The Canadian army of intercessors and warriors has risen up and they are standing on their feet. With the inauguration of these Kings comes the revelation and operation of the Resurrection power of Jesus Christ. Your light has come, and it will increase in brightness to overcome the darkness to set the captives free. Its time to seal this word by cutting and severing the assignment of the enemy-. They were swift runners as the shoes of the gospel of peace shod their feet with the message of purity and peace! Romans 12:2, Your Kingdom come - Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Do not turn to the right or the left; remove your foot from evil. Leaning over the top of the Silo, I began to release these WORDS from the Lord over him by declaration and decree.As I did, Oil streamed out of my mouth and poured down upon this Prophet/Father until he was completely saturated it!Its not by might, not by power but by My Spirit says the Lord of hosts. The healing of spiritual legs will lead to the mobilization of the body of Christ into her God given destiny! I speak supernatural healing and restoration into their relationships and I release breakthrough and freedom to take down the strongholds of discord and strife operating within their homes! Matt 15:13, Even now the ax of Gods judgment is poised, ready to sever the roots of the trees. Walk by faith and not by sight for without faith it is impossible to please Me. I saw them as a new breed of end-time prophets that God had hidden up His sleeve for such a time as this. They felt helpless, hopeless and stuck. See, the Lord is coming with fire, and his swift chariots roar like a whirlwind. May you step into the person of Jesus Christ in a deeper way and be clothed with the New man in Christ. And I saw that in this hour- the Holy Spirit has come to clean house! And I saw that these lightweight bomber jackets represented the Lords yoke. As I was praying regarding this Freedom Convoy in Canada, in the Spirit, I saw a headless horseman and I heard the Lord say, This freedom convoy- is really a Battle for Headship!. As I agreed with the Lord to speak to the horse I watched as the horse suddenly began to shake and neigh and rise to its feet and it began to stand in the streets of Canada. VISION- I saw a fire in Canada and I saw that it was moving across the land to cleanse it, by burning up the dross (wood, hay and stubble).As I watched the fire- A scene unfolded before me in the Spirit. Impossibilities are being made possible! And our own completeness is now found in Him. For more info: FREE Personal Vision Statement Worksheet: CONNECTEDWEBSITE: EMAIL ADDRESS: Consider sowing a seed into this ministry-(4 His Beloved is a 501 (c) 3 - all donations are tax-deductible in the US)Cash App. Come up higher! To those of you who are being set free from SHAME, I release the anointing of the Holy Spirit to fill you, to comfort you and to heal every wound in your soul. Their motivation is the Fathers Love- their weapons are not carnal but mighty for the taking down of strongholds. Royalty does not exist without kingship. Be encouraged says the Father. In the coming season we will realize that a triune God can occupy and restore a triune man. I immediately come out of the vision, I open my eyes as worship is continuing and I realize he has taken off his shoes and is motioning for me to do the same. The Lord is healing the wounds of the fathers and mothers. I was focused on the part in the story where Cinderella lost her glass slipper and the princes servant was sent out to find the rightful owner of the slipper as a way of identifying the princes beloved. Although they are fierce and full of Holy fury----they carry the law of kindness on their tongues, and when they speak, I see the fruit of the SPIRIT flowing from their mouths! Put away from you adeceitful mouth and put perverse lips far from you. I hear the Father say- submit to my hand of preparation so that I can launch you into the next season, for a Reformation of Resurrection awaits your arrival! There is a readiness to receive a readiness to receive the Fathers Love. In reading up on butterflies, I discovered that a group of butterflies is officially called a Kaleidoscope. I walked out of the House and into the front yard which seemed to be very large and I immediately saw a massive machine at work. I could see that their carnal weapons were no match for a spiritual foe. So Canada shall be fathered and mothered by those created and walking in My image. Today is the DAY you come out of the hidden places as you are released from SHAME! 540 talking about this. Why? and allow yourself to be hemmed in from all sides. *(If you use one of the two options above, please send us your e-mail and donation amount to, so we can properly credit your gift. From an aerial view I saw a desert and there was a group of people marching in order, kicking up the sand and dust, marching away from the mountain they had been marching around. Lord Jesus, forgive me for harboring any bitterness, un-forgiveness or anger towards them. Expect change, says the Father. I understood that these laser beams consisted of concentrated blood cells tightly packed together. DECREES: I decree that this Girdle will be a strengthening and a support for you, to hold you up, to undergird you and to keep you in your position before the throne of God. In a vision, saw these mothers and fathers releasing the breath of Life from their mouths and I watched them resuscitating, resurrecting and transforming death into life! They did not expose or uncover themselves nor did they try to draw customers to themselves; they simply released what the Father had given them to release.I understood that all of the servers in this restaurant were sharing and releasing from the Fathers heart rather than from their own.END OF