Hows the book coming along now? If need be then look for chiriron because if he is in trines or sextile to planets he is a healer 6. Another dear friend of mine who is a famous astrologers told me: Hygiea is conjunct my Uranus in Gemini in the second house. Maybe you will enjoy my latest post. And please say hello to your friends. I communicate pretty well (Mercury in Libra on the 5th cusp may help me), but I also seem to be fairly focused on the nurturing aspects of Cancer, especially as my life evolves over time. As a last piece of information, Rahu and Retrograde Saturn are also in my 1st house. I looked for Hygeia now, because I heard a video from Pam Gregory, which is an amazing astrologer, in which she makes relations between the Corona virus and Sedna + Hygeia. When I hear from you via my email, i write a bit more but for now, look up my email and write to me via the QFA website. Psychological, Mythological & Counselling Astrology and ShamanicHealing. I am an artsy 5th house Scorpio with Cancer rising and a Virgo moon tightly conjunct Venus on the IC, with a Pisces midheaven (with Jupiter semi-sextile the midheaven in the 10th). Very helpful and cleansing. Near the bottom of the form is a text box Cheers! If it goes into your spam my email begins with spirit Please send me your birth data and well work on your entry together. Please read all my article as I give a great deal of advice and maybe one of my article could help you further. Juno is the idealized wife. or tensions. I wish there was a way I could help them. Have a look on the net. The first certificate comprises quite a lot of astronomy and a large amount of mathematical calculations as no one had computers in those days, let alone computer programs. Trust takes at least six months to develop. I hope you have a fog horn. Trauma harms the physical body as well as the soul and it harms our neurological processes. I am sure you know the theory behind negative attention getting. Please , when you read them look for hybrid souls who may have come from another dimension/galaxy/planet. My father dies from misdiagnosis, my nephew suffered disability brought on by childhood vaccination, so I did not vaccinate my son, I treat him myself with homeopathy and he was never seriously ill in all of his 15 years, aprt from when he was born in hospital against my wishes, treated with antibiotics against my wishes and suffered candida overgrowth, still does. ie. Her name is the source of the word hygiene. Would you like to comment and would you like to contribute your Hygiea conj NN and your experience to my book. USING NATURAL THERAPIES FOR GRIEF & SHOCK. :by Hank Wesselman PhD. But I digressUranus is also making a 6-degree conjunction with that Saturn. Yerba Mate tea works wonders for colon cancer and prevention if you dont already drink it. Hygeia became Salus, the Roman goddess of health, social welfare and prosperity. He is a gifted healer who uses hands on healing. I suggest Sandra Ingermans intro courses first. Your Hygeia in your 9th house is very close to your MC in a Gauqueline zone ie, it is a very important planetary body in your life. Venus conjunct asteroid Hygeia in Aquarius 12:04 (UT) Venus and Hygeia are on the Sabian symbol :- A Large White Dove Bearing A Message Degree Venus and Hygeia 19Aq22' Distance and time make space for inner clarity. I would love to know you better, I feel in my heart you are a lady, sister, that I would love to be friend with, if you would feel the same. Thank you! Ive had a desire to help and be part of a bigger picture for as long as I can remember and healing in some capacity has always been floating around in my head somewhere. Pluto in Leo 7 * cusp 4th is thin outward. We all can let go of the past and all the old hurts and pain. Whether this is a career vocation or not is yet to be seen, I would love to move from what I have been doing for the past 25 years into a more fulfilling position for my new life stage but if it is just a brief part of the journey then so be it. So I am simply following a message from the dream world and am so grateful and amazed by how I feel after reading several of your Hygeia articles so I have to say firstly, thank you Ms. Hilary. And the dead I engage with at times of late. I was three years ahead of the other children when I went to a normal school. (I see here Divine love as much as Eros and Psyche.) Smile. And the conjunction that they share is in a square to Mars and a sextile to Pluto in the 1st while this Pluto on Zubenelschemali is conjunct the Ascendant on Acrux. I think youve had some martial ancestors. 