnly: bool, whether to allow access to this action for AJAX requests only. To use with bootstrap 3 library - you can set GridView::bsVersion property to any string starting with 3 (e.g. Defaults to ['a', 'button', 'input']. You must set this as $key => $value pair, where $key is the 0 based index for the column, and $value is the array of HTML attributes for the column. width: string, the width of each column - matches the CSS width property. The CSS class kv-table-footer is added by default, and creates the Krajee default footer styling for a better Summaries can include advanced calculations using a javascript callback configuration. value: string | Closure, the value of this attribute (should return an integer) that will identify the state of the current row. hAlign: string, the horizontal alignment of the column. To set this up, add this section of code to your application params configuration file (e.g. skip-export-json: Will skip this element during export for json export format. Note that excel cell formats needs to be set using mso-number-format specifications. The widget contains new additional Grid Columns with enhanced settings for Yii Framework 2.0. This is not html encoded. Refer detailed documentation and/or a complete demo. that if this is true the column is rendered, but hidden from display. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 10 months ago. This will automatically translate for the application language using the extension's translation message configuration files. The EditableColumnAction offers a quick easy way to setup your controller action for updating, saving and managing the EditableColumn output from GridView. This is validated only if group is set to true. When set as a string, this is not HTML encoded. The grid should have width 100%. Defaults to true. Defaults to Generating file. {toggleData}: string, which will render the toggle button as configured in toggleDataOptions. To disable row click for specific elements within the row you can add the CSS class kv-disable-click to tags/elements to contentFormats: array, header content formats for each column. Defaults to false. first day (2336 days earlier) previous day previous day Not seeing the updated content on this page! This label will replace the singular encoding: string, the export output file encoding. word item within the grid summary text as well as the ActionColumn default delete confirmation message. The following additional options are recognized: label: string, the label for the update action button. because only one sticky container can exist at the top or bottom. clearOptions: array, the HTML attributes for the clear button in the header. rowHighlight: boolean, whether to highlight the row when checkbox is checked. Defaults to 'grid-export'. striped: boolean, whether the grid table will have a striped style. If setup as a Closure, the signature of the function should be: function ($model, $key, $index, $column), where $model, $key, and $index refer to the model, key and index of the row currently being rendered, and $column is a reference to the \kartik\grid\DataColumn object. Should be one of: all: toggle button settings for all grid data display, page: toggle button for showing first page data. This will allow you to still export the column using the export function. This can also be an anonymous function (Closure). errorOptions: array, the options for error summary as supported by options param in yii\helpers\Html::errorSummary(). most used widgets by Yii developers. Select If setup as a Closure, the signature of the function should be: function ($model, $key, $index, $column), where $model, $key, and $index refer to the model, key and index of the row currently being rendered, and $column is a reference to the \kartik\grid\DataColumn object. {panelHeading}: The panel heading block which will be rendered using panelHeadingTemplate. feedback for this plugin. Should be one of the following GridView F constants. Defaults to true. The $params parameter will be an array containing the $model, $key, and $index. Defaults to ['class' => 'kv-page-summary warning']. extraData: array, additional data that will be passed to the ajax load function as key value pairs. This is to be set exactly as the options property for \yii\bootstrap\Dropdown widget. rowHighlight: boolean, whether to highlight the row when radio is checked. xlFormat: string, the cell format for EXCEL exported content. Supported formats are determined by the GridView::formatter|formatter used by the GridView. corresponds to a HTML table row, where you can configure the columns with these properties: columns: array, the footer row columns configuration where you can set the following properties: afterFooter: array|string, configuration of additional footer table rows that will be rendered after the default This can also be an anonymous function (Closure) that returns one of the values above. The event sends the following parameters for advanced parsing: extra: object, the extra data object set as key value pairs via the ExpandRowColumn extraData property. Applicable only if the grid bootstrap property is set to true. - Column 2: checkbox, also auto-width to header title. filter property is not set. This is auto generated based on the above settings. If set as a string, it will be displayed as is, without any HTML encoding. If this is set to ltr the columns will be merged starting from this column to the right (i.e. Defaults to true. Defaults to ['class' => 'kv-table-caption']. Defaults to 'Inactive'. disable the toggle functionality. NOTE If this property is NOT SET, then this property will default to the bsVersion property set at the Module level which will override the Yii::$app->params['bsVersion'] setting. If set to one of GridView::F_COUNT, GridView::F_SUM, GridView::F_AVG, GridView::F_MAX, or GridView::F_MIN, the values will be auto summarized. The widget contains new additional Grid Columns with enhanced settings for Yii Framework 2.0. If the GridView bootstrap property is set to true, it will default to dropdownButton: array, HTML attributes for the Dropdown actions button. skip-export-xls: Will skip this element during export for xls (excel) export format. In case you are overriding this property at runtime, either use your own CSS class/ style or fontAwesome: boolean, whether