VISION. I continued to watch as Jesus led Deborah up a spiral staircase that was completely hidden from view. I understood that this person represented the body of Christ and the holes were emotional wounds. She went in and out of shops, upsetting items, tables, and things in those shops, and throughout the marketplace, and back into the streets. The Bride never stopped to explain anything to these people, she just kept dancing and Jesus made Himself known to them. In a vision, I saw myself climbing out of a room through a hole in the ceiling and was now standing on the floor of that ceiling. Drink deeply. I saw there was a light shining in through a window at the very top. He's Coming to Canada in a brand new way:Amos 3:7 surely the Lord God does nothing unless He reveals His secrets to His servants the prophets the message bible translation says it this way The fact is,God, the Master, does nothing without first telling his prophets the whole story. And there will be a distinction between the forming process (mold) and that which has been formed (life of Jesus Christ within). In the Spirit, I saw that many in the church are like orphans, carrying around this beautiful gift of Son-ship! For I am your loving Father, and I delight in giving good gifts to My children. Winnipeg, you will be known as the birthing capitol of Canada. -, Interact with a Virtual and Local Community of Prophetic Believers,,,,, Click to Order Face to Face with the Father, Click to Subscribe to the Daily Prophetic Word. I call forth unity to the body of Christ in the Arctic! (Shell shock is a phrase that describes the type of posttraumatic stress disordermany soldiers were afflicted with during the war. I started calling to the people "lets go". I want to pause for second, to tell you that I had to look up what a citadel was, because I didnt know. Watch and see as I do a new thing in this nationfor I have heard the cry of desperation rise up from within you. Their weapons of warfare are being stirred up to be released, they are powerful gifts given by the Spirit -for such a time as this. We believe you are able to bring truth into the mass of confusion within our own lives. An Apostolic army is being mobilized! Breakthrough and birthing is happening as our soul gets what our spirit already knows! heal your Land. It has come straight from the Fathers heart to mine. Your sonship is a fact, says God. It is a generation of sons/daughters who are fully surrendered to the Lord, seeking to fulfill all of their Fathers will and they will not love their lives, even unto death. They will fulfill 2 Corinthians 5:17-18, which says, "Now, if anyone is enfolded into Christ, he has become an entirely new creation. KEY WORD for First Nations people of Canada is Restoration- The Lord is restoring the years the locusts have eaten;, redeeming and restoring the time, making all things new. Mangled carries with it the idea of something or someone that has become so disfigured, beaten, bruised and cut up that the original form cant even be identified. I see a fresh anointing upon your forehead Quebec there is a fresh and new commissioning. My husband and I had been married earlier that day, we had just left our wedding reception and we were standing in the hallway of a beautiful hotel and were just about to enter our honeymoon suite. You say, but there is coming a new world order but I am saying too you---Yes! The broadcaster on the screen announced. The Father says today, let go of mistaken ideas of what is not possible in your life. Its on course, its on track and its right on time! Ontario You will make a way where there is no way. NOTE- Daniel 7:21-22 I was watching and the same horn was making war with the saints and prevailing against them, until the Ancient of Days came and a judgement was made in favour of the saints of the Most High and the time came for the saints to possess the kingdom. The following are 4 PRAYERS to help you get free: Father God, today I choose to forgive members of the body of Christ for saying unloving words and/or committing unloving actions towards me. The exploitation and exposing of nakedness represented a spiritual act of promoting one-self while the prostitution/pimping represented the trafficking of spiritual gifts and talents. Is the Free Daily Prophetic Word on Target for your life? The complete man will be so full of God there won't be room for the enemy. These daily prophetic words are personal and powerful downloads from the heart of the Father to your life. When they leave feeling encouraged, loved and hopeful because of the supernatural power of this Holy Spirit led ministry, a kingdom culture within that person is established. Just then, I felt a swoosh beside me as one of the hydraulic arms was rooting out something near where I was standing. He Will Not Leave You without Answers For Your Life. You will no longer wonder who you are! He was in the likeness of King Herod (in the days of Jesus) and I saw he represented an evil political spirit.I saw these demonic kings were being identified and dethroned, they were falling and coming down one by one, as the Spirit of God continued to lead into victory!End of Vision, Matt 24:10- And then shall many be offended and shall betray one another and shall hate one another.Offended (skandalizo) to entrap, trip up, stumble, entice to sin, Proverbs 18:19- A brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city; and their contentions are like the bars of a castle.Offended (pasha) divides. She stood quietly in front of the Father watching. This will also help bring healing to any wounds you might have gotten from parental figures or leaders in your life. Those whom I have called to prepare a place for Me to dwell in this nation now run in the forefront to reposition and release those who will be instrumental in