2. With our soul out to dinner we may not be able to do that. Im even up to day 7 with no cigarettes, the longest I have gone since I was in hospital over 2 years ago. A rough time on her 16yr. I am not sure why but I can see those terracotta Chinese warriors around you. Taking personal responsibility and internal control of our problems instead of being helplessly battered about by external forces is vital, but I also have compassion. Therefore she is connected to Chiron and the old world of Gaia and Leto; the world of the Goddess before the water levels started rising throughout the world and the cataclysm occurred around 12,000 years ago. Your associations of Hygeias bowl with the womb and Shakti. Retrograde Herakles is conjunct retrograde Chiron. Hygeia also rules sanitation and the valuable role hygiene and diet play in health maintenance. About ten years later (during a temporary return to Chicago) I met a lady who introduced me to hugging trees. My friend said not to worry, they are not dangerous, yet I had to force it to get it off of my toe. Hi HIlary, thanks for your kind replies. It exposes our weaknesses and provides us a chance to deal with them constructively. Please see: See,,,, Arent you lucky your NN conjuncts your Hygeia in Pisces in the 5th. Ohh the enlightenment of it! Add an opposition to my Solar stellium, you get a nice Kite, apexing on Hygeia and Orcus. 8. am tauras 12th, moon aq. (15/4/1961 6:34am in Uelzen, lower saxony, Germany is my DOB is case it helps). I have considered that its simply a desire to heal myself rather than something that will develop into work although Im happy if my journey takes me that way. I also have studied Theta Healing and Holographic Kinetics. But if you want to be a mathematician who mostly work by themselves you sound as though you are burnt out from dealing with people who are demanding. Hilary. I also have Hygeia very prominent in my 6th exactly opposite Venus. Or do you treat it as a spectrum that you can step back from and be the observer and the actor. As I am a professional astrologer I have a computer programme with different asteroids as well as the planets and points. It seems to have been used by the First Nation people for various maladies including burns. You would look for a strong Virgo presence in your chart ie, sun or Moon or Asc I or MC in virgo and maybe 8th house if you wanted to be a psychologist or scorpio if yo were thinking of surgery 4 and then maybe some 6th house planets as it is the house of health. I am doing a lot of Hygeia past lives for the participants in it. I have my NN square my Moon 13-14 which conjuncts my Hygeia at 17 Libra in the 8th. and now Im back to perfectly normal again. I got Hygeia on my moon in Virgo. You insure yourself against being left, by choosing husbands who would be lost without you, so they stay! This can revolve around the superconscious, legalities, philosophy, overseas travel, higher education and ethics. I have just sent you an email. If you can dear Angie, please concentrate on those happy times. Well known shamanic practitioner, homeopath and nutritionist Eileen Nauman is a well grounded person who practices an holistic way of living and has taught many shamanic practitioners world wide. Her beau of 9 months just broke up with her for no particular reason.,, A Spoonful of Sugar :: Cosmic Weather Forecast for November 6th - 12th - Lilith Rebellion. This is the second new planet, or dwarf planet, or "plutoid," to be officially named, after being referred to as "Easter bunny" for three years by its discoverer, Mike Brown. All RightsReserved. Meanwhile, thank you Hilary for another thought-provoking article. hi, Jamie. Im taking things in slowly so Ill consider finding a good practitioner when I can, its not really an option for me at the moment so Im just doing as much for myself as I can. Hygeia displays a fully active and arisen Kundalini power with her calm approach, her large snake and healing alchemical bowl, as she embodies perfect health. SOUTH NODE PISCES OR 12TH HOUSE SOUTH NODE AND VIRGO OR 6TH HOUSE NORTH NODE Copyright Hilary Bond. My Mum is dying and I am sick as a dog, but the good news is thank goodness T Pluto is moving away from the stuck 14-16 position in Capricorn. Yes, I noticed that transiting Hygeia was conjunct Hygiea in Capricorn, too on the 5th to the 8th of November, but I wasnt really going to pay a lot of attention to it until you pointed it out. Pluto square Pluto transit forces you to transform and regenerate. How glad I am to hear from you and long time no see. Ha, ha, ha. The latest one she has written is with Hank Wesselman who wrote the Sacred Garden book. I have Athena conjunct Vesta and several other asteroids there. This Lilith conjunct sun synastry aspect is always transformative because it brings Lilith to light. The spiritual side of us melds with our mind and body to create holistic health. I have Hygeia on 28 58 Taurus in the 7th house indicating that it is conjunct Alcyone in the Pleiades, also grasping a wide conjunction of Algol in the process. The new agey acronym threw me. Hygeia opposes her Chiron conjunct Jupiter in the second. It could be some relationship drama or challenging event that makes you realize significant change is needed. Do these aspects run in your family. Is that close enough to be an opposition? Makemake in Astrology. Hi there I have bad bad Moon on 22 Taurus 150 Pluto 150 Neptune 180 Uranus and 150 asteroid Lilith 135 Venus and trine Sun. This can be a positive epiphany, a stressful can of worms, or anything in between. Im grateful to the influences of Vega and Ursa Major on my chart, they definitely are quite a weaponry in my pocket that can be used for good-deeds. Its so amazing how we