to use font awesome file type icons. panelBeforeTemplate: string, the template for rendering the panel before block. The following additional options are recognized: label: string, the label for the view action button. If the dropdown property is "raw", "text", "html", ['date', 'php:Y-m-d']). in cases where you have a fixed bootstrap navbar on top). data-method: string, the delete action HTTP method. However, if the grid data has a composite You can create your own template by setting the following parameter: layout: string, will be automatically set based on panel settings. Defaults to false. For example if you set this to `customCallback`, the function should be of the signature: `function customCallback(source, data) { return custom_convert(source, data); }`. Since: 1.0. widget will be parsed via Pjax and rendered inside a yii\widgets\Pjax widget container. For example: options: array, HTML attributes for the group footer row. Applicable if dropdown is set to true. A function may be used to assign different attributes to different rows based on the data in that row. to: string, is the string to replace the pattern in the grid column cells for only TEXT export format. state: boolean, whether expanded true or collapsed false. By default shows a toggle icon to expand/collapse each row or toggle all rows. for the community as free open source code, and maintaining this demonstration site. Supported formats are determined by the [[GridView::formatter|formatter]] used by the [[GridView]]. us a . Assuming the grid is 1,200 pixels wide and the Columns have default widths of 50, 120 and 300, then the calculation is as follows: availableWidth = 1,198 (available width is typically smaller as the grid typically has left and right borders) scale = 1198 / (50 + 120 + 300) = 2.548936170212766. col 1 = 50 * 2.54 = 127.44 -> rounded = 127. If this is set to rtl, the columns will be merged starting from this column to the left (i.e. Thanks for watching this tutorial stay tuned for more subscribe everyoneBecome a patron - https://www.patreon.com/doingiteasychannelTake a look at my blog al. PHP kartik\grid GridView - 30 examples found. Hard refresh your browser to clean cache for this footerOptions: array, HTML attributes for the footer container. This will override the from property set earlier specifically for PDF export format. loadingCssClass: boolean/string, the CSS class to be applied to the grid when loading via pjax. panelFooterTemplate: string, the template for rendering the panel footer block. This will automatically set the header, body, footer, and page summary to this alignment. Defaults to true. You can get the checked rows very similar to how you would do it for a default yii\grid\CheckboxColumn. Refer the JSON documentation for details on setting this property. floatPageSummary: boolean, whether the grid table will have a floating page summary at the afterGrid: string, any content to be embedded within pjax container after the Grid widget. Both of the events returns the following parameters for access: key: string, the primary key value for the row, val: string, the value of the selected radio input. To add an offset from the bottom - you can configure the CSS style within footerContainer. It allows users the ability to set and save their own grid configuration. If this is empty or null it will not be displayed. Generally, you may also want to set a default version globally for all Krajee Extensions (instead of setting it for each widget or extension separately). Defaults to kv-group-odd. lerxx (lerxx) March 27, 2019, 2:55pm #1. Defaults to true. You can pass in any widget classname extending from the Yii Input Widget. showClear: boolean, whether to show the clear button in the header to clear the selected rows and radio. {panelBefore}: The content to be placed before the grid header and after the panel heading. Note that the table footer will stick to the bottom of the page by default if this For example, this currently is set as a default to convert the HTML formatted icons for BooleanColumn to user friendly text like Active or Inactive after export. Yii2 GridView on steroids. The enhanced grid from Krajee allows resizing of the columns just like a spreadsheet (since v3.0.0). If this is set to true, the floatOverflowContainer property will be auto set to true, if floatHeader is true. float header behavior. true: the page summary for the column will be calculated and displayed using the pageSummaryFunc setting. README. {custom} . Defaults to true. Defaults to 4. This will automatically set the header, body, footer, and page summary to this value. will not be displayed. If bsVersion is set to 5.x and yiisoft/yii2-bootstrap5 is not installed, then an exception message will be thrown mentioning you to install the yiisoft/yii2-bootstrap5 extension. You must set this as $key => $value pair, where $key is the 0 based index for the column, and $value is the format settings for the column. To resolve the issue, set the GridView's Width and CommandColumn's Width (for instance, 100% for the GridView's Width and 10% for the CommandColumn's Width). However, I am using an ObsevableCollection of GridViewDataColumns to generate the columns of my grid. Example 4: Setting the width of a specific column in code. Note that the table header will stick to the top of the page by default if this from_pdf: string, is the pattern to search for in each grid column's cells for only PDF export format. yii2-grid is released under the BSD-3-Clause License. The grid layout templates have been enhanced for enclosing in the panel. Defaults to 'gridview/export/download'. Applicable only if bootstrap is true. Defaults to Expand All. The widget also incorporates various Bootstrap 3.x styling options. It automatically converts boolean data (true/false) values to user friendly indicators or labels (that are configurable). This is similar to itemLabelPlural You can set this to apply specific classes to the row. 4 (e.g. You can use the EnumColumn to thus display a dynamic content / markup for each of the cell attribute values based on enumerated $value => $content pairs. Summaries intelligently embed between sub-groups and parent groups. radioOptions: array|Closure, this can either be an array of attributes or an anonymous function (Closure) that returns such an array. Please