this move of My Spirit. The lyrics are as follows: I suddenly realized the Lord was revealing His heart to me for the Continent of Australia and so this word is for the body of Christ in Australia: Australia, the Father sees you and He is raising you up as a standard against the enemy! This King was wearing a royal robe with a crown upon His head. 2020 PROPHETIC WORD. There are women waiting for release into this radical women's movementThis movement will counter the ungodly movement of feminism. Gen. 1:2. I see rest and restoration coming to a people who have been restless and without rest. Not only will we see the Victory but we will BE the Victory! In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. So, I just want to declare- God is raising up women in this hour, women like Deborah of old who was a mother of Israel! Divine weaponry was available for her to utilize in enforcing the victory of her Commander and Chief! You have asked Me for a check up. More of His glory and His presence. Lift up your heads, O you gates! It is reaction to the intensity of the bombardment and fighting that produced a helplessness appearing variously as panic and being scared, or flight, an inability to reason, sleep, walk or talk- Wikipedia). The prophetic is releasing the apostolic across Alberta. I see the Church in Ontario sending shock waves throughout the Nation. The power to raise the deadthe power to raise the dead church from the place of Golgotha to the place of Dominion in Jesus Christ at the Father's right hand. Go out in your day and love with abandon, accept without qualification, and give, expecting nothing in return. And I see a raising up of the fruit of their wombs, the promises and purposes of the Father manifesting in Jesus Christ- healthy and strong. Follow My lead and be mindful of the things I am setting into place. There is a changing of the Guard in Canada. You shall trample the wicked, for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day that I dothis, says theLordof hosts. I bless you as you receive and SHARE this word with others who will be blessed by it! His kindness will breakthrough and lift up the discouraged and the disheartened warriors. No more grey areas! The plumb-line has already been set into place but now the mobilization/ the shifting towards that plumb-line is happening- disorder is being displaced with order and misaligned situations, circumstances and relationships are being aligned according to the Fathers will. Daily Prophetic Word from Prophet Russ Walden: The Father says today that I will not leave you languishing in sorrow and helplessness. Vital parts are being revived,refreshed and re-aligned with new life. I know the plans that I have for you, plans to prosper you, to give you hope and to give you a future! I see the release of a fresh dance anointing. Jan 24; To . Today, I am destroying the yoke of shame that has been like a chain around your neck for generations and I am exchanging it with honour as I surround you with my favor! And this new wineskin has been designed and equipped to carry and release destinies. Whenever God does something new, He prepares His people to perceive what He is doing by revealing it to their Spirit. He has increased our capacity to receive more- and this is the time to receive more. Behold Im doing a new thing, says the Lord, Im taking the axe to the root and Im uprooting orphan mindsets. Watch and see as My resurrection power is being released to revive you and unhinge the assignments of the enemy from your life! They are a new wineskin, overflowing with the new wine for this 2020 era! And in a spiritual vision I saw women of God rising as 'mothers' in the body of Christ, joining together corporately in the spirit of Elijah and they transformed into Lionesses and began to ROAR over cities and ROAR over nations! Do not be afraid to dream big dreams and ask for big things, for I am able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you can ask or think. The Word that we read will become the Word that we live. God, who manufactures or creates us, wants to occupy us to make us the Body of Christ in order to establish His Kingdom on Earth. Thank you for this encouraging prophetic word. I saw the Father was standing in this large tent beside tables that had many maps laid out upon them with geographical places and spaces written all over them. This was a new standard, a new level of authority and Love that was being raised up in the church in Canada! Those parts of your past that you are ashamed of and want to throw away. There is a mass army marching before the throne of God. I see a pearl emerging as a result of the negative forces that have been seemingly against you Saskatchewan. The old is passing away and the new is emerging! Psalms 126:1-6 Reads: WhentheLordbrought backthe captivity of Zion, we were like those who dream. In the Healing Rooms for Canada, unity and communication has been expressed through guidelines, protocols, and an emphasis on following the IAHR model. Jesus came to show us how to be a Son in the Kingdom of God! Prepare the atmosphere for the protection and safety of an emerging generation of sons and daughters!". I want to acknowledge and welcome the Angelic host that are present and waiting for the Decree of the Word of the Lord so that they can be released by the Commander in Chief, to perform His Word. And be lifted up, you everlasting doors! And I hear the Lord say that because of this acceleration and these shifts we are moving into the days of "the overtaking"where the sower shall overtake the reaper (Amos 9:13). Ask Me for the things that seem out of reach. the first thing God did in the Bible was to invade darkness. You are royalty. I saw many youth all across Africa behold Jesus, and they dropped everything and ran to Him and He received them