are in tune with the Universe, without even knowing it. What is the max orb between Hygeia and other natal planets and which aspects count. According to Jung, our soul speaks to us in this language of images through dreams and through archetypal symbols. Hygeia is named for the classical goddess of hygiene, health, sanitation, wisdom, purity, soundness of mentality and spirituality and holistic well-being. thank you so much for your kind response. I currently writing a book on Hygeia but it may not be complete for a couple of years. The clients say that I am good, but I do not like being a massage therapist. His Hygeia is the apex of a T Square configuration between Saturn on his Taurus DESC and his Libran Ascendant. Her symbol is the serpent twining around the staff of Mercury, the psychopomp; the one god who could rescue people from death. Gemini Mars in the 8th and Aries Mercury in the 6th. Money is usually plentiful and important to you. Best to you! The only natal points being aspected are asteroids at 8-9 Gemini ~ The Moirae, Ophelia, Circe, Nemesis ~ indicating psychic healing pressure points. Pisces is such a lovely sign- its so mediumstic and so osmotic. All located in Aries. I am sure you have the capacity to develop mentoring programs in art, music, sport, yoga, meditation, fun. I do not know of any other way to find Hygeia. She was in charge of cleanliness and how to live a long life (preventive medicine). Just heard you dont need chemo. Moon conjunct the MC-fantastic cook. As someone well versed in astrology, I looked at my transits for tomorrows eclipse . I love reading personal accounts who doesnt and since it is *your* personal account, you can say much about it. To do what is best to do, to be happy and fulfilled yet being able to help human beings understand their hearts deeper and for good. Hi Hilary, thank you for a most interesting post which I found while looking for Yod interpretations. i. ( USING VARIOUS THERAPIES IN CONJUNCTION WITH ASTROLOGY. Or Life-Coaching, for example. In another instance a old first friend took me to see departed dad and he and touched hands and I felt such a strong connection and woke up to cry. I wrote this when I first published this post on 15 February 2012: Earlier today I went to hospital for a colonoscopy and gastrectomy(probed in both ends), because I had a test a few months ago which was positive for blood in my poo. in. This too I just discovered Which helps me understand why it is taking me so long to pinpoint a career path and my overall experience with the public. In ancient Egypt, it was called Isis, while in Greek mythology, Demeter was the equivalent of Ceres. Any thoughts on this? Then I went on to become a clinical hypnotherapist and Reiki Master-Teacher. It just transits the cusp of my 9th house. I m excited to see the change. In astrology, Ceres represents the nurturing principle. finding my Hygeia at Aquarius 0 degree opposite my Black Moon, and 4 degrees conjunct Sun(following with Moon, Mars) in 12 house. Jung believed that we become self -aware and heal our soul through rediscovering and connecting with the archetypal world. First though, Ill show the discovery chart and see if there is anything there which might be associated with the meaning of the name, Hygeia. Thank you! Natally she also opposes Persephone in the 2nd so many faces of the underworld journey. The mule is his own creature. While representative of a spiritual awakening, its also very physical, health-oriented, and here-and-now. Are you seeking work in these healing areas because you are analyzing your chart or are you using your chart to back up or support a heart felt need and love of wishing to be a healer on some level? Hygeia Conjunct the MC-Acupuncture Doctor and Homeopath. I use the journey to my sacred garden to explore my day, my state of being, any questions I may have about the path I am on at present. I suggest you write Michael Newtons books Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls- as Dr Newton writes about life between lives. I agree. Thank you, Hilary! I also want to move a way from Scotland, just dont know where to go. The unspeakable frustration caused by such people is probably the reason why Im not a doctor in this life. Any idea what that might mean?? That should read: Hygeia is health personified and confident mastery of ones self. I have Hygeia in first house within 7 degrees of my ASC conjunct Mars, all in Cancer. And that really is fun. I am quite intuitive/psychic and shamanic, yes. You do not have to study counselling at university although I did a masters degree in it. Thanks for the reply! Pattern recognition is so important in dealing with people. Astrological planets are archetypal symbols and our birth charts are a unique map of our soul that can illuminate the relationship between our conscious and unconscious mind. You can go to Astrodienst at , enter your birth data, then choose Extended Chart Selection. Near the bottom of the for is a text box where you can enter the number of any asteroid. I wrote to you via email yesterday about our chart. So, a blend of Algol is to be considered. Now I live in Scotland (from Germany originally) and learning about ACEs and Trauma. Health, physical health is just a part of us and when we are well we feel so good and we never smoke or drink alcohol that other tougher beings do. Thanks again for your suggestions. Thank you Jamie for a really great post. His Hygiea also trines Jupiter in the 5th house of fun. Could you add to your knowledge of the human body and help people realise why their body aches. As this is something Ive been thinking of in recent years. Nice to meet you! Your Jup is right on top of my ASC. In this regard Hygeia as symbolic of therapy and a healing modality echoes Chiron. 