disable your adblocker to allow content being blocked from this site. Defaults to ['class' => 'kv-table-footer'], captionOptions: array, HTML attributes for the table caption. If set to an empty string, this will not be displayed. Note, that for responsive grids, the header and footer The selected rows may be obtained by calling the following JavaScript code: dropdown: boolean, whether the action buttons are to be displayed as a dropdown button menu. This will allow you to still export the column using the export function. documents: <?php. This setting will be applied for all Krajee Extension Asset Bundles that depend on Bootstrap assets. skip-export-html: Will skip this element during export for html export format. Once done, hard refresh this page (. To hide and disable this section completely, set this to false. Set the `detailUrl` property directly or via a Closure callback using column parameters. "raw", "text", "html", ['date', 'php:Y-m-d']). Defaults to false. The function should be of the signature:function ($widget) { return 'custom'; }. right to left). falseIcon: string, the icon/indicator that will be displayed when the value is false. Defaults to false. 3 or 3.3.7 or 4.x / 3.x), To use with bootstrap 4 - you can set this to any string starting with add the default CSS kv-table-footer for maintaining a consistent sticky styling. You need to install one of yiisoft/yii2-bootstrap or yiisoft/yii2-bootstrap4 or yiisoft/yii2-bootstrap5 extensions manually in your application to enable Bootstrap 3.x or 4.x or 5.x functionality respectively. This is exportConfig: array|boolean, the configuration for each export format above. 4) Changing the width of the entire grid view. This will be setup as showFooter boolean, whether to show table footer in the output. beforeOptions: array, HTML attributes for the before container. An example of configuring the contentFormats could be: contentOptions: array, configuration of HTML attributes for each header summary column cell. containerOptions: array|boolean, the HTML attributes for the grid container. label string, the label for the export format menu item displayed. Defaults to Expand. $options: array, is the HTML attributes for the button. . You can now visit the Krajee Webtips Q & A The pjax container identifier is read via pjaxSettings['options']['id'] . This will override the to property set earlier specifically for JSON export format. You can customize these values by editing theme.gridTemplateColumns or theme.extend.gridTemplateColumns in your tailwind.config.js file.. You have direct access to the grid-template-columns CSS property here so you can make your custom column values . It is important that you must set the format property for this to work effectively. You can listen to the following jQuery events via javascript, to capture the rows selected via the radio column. . Refer the plugin documentation for details on what options can be set here. If GridView::bsVersion property is not set, and Yii::$app->params['bsVersion'] is also not set, GridView::bsVersion property will default to 3.x (i.e. If setup as a Closure, the signature of the function should be: function ($model, $key, $index, $column), where $model, $key, and $index refer to the model, key and index of the row currently being rendered, and $column is a reference to the \kartik\grid\DataColumn object. It allows calculated data for the column, based on values of other columns in the grid (just like spreadsheets). 5 or 5.1.0 or 5.x). either html, csv, or excel. The following options can be set: icon: string, the glyphicon suffix to be displayed before the export menu label. The toolbar is by default styled using Bootstrap button groups. itemLabelPlural: string, the default label shown for each record in the grid (plural). It uses the browser inherent, CSS sticky feature, The basic setup of the column involves setting up the controller action and the EditableColumn. - Column 3: free text that may wrap on multiple lines. Alternatively, check your antivirus program or proxy settings to whitelist this site. The browser will try to obey all column . word items within the grid summary text. from_html: string, is the pattern to search for in each grid column's cells for only HTML export format. skip-export-csv: Will skip this element during export for csv export format. You can set the following properties for each DataColumn for configuring the group grid. This is controlled by the property bsDependencyEnabled within the asset bundle (which defaults to true). You can override this behavior and change the auto-derived format mask by setting DataColumn::xlFormat for each column. This uses the JQuery ResizableColumns plugin for resize and store.js for localStorage persistence. outputValue: string|Closure, the output value from the editable. before: string|boolean, the panel content to be placed before/above the grid table (after the panel heading). You can also Defaults to empty string. Defaults to false. This label will replace the plural word footerRowOptions: array, HTML attributes for the table footer row. The default behavior is to show the grouped content in a separate column (when this property is false). \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Style\Style::applyFromArray(). Defaults to true. This is different than the visible property, in the sense. groupHeader: array|Closure, the configuration of the group header which will be displayed as a separate row above the group. i18n: array, the internalization configuration for this module. The event sends the following parameters for advanced parsing: kvexprow:beforeLoad: This event is triggered before the call to ajax load. If set to true, the entire GridView to: string, is the string to replace the pattern in the grid column cells for only Excel export format. This should be similar to the items property as supported by \yii\bootstrap\ButtonDropdown widget. Defaults to kv-group-even. Will be used only if you set filterType to a widget classname that exists. Specifically if you want to set a different value for the radio, you can use this option in the following way (in this example using the name attribute of the model): Refer \yii\helpers\Html::renderTagAttributes() for details on how attributes are being rendered.
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