Someone is considered a missionary (for the sake of these statistics) if they have moved somewhere else for the spread of the gospel. To say that a people group is unengaged means there are definitely no missionaries, in all likelihood no outreach, no church or fellowship of believers, no Christian materials, and few if any Bibles in these people groups. These are found in Mark, Matthew, and repeated again in the Book of Acts. For those that are either illiterate or oral learners, newspapers, books, printed matter, internet text, even a physical Bible will have minimal impact. And when thats finished, Jesus says, The end will come (Matthew 24:14). Two-thirds of all people on earth
I think this is a bigger problem for most people than verse six, but it has a very simple solution if we could just get everybody to translate it the same way. ways to avoid becoming a missionary
They do update it every year, though, so hopefully we will see Iran removed from the list soon! countries where there are limitations, oppression and even severe persecution of converts to
The following two maps show the difference between a political country and the ethnic people groups in that country: The definition used by mission strategist for people group is "a significantly large grouping of individuals who perceive themselves to have a common affinity for one another because of their shared language, religion, ethnicity, residence, occupation, class or caste, situation, etc., or combinations of these." Jesus could have said, go and make disciples of everyone in all nations, or simply, go and make disciples of everyone, but that wouldnt make sense because He said many are called, but few are chosen (Matt 22:14). the 10/40 Window. When? From Myanmar My question has to do with Pauls words in Colossians 1:6, where he speaks of the gospel that has come to you, as indeed in the whole world. He maybe suggested that the gospel had already reached the whole world in his lifetime. on Earth. I am from Iran and I can tell you that you are dead wrong by putting Iran under covert operations only. Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things. Thanks for your input! They may have limited access to the Scriptures in trade or major languages, but no access in their heart language. across 134 countries, Good news: Researcher David Barrett says the country which has
They have no internet no google no apple no windows North korea has their own government run internet with 6000 webpages available "Ethne" can simply mean any non-Jew i.e. Now he knows that he has many great sinfulness in his life according the Bible which I gave to him. Drawing attention to the evangelistic task yet to be done, the visually dramatic 10/40
On the other hand, this also means none of us. Many factors contribute to the spiritual need in the 10/40 Window, including poverty,
Its great to hear that people in Iran can access Christian communities and teaching. Individuals in these groups may have very limited, if any, access to the Gospel. An average of 160,000 a day hear the message of redemption in Christ for the first time. Window harvest field! World A is made up of the 33% of the world's population that claims to be "Christian.". experienced the most rapid Christian expansion ever is China which in modern times has
live in that rectangular area. (Baxter 2007, 12). - Robert Bellah, Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton University, originally quote in Psychology Today in the 1970s, currently quoted in Christianity Today Oct 2011: 42. He is the founder of Radical. But this does not get us off the hook. world's most difficult and challenging places. To make, not just a convert, but a disciple of Jesus requires the Scriptures to be available in the mother tongue. The world today has almost 10,000 people groups; more than 4,000 of these people groups are considered unreached. . Numbers: One village
Although this is a great milestone, there is an even greater challenge that our faith is facing. In addition 60% of the worlds population is considered oral learners meaning their preferred learning mode is oral, not written. Deuteronomy 4:29 proclaims, But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul. This passage teaches an important principle, everyone who truly seeks God will find Him because God makes Himself known in all of His creation. So they are without excuse, And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come., 5 Signs God isTrying to Get Your Attention, 7 Signs God Is Pushing You Into Something Awesome, 8 Things The Bible Says Will Happen Before Jesus Returns Again, 4 Little Known Facts about the Resurrection of Jesus, 5 Powerful Bible Verses About Second Chances, 3 Ways Gods Plan Is Better Than Your Plan. Practically, unless something changes, this means unreached people will be born, live, and die without ever hearing the gospel. to the Gospel. You can find her on GodUpdates, iBelieve, Crosswalk, Hello Darling, Focus On The Family, and in Brio Magazine. The gospel must be preached in order for people to hear it and so started the great commission. degrees latitude north of the equator with Africa and Southern Europe forming the western end