and embraced them and then commissioned them to be runners and messengers to release His Love all across the continent of Africa! I see a mighty untangling taking place in the spirit. The person began to rejoice! You have been priming the pump for many years but now I can see a transition coming, the water is thickening, transitioning into a creamy, golden fat: its the word flowing and transitioning and coming to life, the word thickened with the fat of the Spirit- like the hind milk in breastmilk, high in fat,rich in antibodies, heavy with the anointing of the Holy Spirit! I could see that this was the time of Birthing! And with the shaking came the Love-quakes--- as perfect began casting out all fear from many hearts. Jesus Christ is here to set the captives free! NOTES: In comparing these 2 scenes I understood what the Father was revealing:In the 1st scene at the strip bar- the strippers had risen up to become the entertainment themselves, drawing people to look at them and behold them. We become a new creation, truth completes us and makes us free. They were dancing the dance of freedom and dominion. Multitudes of demonic beings lingered throughout the fields, mocking and tormenting the captives- they are so focused on their captives that they cannot see this army approaching. Behold His promises are yes and amen! These are the mothers that God is using to overturn the plans of the enemy and to return a Nation back to her God given Identity and Destiny. From out of your greatest struggles you will arise into your greatest victories! May the Fathers favour surround you like a shield and may His hand of blessing be upon you! Prophetic word and vision fo the Body of Christ in Edmonton, Alberta and Canada! Suddenly, a helicopter with a huge spotlight came into my room and stopped directly over me. In full wedding attire, she danced upon this red carpet as the spotlight was upon her. I call forth an entrepreneurial anointing to break-forth into Canada! I see peace and rest coming into the church in Manitoba because it is the God of peace that will crush satan under your feet. I release a breaker anointing to come upon you and set you free! I looked up and realized I was at the bottom of a very large, tall silo. I saw that there was so much brush in this yard and the dead branches and dead trees were actually hiding the living branches and trees that were fruitful. The refining fire you have gone through has produced pure gold. The Lord God is my strength and He will make my feet like deers feet. In the Spirit, I saw a train emerging from a long tunnel, into the open and moving full steam ahead. Where are they going and how will they get there in the most efficient and safest way? I was stunned because I saw that these women were not designed to swim in the sea of life rather, as they rose up out of the waters with grace and freedom; one by one they began to dance upon the waters! It was so new and so fresh and so beautiful! You cant lose for I am with you, and you have been obedient to my process. As they swirled and whirled, their wings began to release a sound into the land, it was the sound of breakthrough and victory in spiritual warfare. But to you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in His wings. With the inauguration of these Kings comes an opening of the flood gates of Heaven! AMEN. A revolution to fulfill the Fathers dream for a Nation that is called to release Nations into their destinies! Your strength is measured by My right arm, and []. Lord Jesus, cleanse me with your blood and set me free from all the effects of un-forgiveness in my spirit, soul and body. The church in Canada is awakening to move out into the community, into businesses, among the peoples; God is giving Canada the "Father's heart" and we will find that "Love is the key." Their descendants shall be known among the Gentiles. Jesus came to save souls! Bring back our captivity, OLord, as the streams in the South. Canada- Out of your belly will flow the Fathers heart of love and healing and it will flow into the seats of Authority and remove demonic gates and establish pillars and altars of righteousness in core of Nations----. I will comfort you there in Jerusalem as a mother comforts her child. Let me show you a better way. When we engage in the attack of our own spiritual body- we align with the principality of sabotage and as a result, we have no authority to release healing into the physical body that is suffering with autoimmune disease. When we are completely filled with a triune God, it is not we who live, but God who lives in us, and all things become possible. If we are the temple of God and occupied by God, then the armour of God will extinguish all the fiery darts of the enemy. Its a new day and the Fathers hand is sweeping across Canada to gather together His sons and daughters so that they might walk in unity and be about their Fathers business. And the King of glory shall come in. And it is from this dwelling place that My glory will emanate as My resurrection power flows and goes into the places of My choosing! I could feel the power and anointing on these prayers as they were activated and I watched them begin to fiercely penetrate the darkness; releasing life and hope. I see the turning of the tide and a shifting of gears- a momentum is being created and sustained by the Spirit of God. In the vision: I was standing on the shores of the promised land and I looked at the people crossing over and I saw the waters of the Jordan behind them beginning to recede. If you know the truth, the truth will make you free. The next 12 months will be absolutely pivotal and I believe this will be the most significant year of the last 50 years. And they shall rebuild the old ruins, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the ruined cities, the desolations