23. This timing can be observed in the natal chart as a transit. Thanks Hilary for your reply. Isnt the painting of Hygeia absolutely gorgeous. It sounds as though you need a rest to gather your forces and be alono thate. I certainly feel the 11th house, forward-thinking group energy with regard to this health-concerned asteroid; my community consists of mostly Virgo energy practitioners who are all concerned with mental, physical and spiritual well-being. Thus snakes were also associated with healing. by the time of the procedure next week, Neptune will almost exactly be squaring my MC/IC axis. At age 10 in my first school I was sent down daily to teach the 5-6 year olds to learn to spell and count and to give them cuddles. . The ruler of Cancer, the Moon is in her sixth house conjunct Pluto. Its somewhat of a relief to read the Mercury opposition at Hygeias discovery as I have her opposite my natal Mercury! My work- I am a Capricorn sun has been my life. No medical profession, but I do Reiki. The two people do things the same way, and are driven similarly. Trying to fully understand my divine purpose of being human on this planet at this time of awakening. (also have an eclipsing full Scorpio Moon conjunct Pluto in the 1st house). They were wise ones, full of knowledge and my nana still guides me and she has in many past lives. In later Classical Greek times Athena took Hygiea as part of her persona. Sandra Ingerman- yes, I feel because of her compassion and gentleness she is the mother of Western Shamanism. I look forward to your book coming out and all the best with the one you are writing now. Dear Hillary, I lived in what Australians call the outback and my mother and granddad taught me through correspondence lessons. Thanks again. I have been interested in natural, holistics healing/living since a few years and now I am considering to involve this passion into my career..maybe u would be interested in my hygiea placement, and maybe you could help me to confirm or not this idea ..virgo ascendant, hygiea in libra third house, widely conjunct a pluto/saturn conjunction, trine venus/north node conjunction, square vertex/pallas conjunction, and exactly quincunx MC.. Thankyou for writing to me Siya and I do hope you have a lovely day. I am so glad you are studying medical astrology. hygea an exact trine/sextile to the galactical Center / MC) We see here a link to Hermes in his alchemical aspect. Good, healthy fresh food (grown at home if we can), free of genetic engineering and of poisons and raw or cooked at home; and herbs, maybe grown in our garden are good medication. =], The principle isnt to artificially turn out to be effective, aebdfdcbcedd, It is also possible that Zyngas chosen advertising eagagedcbekf. I had my 2 year CT scan last week and rang the surgeon for the results today. When I began my counselling practice my first clients had problems with addiction, self-esteem and co-dependency. The quincunx is an aspect of health, usually some imbalance. I started looking at the astrology of it to see where the desire was coming from so no, it isnt analysing purposely to find something to fitIm not that good at astrology! I used to teach a two subjects on ethics and confidentiality in research and dealing with the public when I taught at university, so I like to make sure that the people I deal with on my StarCounsell site feel safe with me. 18Tau13 transit. Your heart is a glowing planet. Thankyou for your praise and for encouraging all your friends to follow my posts. If you read Michael Newtons books what I say will make sense. Thank you very much for such a prolific article. It sounds as though your Hygeia transits were very pleasant though. In the ninth house. Mars on the ASC (exact). The bigger picture. Initially, this relationship may seem very well starred. (so all the prior planets are opposite my Saturn and Mars). Congratulations. but anyways today hygeia has just passed Pluto at 29 degrees + Capricorn. Good astrologers, too, need to be eclectic or have a few strings to their bow. I am sure you have meditated and there are many different forms of meditation. Lilith is looking for sacred sex. Its all very interesting when one associates it with oneself. It is noteworthy that the first subject all social work students have to learn is a whole subject on Karl Marx and Marxian theory as a backbone of sociology and social work. My Ascendant conjuncts Apollo in Virgo too which I also believe involves me in a healing art at some point.
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