Even if the Scriptures are translated and news media available, an estimated 1 billion adults are considered illiterate. Clickhereto learn more. This is not negotiable. Heather Riggleman is a believer, wife, mom, author, social media consultant, and full-time writer. (Barrett and Johnson 2001, 656) The Church has roughly 3,000 times the financial resources and 9,000 times the manpower needed to finish the Great Commission. So they are without excuse., To dive deeper into this question, lets take a look at the book of Acts. working to spread the gospel and meet the physical and spiritual needs of the people in the 10/40
Two passages in Romans explain this point further. Put another way, churches are spending approximately 1% of our missions resources among the 3 billion people in 7,000 people groups who havent heard the gospel. All of these 50 largest unreached people groups are in the 10/40 Window, 47 are in sensitive countries. Additionally, in google images search for abadan church mosque. Radical trains and equips churches and followers of Christ to spread gospel hope on the front lines of urgent need among the nations. cultural sub-groupings, 550 million unreached Hindus in 1660 cultural sub-groups, 148 million unreached Chinese in 445 groups, 275 million unreached Buddhists in 900 groups, 2550 unreached tribal groups (which are mainly animistic) with a total population of 140
Dont think youve embraced a little thing thats number one. people. The coin doesnt know about it being lost, he said that I am the same as the lost coin. All people "know God," even if they have never heard the Bible. Notices that Jesus disciples are given an imperative command in the Greek, where it is says, Go therefore.. It appears he did, and that raises implications about the urgency of the Great Commission today. Whoever isnt reached in all nations still has no excuse, because they know God exists, but they simply exchanged that truth for a lie (Rom 1:21-23). Now, to underline that were on the right track in saying that, we just need to remember that Paul himself said later in Romans 15:2024. Jesus came and said to them, All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. The statistics from that 10/40 Window can be staggering. In many of the 67 countries represented in the 10/40 Window, witnessing the Christian Gospel means . You will see that a church and a mosque are right next to each other. The world population is increasing, including the population among unreached peoples and places. It baffles me why translations give it that meaning, a temporal meaning, which has been proclaimed. Thats translating two Greek words, the proclaimed tou krychthentos. The only two things
The words of James may apply to those of us who are wealthy compared to the rest of the world: "Come now, you rich, weep and howl for the miseries that are coming upon you. Do you have a missions call? . It is a great injustice to think that 2,000 years after Jesus gave the Great Commission that many people groups have no witness in their midst. Despite Christ's command to evangelize, 67% of all humans from AD 30 to the present day have never even heard the name of Jesus Christ. However, language user statistics tend to lag behind actual population statistics due to challenges in gathering and updating information. Open Doors: 50
Another factor to consider here is native missionaries. Some estimates suggest that up to 70% of the unreached peoples of the world are oral-preferenced communicators. I have no idea. countriesNazarene missions
In the last 40 years, over 1 billion people have died who have never heard of Jesus, and around 30 million people this year will perish without hearing the message of salvation. politically, religiously, ancestral heritage, population size, and climate-wise. missionaries in the 10/40 Window have become creative in how they evangelize and disciple
And thats what every Christian and church should be living for. It gets printed on t-shirts and stitched on bible covers. No, but does that mean God is not fair? There are almost as many different strategies as there are ministries, and its breathtaking to consider how the Lord orchestrates his plans: One ministry prints, another uses cutting edge digital technology, another collects and recycles discarded material. The fact of the matter is there are people who never heard the gospel beforethe coming of Christ. To date, 5.5 million believers around the world have dedicated their lives to become full-time missionaries. They are on a road that leads to an eternal hell without ever even hearing how they can go to heaven. He is a mighty missionary, and he will be able to use these little small tracts in different areas. (World Evangelization Research Center), If ten men are carrying a log nine of them on the little end and one at the heavy end and you want to help, which end will you lift on?William Borden. (Joshua Project) 70,000+ people die everyday in the unreached world without Jesus. God did this so that they would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from any one of us. (Baxter 2007, 12) 60% of unreached people groups live in countries closed to missionaries from North America. Havent we just about completed the Great Commission?" Operation World presents data suggesting that after peaking in the mid-1990s the