Respiration and Swallowing The vocal fold adductor muscles also co-contract when you develop high . polymyositis and dermatomyositis (Gonzlez-Fernndez & Daniels, 2008). (2010). Risk factors for pneumonia and other lower respiratory tract infections in elderly residents of long-term care facilities. However, clinicians were not concerned about the possible effects of this rehabilitation protocol on cardiac events. Miles, A., McFarlane, M., Scott, S., & Hunting, A. Monitoring the presence of the signs and symptoms of oropharyngeal and/or esophageal swallowing dysfunction. (1992). A., Lindblad, A. S., Brandt, D., Baum, H., Lilienfeld, D., Kosek, S., Lundy, D., Dikeman, K., Kazandjian, M., Gramigna, G. D., McGarvey-Toler, S., & Miller Gardner, P. J. High-resolution manometry is a technique used to measure pressures generated in the pharynx and esophagus. (2012). General contraindications for an instrumental exam include, but are not limited to, the following: . The prevalence of dysphagia among adults in the United States. Establishing optimal practice patterns. Bonnie Martin-Harris, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, BCS-S. Journal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases, 18(5), 329335. SLPs may make recommendations for modifications of texture and viscosity and discuss their implications with other team members (e.g., dietary team, the patient). Visualize the structures of the upper aerodigestive tract. Provider refers to the person providing the assessment or treatment (e.g., SLP, trained volunteer, caregiver). American Journal of Gastroenterology, 86(8), 965970. Stroke, 36(12), 27562763. Instrumental techniques are usually conducted either independently by the SLP or by the SLP in conjunction with other members of the interprofessional team (e.g., radiologist, radiologic technologist, physiatrist, otolaryngologist). ), Normal and abnormal swallowing (pp. Assess the anatomy and physiology of the structures involved in swallowing and to analyze and measure range of motion and coordination or timing of movement. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 128(6), 397401. (1992). The VFSS is also known as the modified barium swallow study (MBSS) and is a radiographic procedure used to gain further information regarding dysphagia. The ability of the 10-item Eating Assessment Tool (EAT-10) to predict aspiration risk in persons with dysphagia. British Medical Journal, 295(6595), 411414. This system is a specialized form of neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) administered through uniquely designed external skin electrodes. Compensatory techniques alter the swallow when used but do not create lasting functional change. Wirth, R., Dziewas, R., Beck, A. M., Clav, P., Hamdy, S., Heppner, H. J., Langmore, S., Leischker, A. H., Martino, R., Pluschinski, P., Rsler, A., Shaker, R., Warnecke, T., Sieber, C. C., & Volkert, D. (2016). Evolution of tracheal aspiration in severe traumatic brain injury-related oropharyngeal dysphagia: 1-year longitudinal follow-up study. The SLP should consider and integrate the patients wishes and advocate on behalf of the patient to the health care team, the family, and other relevant individuals. Visualize the presence, location, and amount of secretions in the hypopharynx and larynx the patients sensitivity to the secretions; and the ability of spontaneous or facilitated efforts to clear the secretions. Lindgren, S., & Janzon, L. (1991). Hold this posture for 3-5 seconds. Consulting with the interprofessional team, including a dietician and pharmacist, when altering a diet can help ensure that the patients nutritional and medication needs continue to be met. (2023). Treatment targeting a specific function or structure may also affect function in other structures. Kawashima, K., Motohashi, Y., & Fujishima, I. Assessment and treatment of swallowing and swallowing disorders includes consideration of infection control and personal protective equipment (PPE) as necessary. Cultural competence in dysphagia. Dysphagia, 16 (3), 190-195., Marik, P. E. (2010)., Llabrs, M., Molina-Martinez, F. J., & Miralles, F. (2005). A randomized controlled trial. (2004). The prevalence of dysphagia in community-dwelling adults over the age of 50 years is estimated to be somewhere between 15% and 22% (Aslam & Vaezi, 2013; Barczi et al., 2000), and in skilled nursing facilities, the prevalence rises to over 60% (Steele et al., 1997; Suiter & Gosa, 2019). Dysphagia intervention may concentrate on swallowing exercises, compensatory swallowing strategies (including posture considerations), bolus consistency modification, and caregiver/patient education. (1991). A systematic review by Martino et al. Otolaryngological manifestations of hospitalised patients with confirmed COVID-19 infection., Sonies, B. C., Chi-Fishman, G., & Miller, J. L. (2003). ASHA extends its gratitude to the following subject matter experts who were involved in the development of the Adult Dysphagia page: The recommended citation for this Practice Portal page is: American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. vocal . Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Research, 3(5), 10731079. Dysphagia in acute stroke. Electrical stimulation and swallowing: How much do we know? Swallow while squeezing your throat as hard as you can (pretend that you're swallowing a whole grape) Repeat to fatigue (or in sets of 5-10 swallows, as appropriate) You can also prompt patients to press their tongue hard against their palate ., Terr, R., & Mearin, F. (2009). In B. Jones (Ed. Increased risk of dehydration and associated conditions (e.g., renal failure, gastroparesis, constipation, urinary tract infections, confusion/delirium, and poor recovery from illness (Cichero & Lam, 2014; Leibovitz et al., 2007; Murray et al., 2016, Wheelan, 2001). Perspectives on Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders (Dysphagia), 11(1), 911. Qualified SLPs may also screen for esophageal motility and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) to identify the need for appropriate referral. Please see ASHAs Practice Portal pages on., Riquelme, L. F. (2004). Dysphagia may increase caregiver costs and burden and may require significant lifestyle alterations for the patient and the patients family. Cough response to aspiration in thin and thick fluids during FEES in hospitalized inpatients. This study examined how high-effort sips from small-diameter straws influenced linguapalatal swallow pressures. Understanding emotional and psychological issues related to death is essential to treating patients with swallowing problems at the end of life. Dehydration among long-term care elderly patients with oropharyngeal dysphagia. concerns regarding the safety and efficiency of swallow function, contribution of dysphagia to nutritional compromise, contribution of dysphagia to pulmonary compromise, contribution of dysphagia to concerns for airway safety (e.g., choking), the need to identify disordered swallowing physiology to guide management and treatment, the need to assist in the determination of a differential medical diagnosis related to the presence of dysphagia, the presence of a medical condition or diagnosis associated with a high risk of dysphagia, previously identified dysphagia with a suspected change in swallow function; and, the presence of a chronic degenerative condition with a known progression or the recovery from a condition that may require further information for the management of oropharyngeal function. determining the effectiveness and possible impact of current diet on overall health (e.g., positioning, feeding dependency, environment, diet modification, compensations). Using the Fleming index of dysphagia to establish prevalence. Clinical Nutrition,20(5), 423-428. SLPs interpret and apply the results of imaging to dysphagia treatment plans and make recommendations and referrals as appropriate. A number of epidemiologic reports indicate that the prevalence of dysphagia is more common among older individuals and that sarcopenia is positively associated with dysphagia (Barczi et al., 2000; Bhattacharyya, 2014; Bloem et al., 1990; Cabr et al., 2014; Roden & Altman, 2013; Sura et al., 2012; Zhao et al., 2018). All screening procedures include communication of results and recommendations to the team responsible for the individuals care and to the patient and caregivers. Knowledge, skills, and clinical experience related to the evaluation and management of individuals with swallowing and swallowing problems may be acquired on the graduate or postgraduate level, in formal coursework, and/or via continuing education. Kangaroo - Effortful Swallow. Treatment of dysphagia may include restoration of normal swallow function (rehabilitative) and/or modifications to diet consistency and patient behavior (compensatory). PURPOSE To increase tongue base retraction and pressure during the pharyngeal phase of the swallow and reduce the amount of food residue in the valleculae of the throat. Thickening agents used for dysphagia management: Effect on bioavailability of water, medication and feelings of satiety. Effect of cold water on esophageal motility in patients with achalasia and non-obstructive dysphagia: A high-resolution manometry study. Advance online publication. Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 9(5), 311313. (2008)., Layne, K. A., Losinski, D. S., Zenner, P. M., & Ament, J. Videomanometric analysis of supraglottic swallow, effortful swallow, and chin tuck in patients with pharyngeal dysfunction. Effortful swallowThe effortful swallow is known to increase orolingual pressure (Fukuoka et al., 2013) increase pressure in the upper pharynx (Huckabee & Steele, 2006) and to improve tongue base retraction. Specifically, the effects of the effortful swallow on swallowing physiology, safety, and efficiency were identified, as well as the strengths and limitations of current research. SLPs should maintain competency of skills through reading current research and engaging in continuing education. Archives of Internal Medicine, 159(17), 20582064. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Effortful swallow - targets, Effortful swallow - contraindications, Effortful swallow - dosage and more. A. A significant association of malnutrition with dysphagia in acute patients. B., Colantuoni, E., & Needham, D. M. (2017). overall physical, social, behavioral, and cognitive/communicative status; the patients perception of function, severity, change in functional status, and quality of life; physiological status and vital signs, including heart rate, oxygen saturation, and respiratory rate as well as respiratory/swallowing pattern, which may vary across individuals and across the life span (Martin-Harris et al., 2005); secretion management skills, which might include frequency and adequacy of spontaneous saliva swallowing and the ability to swallow voluntarily; labial seal, anterior spillage and evidence of oral control, including mastication and transit, manipulation of the bolus, presence of hyolaryngeal excursion as observed externally or to palpation, and time required to complete the swallow sequence; behavioral signs and symptoms, such as throat clearing or coughing before/during/after the swallow, which may not always be indicators of penetration and/or aspiration; the impact of fatigue and/or respiratory function on swallowing; changes to physiological status/vital signs/voice quality; and. Guedes, R., Azola, A., Macrae, P., Sunday, K., Mejia, V., Vose, A., & Humbert, I. You can either: Hold this position for 1 minute, and then lower your head and rest for 1 minute. Archives of OtolaryngologyHead & Neck Surgery, 133(6), 564571. Whelan, K. (2001). A 5-year longitudinal study. Swallowing-induced changes in heart rate have been recently reported. Prevalence of dysphagia among community-dwelling elderly individuals as estimated using a questionnaire for dysphagia screening. (1990). Dysphagia management in acute and sub-acute stroke. Specialty certification is a voluntary program and is not required by ASHA to practice in any disorder area. Disfagia como nica manifestacin de miastenia gravis [Dysphagia as the sole manifestation of myasthenia gravis]. HARD / EFFORTFUL SWALLOW ., McCullough, G., Rosenbek, J., Wertz, R., McCoy, S., Mann, G., & McCullough, K. (2005). Goal The goal of this activity is to keep food or fluid from getting stuck in your pharynx, or throat, by improving the force and timing of your swallow. An SLPs roles include. Some of these interventions can also incorporate sensory stimulation. With this support, swallowing efficiency and function may be improved. For further information on the modified Evans blue dye test, please see the, recommendations for additional assessment to determine whether, and the degree to which, swallowing anatomy and/or physiology may be impaired; and. Dysphagia, 31(6), 721729. Long-term prevalence of oropharyngeal dysphagia in head and neck cancer patients: Impact on quality of life. facilitating communication between team members, actively consulting with team members, and. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 27(12), 36313634., Cabr, M., Serra-Prat, M., Force, L., Almirall, J., Palomera, E., & Clav, P. (2014). How To Do The Effortful Swallow. This, in part, is due to the concomitant medical conditions being reported and the timing and type of diagnostic procedures being used to identify swallowing disorders across neurological populations. SLPs also recognize causes and signs/symptoms of esophageal dysphagia and make appropriate referrals for its diagnosis and management. Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology, 124(5), 351354. Extend your lower jaw above your upper jaw (like a bull dog). Advanced age is a risk factor for aspiration pneumonia (Loeb et al., 1999). National Foundation of Swallowing Disorders. Fiberoptic endoscopic examination of swallowing safety: A new procedure. Scientific Reports,13(1), 2626., Martino, R., Foley, N., Bhogal, S., Diamant, N., Speechley, M., & Teasell, R. (2005). Barriers to caregiver compliance with eating and drinking recommendations for adults with intellectual disabilities and dysphagia. Jonsen, A. R., Siegler, M., & Winslade, W. J. Palliative care teams can assist a patient and/or family in establishing goals of care, which can then guide some of these complex decisions. Neck Exercises Neck Stretch: Extend your chin up towards the ceiling. Techniques and exercises: Maneuvers: Chin tug and turn. Consent, refusal, and waivers in patient-centered dysphagia care: Using law, ethics, and evidence to guide clinical practice. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 82(12), 16611665. Dysphagia cuts across so many diseases and age groups that its true prevalence in adult populations is not fully known and is often underestimated. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 22(8), 10031009., Granell, J., Garrido, L., Millas, T., & Gutierrez-Fonseca, R. (2012)., Cheney, D., Siddigui, M., Litts, J., Kuhn, M., & Belafsky, P. (2015). Tongue Exercises Masako: Gently hold the tip of your tongue between your front teeth. can be used w effortful swallow contraindications: cardiac pts never a compensatory strategy, never used with a bolus., Gonzlez-Fernndez, M., & Daniels, S. K. (2008). 109(4):578-83. In B. Jones (Ed. intake as pleasure feeds given extensive education to the patient, the patients family/caregiver(s), and the clinical/medical team. the Yale Swallow Protocol (Suiter et al., 2014). Dysphagia, 29(5), 603609. For example, coughing and throat clearing may not be correlated with penetration or aspiration of a bolus but may be the result of gastroesophageal reflux, esophageal dysmotility, and common medications (Elvevi et al., 2014; Madanick, 2013; Tafreshi & Weinacker, 1999). Effortful swallow Aims to make the muscles of swallowing stronger and therefore help food and drink to move to the stomach more safely. Education and counseling may be provided concerning issues related to tube feeding, such as appropriate positioning and duration of feeding times. Patients who exhibit residue in the valleculae after the swallow. Comparison of effortful and noneffortful swallows in healthy middle-aged and older adults. Please see ASHAs Practice Portal page on Telepractice for further detail. Other instrumental procedures are used primarily in research at this time but may develop into clinical diagnostic tools. 99-E024). Decision making must take into account many factors about each individuals overall status and prognosis. Journal of Medical Ultrasound, 21(4), 181188. multiple sclerosis (De Pauw et al., 2002); amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, Lou Gehrigs disease; e.g., Ruoppolo et al., 2013); muscular dystrophy (e.g., Tabor et al., 2018); developmental disabilities in an adult population (e.g., intellectual disability; Chadwick & Jolliffe, 2009); post-polio syndrome (e.g., Sonies & Dalakas, 1991); myasthenia gravis (e.g., Llabrs et al., 2005; Romo Gonzlez et al., 2010); and. Drug-induced dysphagia. Due to the interprofessional nature of dysphagia management, clinicians should be aware of multiple options for dysphagia intervention, including medical, surgical, and behavioral treatment. (2016). Oropharyngeal dysphagia after stroke: Incidence, diagnosis, and clinical predictors in patients admitted to a neurorehabilitation unit. Instrumental procedures may not be indicated in select patients (e.g., a patient with ill-fitting dentures resulting in oral dysphagia or some patients with low levels of alertness who are unable to participate in the study). To perform this exercise, lie flat on your back and raise your head as though you were trying to fixate your gaze on your toes. Treatment options for patients with dysphagia are selected on the basis of evidence-based practice, which includes a combination of the best available internal and external evidence., Barczi, S. R., Sullivan, P. A., & Robbins, J. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 53(1), 2943. Try to see your toes. Purpose This systematic review summarizes the biomechanical and functional effects of the effortful swallow in adults with and without dysphagia, highlighting clinical implications and future research needs. Asking the right questions in the right ways., Alagiakrishnan, K., Bhanji, R. A., & Kurian, M. (2013). Patient/caregiver report or observation of difficulty with per os (P.O.) European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology. A patient with decision-making capacity, the patients family, or other established decision-maker has the right to accept or refuse such recommendations (Krekeler et al., 2018). (2014). A thin catheter with pressure sensors < 1 cm apart is placed through the nose, pharynx, and esophagus. (2016). Assessing and treating dysphagia: A lifespan perspective. Therefore, management of dysphagia may require input of multiple specialists serving on an interprofessional team. Management of individuals with dysphagia should be based on results of comprehensive assessment, including both instrumental and non-instrumental assessments as applicable. The Ampcare's Effective Swallowing Protocol (ESP) is a therapeutic intervention FDA-cleared for the treatment of dysphagia., Horner, J., Modayil, M., Chapman, L. R., & Dinh, A. It is important to note that, currently, no bedside screening protocol has been shown to provide adequate predictive value for the presence of aspiration. Does a water protocol improve the hydration and health status of individuals with thin liquid aspiration following stroke?, Carnaby-Mann, G. D., & Crary, M. A. description of the characteristics of suspected swallowing status, recommendations to support oral and non-oral nutrition and hydration identification of the need for intervention and support, recommendations for intervention and support, prognosis for improvement or maintenance of function and identification of relevant factors, referral for other services or professionals, counseling, education, and training to the patient, health care providers, and caregivers. Effortful Swallow ACTIVITY: SWALLOW WITH AS MUCH EFFORT AS POSSIBLE. Pharmacotherapy, 19(8), 974978. Head & Neck, 39(5), 947959. A review of medical/clinical records, including the potential impact of medications and treatment of other medical diagnoses such as. Acta Gastroenterologica Latinoamericana, 40(2), 156158. Different management approaches may be necessary for individuals with dysphagia that has resulted from an acute event, a chronic/stable condition, or a progressive neurological disorder. Archives of OtolaryngologyHead & Neck Surgery, 130(2), 208210. SLPs examine the influence of diet texture modifications on swallowing physiology, including airway protection, during a comprehensive assessment of an individuals swallowing status prior to recommending these changes as part of treatment. Ask the client to: 1. In some cases, caregivers may be encouraged to bring familiar food and drink. Swallow as hard as you can. SLPs with appropriate training and competence in performing electrical stimulation may provide the intervention., Brodsky, M. B., Huang, M., Shanholtz, C., Mendez-Tellez, P. A., Palmer, J., Gordon, C., Hewer, R. L., & Wade, D. T. (1987). Swallowing disorder basics. Effortful swallowing was also associated with significantly greater maximum velocities of the hyoid and larynx during swallowing. Ultrasound imaging and swallowing. Patients may benefit from the use of adaptive equipment or environmental modifications to more effectively manage the bolus (Granell et al., 2012)., Coates, C., & Bakheit, A. Dysphagia management often involves the implementation of compensatory strategies and/or rehabilitation exercises to optimise a person's swallow safety and efficiency (Easterling, Citation 2017).Voluntary pharyngeal swallowing manoeuvres are commonly used to alter pharyngeal physiology and bolus flow (Logemann, Citation 2008).The effortful swallow is frequently employed in . Investigation of compensatory postures with videofluoromanometry in dysphagia patients. The effortful swallowing used in our protocol aims to increase muscle strength, improve coordination, and reduce the posterior movement of the tongue base [ 9 ]. Prevalence of dysphagia in multiple sclerosis and its related factors: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Economic and survival burden of dysphagia among inpatients in the United States. Identifying the prevalence of dysphagia among patients diagnosed with unilateral vocal fold immobility. SUPPLIES . Korkmaz, M. ., Eilmez, O. K., zelik, M. A., & Gven, M. (2020). Diseases of the Esophagus, 31(1), 17. Supportive Care in Cancer, 27, 36813700. Neurogastroenterology & Motility, 21(4), 361369. SLPs may also make recommendations regarding continuing per os (P.O.) Journal of Prosthodontic Research, 56(3), 166169., Westby, C., Burda, A., & Mehta, Z. The Ampcare ES unit is a portable, non-invasive, dual-channel ., Tibbling, L., & Gustafsson, B. Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 14(3), 376383. A descriptive investigation of dysphagia in adults with intellectual disabilities. Effectiveness of chin-tuck maneuver to facilitate swallowing in neurologic dysphagia. The intent of many exercises is to provide lasting functional improvement. (2019). Dysphagia, 29(2), 199203. Timing refers to the timing of rehabilitation relative to the onset of dysphagia. supraglottic swallow, super supraglottic swallow, effortful swallow/Valsalva maneuver, mendelsohn maneuver. Upon completion of the comprehensive assessment, the clinician uses the acquired data to identify which treatment options would be most beneficial. Agency for Health Care Policy and Research. Zhao, W. T., Yang, M., Wu, H. M., Yang, L., Zhang, X. M., & Huang, Y. Patient/care partners access to thickened liquids and/or thickening agents and ability to modify regular texture foods/liquids after discharge., Humbert, I. The SLP frequently serves as a coordinator for the team management of dysphagia. Incidence refers to the number of new cases of dysphagia identified in a specified time period. Clinical interventions in aging, 11, 189-208. These muscles contract in a stereotypic sequence during swallowing and are involved in the biomechanics of hyolaryngeal excursion., Langmore, S. E., Kenneth, S. M. A., & Olsen, N. (1988). The Laryngoscope, 127(Suppl. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 87(8), 10671072. Dysphagia may develop secondary to damage to the central nervous system (CNS) and/or cranial nerves, and to unilateral or bilateral cortical and subcortical lesions, such as, Dysphagia may also occur from problems affecting the head and neck, including, Dysphagia may be associated with other factors, such as., Sura, L., Madhavan, A., Carnaby, G., & Crary, M. A. These include procedures such as the esophagram/barium swallow, manofluorography, scintigraphy, 24-hr pH monitoring, and esophagoscopy., Chadwick, D. D., Jolliffe, J., Goldbart, J., & Burton, M. H. (2006). Inadequate fluid intakes in dysphagic acute stroke. ASHA does not require any additional certifications. Effortful Swallow Indications: Useful in treated head and neck cancer patients with reduced tongue strength, reduced laryngeal elevation, reduced pharyngeal contraction, reduced laryngeal vestibule closure, and cricopharyngeal dysmotility. (2012). The patient has anatomical deviations (e.g., head/neck, digestive tract) that preclude use of barium or use of an endoscopy. Thieme., Via, M. A., & Mechanick, J. I. Do 5 reps 2 times per day. The purpose of the technique is to compensate for deficits that cannot be or are not yet rehabilitated sufficiently. Roden, D. F., & Altman, K. W. (2013). Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America, 46(6), 10591071. Sapienza: The studies have shown that during EMST, not IMST, the suprahyoid muscles are co-contracting and generating greater muscle activity than that exhibited during normal dry or wet swallow, and that the muscle force produced is on par with effortful swallow exercises. European Neurology, 38, 4952. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, 18(4), 311315. (2013). Chin tuck for prevention of aspiration: Effectiveness and appropriate posture. Secondly, the effects of the EPG as an exercise are unknown as our study was conduced on healthy subjects without dysphagia. 1997- American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Patient adherence to dysphagia recommendations: A systematic review [published correction appears in Dysphagia, May 4, 2018]. Or hold this position for 1 minute, and then lower your head and . A., & Mizrahi, M. (2016). Impact of the modified consistency/viscosity on the individuals swallowing physiology. Prospective, randomized . Modifications to diet texture may include changing the viscosity of liquids and/or altering the texture of solid foods using standardized criteria (e.g., International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative [IDDSI]). Dysphagia in patients with the post-polio syndrome. A. OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery, 160(6), 955964. Breathing and swallowing dynamics across the adult lifespan. volitional airway protection strategy (compensatory) . Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 9(12), 784795. Developing the tongue holding maneuver. Preferred practice patterns for the profession of speech-language pathology [Preferred practice patterns]., Loeb, M., McGeer, A., McArthur, M., Walter, S., & Simor, A. E. (1999). Swallowing safety of oral liquid medications: Assessment using the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative framework. Clinical Rehabilitation, 31(8), 11161125., Garca-Peris, P., Parn, L., Velasco, C., de la Cuerda, C., Camblor, M., Bretn, I., Herencia, H., Verdaguer, J., Navarro, C., & Clave, P. (2007).
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