of many generations. Canada is pounding out a sound that will shake the earth. Across the screen, there was an interruption for a Breaking News story. The dancers are dancing as a war cry goes forth; as the alarms are being soundedAnd I hear the Lord say Arise and dance, dance on the head of injustice, dance on the head of oppression, dance the dance of Victory and GraceI see the feet of the body of Christ taking new ground, taking new territorythe feet of the body of Christ mobilizing, moving strategically and dancing into the streets, into their inheritance, into their Destinydancing to the beat of the Fathers heart for the days of Apostolic release are upon us. The walls of division are coming down. God is saying- a lot of people have been so beaten, bruised, cut up, wounded and rejected that their true identity has been disfigured and mangled to the point that they have no idea who they really are or who they were originally designed to be! The new wine revelation that God is pouring out will begin to heal the whole man. They didnt realize they were out of the Lords presence, striving in their own effort and opposing the work of the Holy Spirit. When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will raise up a standard against him and He will coming like a mighty rushing stream which the breath of the Lord drives. I Decree to the State of California- today the chains are coming off your Gates and today you are being set free from the assignment and the agenda of the enemy! He is manifesting His glory in ways that will have the enemy utterly shell shocked! Hearing devices were put into my ears to increase the volume and ability to hear clearly. They were white in color. Later that day, I was reading in my bible about Joshua and realized that when the biblical Joshua met the Commander of the Lords Army, he was told to take off His shoes because He was standing on holy ground! I declare- there is a mass movement of captives being set free across the earth! When the spotlight was on her, the whole room exploded with lightening because the diamond gave off beams of refractory colours and there was a magnifying of this light. When I heard the Lord speak this, I thought of a sports games where an offensive player is on a breakawaywhere he has gained stride over every one of his opponents defences and accelerates towards the other net to score. All other fears are being swallowed up as the Fathers perfect love manifests through His sons and daughters throughout Canada! I see a standard being raised up in Manitoba. The Fathers heart is to birth Orphans into Son-ship through the Spirit of Adoption! The Nations are waiting for Canada to rise up and take her place. Father God, I confess that I have consciously/unconsciously yielded to an evil spirit of mockery. These Prophets/Fathers were being aligned, positioned and installed by the Holy Spirit to provide spiritual protection and safety to the body of Christ, much like a high-end security system protects a house. Her arms and legs and body were splitting out of her old clothes. Blessings, Shalom and Agape.. By admin. I see that many of Gods people have lost heart during the contending and some have walked away from these promises- but God has not forgotten; He remembers and will bring to you the desires of your heart. Malachi 4:2-3. Reorder your thinking toward this end says the Father. We were made for this, we were designed for this, we were born for this place of Dominion. I tell you, I am raising up fathers and mothers to take their stand at the helm of this nation and they shall carry My heart for those whom they have been called to serve and protect. I see many workers in the harvest fields and theyve been labouring all day in the hot sun and theyre getting tired and theyre knees are getting weak as they thrust heavy wooden sickles into the harvest fields. The destiny of Canada is to release Healing to the Nations, by revealing the Father-heart of God- and its the revealing of His heart that will unleash and release Nations into their Destiny! During prayer this week, while I was reflecting on the global pandemic, I asked the Lord what He was doing. He smiled then turned to His right and motioned to the figure that had been standing there, quietly waiting and hidden from sight. Theyre fruit was bad. Canada- no doubt, you have been shifted and sifted in the hand of the Lord but the Father saysthrough it all- I have brought forth a remnant! Suddenly, I saw that the enemy was also there and he was watching. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30. I am in the void in your [], The Father says today that all things are possible; ONLY BELIEVE. The enemy has come to weaken the nations but the Father says- Canada I am infusing you with My strength for you will go and strengthen many Nations! The Lord said,"this is My Healing Light." Unbelief will hinder and dampen your connection to My power and strength. Then I saw Jesus and He pointed to each of the wounds and I heard Him say- I died for this wound and I shed my blood for that wound and so on. I discerned that they were humble and carried a servants heart. I sense this image of my husband carrying me across the Threshold is a prophetic visual of what Jesus Christ is wanting to do in this hour in Canada. The renewing of our mind enables us to walk like, talk like, act like and live like sons and daughters, demonstrating and proving the Fathers good, acceptable and perfect will, on earth as it is in heaven! As a movement of God that relies on the leading of the Holy Spirit, it in itself is a new culture, a new way of doing life. They all face front, moving towards the territory God is giving them, but when they pass by His throne, their heads turn and their allegiance is confirmed.
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