growth rate of both Christianity in general and Evangelicals (an approximation of true Christ-followers) has slowed significantly. it is not banned in the Philippines nor in Mindanaowe have churches and missionaries in Mindanao. anyone that would call themselves a "Christian.") We believe this is the most effective way in finishing the great commission. Yet another reason much of the world remains unevangelized is the apathy among many Christians in Western cultures. The map was in their last newsletter, but you can also see it on their website. David Platt serves as a pastor in metro Washington, D.C. In other words, more than 40% of the worlds people groups dont have sufficient access to the Gospel. Asia is the most isolated continent with less than 20% of the more than 4.5 billion people claiming to know a Christian. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them (Rom 1:18-19). Smith, Nazarene Bible College student, "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if
From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.. In the Great Commission Jesus commanded His followers to make disciples from every ethnic people group. Paul even wanted to go to Spain. its not banned in my country. and passion." The French tracts are also being sent to Senegal to pastor [redacted] and to Uganda to the area where the Kampala camp is with 12,000 refugees. When you believe the gospel, you believe in the God of the universe who has no serious rivals. The results of a 2019 Eurobarometer survey concluded that 64% of Europe's population believe in Christianity, . For evangelistic purposes it is "the largest group within which the gospel can spread as a church planting movement without encountering barriers of understanding or acceptance." Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. There are millions of individuals in these unengaged people groups that have never heard of Jesus or His work of redemption. Gentile or it can mean a collection of individuals with a common identity. Of the 5.8 billion people in our world, 1.2 billion (around 20%) have yet to hear the Gospel. The fact is that the Western Church, which has more than enough resources to evangelize these people groups, has grown preoccupied with local work and has refused to place a priority in reaching these unreached people groups. Please note that no one is claiming thatChristianity is illegal in these places. Western Sahara Yemen. Article Images Copyright . The equator is the "0" latitude line with all of the other latitude lines labeled in
For since the creation of the world Gods invisible qualities his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse (Romans 1:20) and the requirements of the law are written on their hearts (Romans 2:15). The Voice of the Martyrs map categorizes countries where bibles are (1) difficult/dangerous to obtain, (2) illegal or highly restricted, and (3) strictly illegal and only available through covert smuggling. Syria Taiwan
We hope to use these during the year in the villages of Kisumu rural areas where not many has bibles even the pastors who borrows from brothers who are privileged to have one. 2001. nations in which they are working. We did explain that in the post. Portugal Qatar
majority of the world's Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs live in the 10/40 Window. Gods vision for GCP is to tell the Western Church about the unreached, raise funds, and send these resources to native ministries that are reaching those people groups that dont have access to the Gospel. 10/40 Window. This is an important aspect of the ministry of Global Commission Partners. Some of them to churches in Namibia, some are waiting on private people who will visit Angola in a short while, some are on their way to a mining group in Malawi, and some to another missionary in Malawi. It does not say, has been proclaimed it is proclaimed in all creation. Everywhere it goes, it is being proclaimed, and it is bearing fruit. 1World Christian Database, 2015,*Barrett and Johnson. Obviously, the answer would be to help the man by himself in the heavy end! Is it possible that the gospels now been preached to all nations?. The number of unreached people is higher now than ever before. Gambia Gibraltar Greece Guinea Guinea-Bissau India
During his time on earth, Jesus said, And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all nations, and then the end will come. Matthew 24:14. Remember, the most of early church lived with the expectation that Jesus was coming back in their lifetime. 86% of all unreached people groups lie within the region called the 10/40 window, which is between 10 and 40 degrees north and from the west coast of Africa to the east coast of Asia. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. It was compiled by an international ministry that is working to get Christians all over the world their own bibles. That, I think, is the point of Colossians 1:6, when he says, . Consider for example the 135,000,000 unreached Shaikh of Bangladesh, the 59,000,000 unreached Brahman of India, 58,000,000 unreached Yadav of India or the 37,000,000 unreached Java Pesisir Lor of Indonesia, most of the individuals in these groups and thousands of other unreached people groups are completely ignorant of the King of Kings. So how many of the approximately 17,400 ethnic people groups are considered unreached i.e. 8 Spiritual Disciplines and How to Master Each. Its so well known in some circles that the idea that the bible is illegal in 52 countries is fairly well known. The current rate of missions sending and giving is nowhere close to keeping up with population increases. The ministry that created the map listed India as dangerous and/or difficult. So thankfully, not banned, but there are regions where it is difficult and/or dangerous to share the gospel. We know there are many people groups that have not yet heard the Gospel, and there are many believers and missionaries all over the world working hard and dedicating their lives to . Here are some facts to
About three million people live in some of the hardest to reach, isolated places on the planet that are far from any Christian influence. Any sinner who fails to act on how God has revealed Himself to themwhether through creation or through their conscience as mentioned previously when we unpacked scriptures from Romanswill deserve the just punishment for rejecting God. Now there is 1 unreached people group for every 1000 congregations. Over 90% of all missionaries work among already reached peoples. And Jesus gives them the authority to do this (Matt 28:18). You may have heard of the phrase the 10/40 window but unsure as to what it means. As of Nov. 27, 2019, according to our calculations, the gospel has reached every living person on the planet. gone before us when we claim we are being persecuted for our faith in the U.S." Louise
Many areas in the 10/40 Window are places that Nazarene World Mission director Verne
Ephesians 2 tells us that we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. remain outside the reach of current evangelistic efforts. north of the equator up to 40 degrees north of the equator and stretching from westernmost
. Be a part of it find a place of historic significance in declaring "His glory among the nations! I think there are three reasons. 91 views, 2 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 1 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Apostles Lutheran Church: Proclaim the Victory! Extremely low literacy rates are concentrated in three regions, the Arab states, South and West Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa, again highly unreached regions. (Operation World p. 10) That translates to very close to two billion individuals, one in four individuals, without any knowledge of the Savior! The text on page 161 says "The disturbing truth is that there may still be nearly 2 billion individuals who have never had a chance to hear the Gospel. And it is estimated that 1.6 billion people have never heard the Gospel -- not even one time. You can find all the episodes on The list is specifically about the ease with which believers can share the message of the Christian Bible and access the scriptures. The fact that so few of our financial resources and missionaries are sent to the unreached is what is known as the Great Imbalance. A recent study by the Center for the Study of Global Christianity sought to determine the level of contact between Christians and non-Christians. (World Evangelization Research Center) How are we supposed to take the Gospel to the unevangelized if we dont even know about them? Testimonies from our distributors in India are here, Yes. -- Dale Butler, Nazarene Bible College
So they have been labeled
World Christian Trends, pg 656Todd Johnson, Global Atlas of Christianity, pg 296Bob Finley, Reformation in Foreign Missions, pg. 5 Principles for Investing in Your Children, 5 Key Ways to Study the Bible Like Charles Stanley, This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright 2023, The past three month I went to Myansalii village. very rapidly. as indeed in the whole world it is bearing fruit and increasing.. global church to share the love of Christ with those who have never heard. These passages teach us that if a person truly desires to know God, God will make Himself known. Using this definition the Atlas breaks the globe into World A, B, C where World A is considered the unevangelized. It is alsonot about which countries do or do not have physical church buildings or the presence of Christian communities. Ultimately, though, the list is not ours, so we cannot change it. For example, internet penetration is limited in rural parts of Asia and Africa. I also send many French bibles from your organization to them. is crucial for fulfilling the Great Commission. One of the signs prior to Jesus return would be that this gospel, the one Jesus brought (Mark 1:15), would be preached to all nations, and then the end would come (His return to judge the world). Although the church has made great progress in evangelizing the world, the statistics here show that there is still a lot of work to be done. For these and other reasons, Patrick Johnstone has called this area the
to focus attention on a specific area of the world where millions of people have little or no access
Bible translation agencies report that approximately 1,800 languages have definite translation need. Saudi Arabia Senegal Sudan
Christian missions strategist Luis Bush started
across northern Africa and into southern Asia. VOM is a great ministry to the persecuted Church around the world and they update this list every year. Even if people have listended to missionaries, such as those of the Joshua Project, and rejected the message, they have at least heard of . There is no way to know how long it will be; we can only know that it will be! Despite Christs command to evangelize, 67% of all humans from AD 30 to the present day have never even heard the name of Jesus Christ. Another way is to focus on the unreached people groups wherever they may be in
It is the kind of gospel that is proclaimed under all creation under heaven. In other words, the meaning is virtually the same as chapter 1:6: . - curiousdannii Jan 14, 2014 at 4:18 1 If you'd said that I would have agreed! We must Go! There is no plan B. Will they miss out on knowing Gods love and goodness? This makes it more imperative than ever to partner with our God to reach the lost. . Radical exists to equip Christians to be on mission. However, the 10/40 Window does contain huge blocs of people who, by any definition,
The majority of the world's Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs live in the 10/40 Window. Havent most nations now been penetrated by the gospel? In the parable of the Lost Sheep the shepherd leaves the 99 and seeks out the one. Along with his wife and children, he lives in the Washington, D.C. metro area. Although there are a growing number of ministries that are beginning to raise funds for evangelizing the remaining unreached people groups, GCP is different in the fact that we work exclusively with unreached people groups. Some of the Arabic Bibles are on their way to Dakar Senegal, some to Nigeria and Malawi/Mozambique, some to Uganda and Kenya, where there are new converts who can speak and read Arabic. Together
evangelism. World Factbook. And yes, I think I can explain it, and I hope I can not only explain it, but explain it in a way that intensifies your commitment to reach the nations rather than dampening that commitment. After describing numerous advances of the Gospel, Operation World states "The sobering fact is that, even with all this activity, probably 24-27% of the worlds population have not had the good news presented to them in a way they could appreciate and meaningfully respond to." The Atlas suggests there are over 2,000,000,000 (2 billion) individuals in World A. Atlas p. 312-313, As Ralph Winter aptly stated "The task of identifying and penetrating the remaining unreached peoples the great challenge of "discipling all the nations" still lies before us. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. Ward describes as "where the Church is not yet." We, as believers who are already a part of Gods family have a responsibility to share the gospel with those God puts in our path. Click to see it on their site. Unreached peoples and places are those among whom Jesus is largely unknown and the church is relatively insufficient to make Jesus known in its broader population without outside help. How will you be a part of the work? 39, No. Editors Note: The following excerpt is adapted from David Platts teaching during Secret Church 21, The Great Imbalance.. Nobody knows the day or the hour of Jesus return. For 33 years, he served as pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota. the "Mission briefing" series published in Engage, a monthly
So, lets take these two passages one at a time. In AD 100 there were 12 unreached people groups for every congregation of believers. "We need another surge into the darkness! Few people in the world today have never heard of Jesus. We know God exists. There is often a small percentage (less than 2%) Christ-followers in these groups, but the vast majority of the group has minimal, if any, exposure to the person of Jesus Christ and the Good News of Gods free gift of salvation. World B is the 38% of the world's population that has access to the Gospel but the people in
Using this definition, we discover that there are somewhere between 242 and 361 unreached people groups living in the United States right . He did that
Number two, Paul said this namely, that its spreading throughout the whole world and increasing to underline the fact that there is a great, glorious Creator God behind the gospel who is laying claim on the entire creation. [, At least some part of Scripture has been translated into 3,350 of the world's 6,500
I feel an urgency to unreached nations. Estimates suggest that approximately 7,400 people groups are still considered unreached. Instead, they are sentenced to hell based on the fact they are sinners. They must have realized they couldnt possibly reach every single person in every single nation in the short amount of time theyd be alive, yet Jesus said to go make disciples of all nations. Many of the countries will not give visas to religious workers. After Jesus resurrection, He gave His disciples some marching orders. Thanks for all your help and prayers for the persecuted Church! All rights reserved. Every hour, over 1,600 people decide to follow Jesus Christ. For statistical agreement, numbers and percentages used here are based on the Ethnologue number.
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