You glared at him, throwing your question cards to him. 'Bitch?' Your shoulders and eyebrows were slumped, a sad smile on your face while your puffy red eyes bore a soulless gaze. Why was he doing this? You looked out the window, refusing to look at him. I do make him take me there. Cheating bakugou katsuki x reader. Everyday after school when you were away, he would come by with snacks and tell you about what the lessons were like, and all the stupid things people said. "I?" 'What the fuck!?' Your hands were shaking and your face was slowly turning red. Look at me., You did, and you felt your stomach clench. You had always loved him and he too, had always loved you the same. Bakugou's heart fell. You wanted to know because what was happening didn't seem right. There was talks about lunch break and plans for after classes ended, some study dates being made and even some casual conversation about video games. Thats a trick question! he shouted, gritting his teeth. Had this been going on before mei was born? After watching a clip of what had happened that day in the car, he couldn't help but want to crush Shinsou. So he just scooted closer, as close as his loyal friends would let him to you. I screamed at him, you deadpanned, feeling the burning in your face intensify. Adrenaline coursed through your veins, allowing you to escape this hell as you sprinted away, not looking back. He had never heard anyone understand him so well. you said, your voice cracking as your eyes got glassier, your sadness visible through your fake smile, "I'm happy that they both will be happy. I like you, thats all I got, you shouted, your voice becoming hoarse. He heard something along the lines of there he is. Everything would be fine if you just left me alone! you yelled, feeling as though the bubbling emotions in side of you were boiling out. You were used to . The two of you didnt have long before your next class, so if she wanted answers, she was going to cut straight to the chase. Your hair was stuck to your head with sweat and he reached out, pushing it out of your face. Other than that, there was nothing worth looking your way for. There was a sudden silence, as the police handled the people who had been hostages in the background. He took you inside. Hope you enjoy! I never should have done that.. summary: bakugou might have forgot your anniversarywhoops. That strawberry chocolate shit, with the bits of fruit in it.. Its up to you to forgive him in the end! WELL SAY SOMETHING!he yelled at you, jumping up from his seat in a sudden burst of anger. Kirishima patted his back reassuringly and the blond hiccuped. You looked so..sad. He would have never admitted it, but he liked you. Sorry for any errors (' ) honestly mei is my favorite name for a baby soyeah, Summary: bakugou and the squad help take care of your abusive ex, but who is also the father of your child. She shrugged. He was tired, angry and completely pissed that him and his team had barely made a dent in the series of murders that were going around Tokyo. Tiny explosions emitted from his hands as he stared down the guys. Not even when asked a study question from a teacher, you bottled up everything within you and kept quiet. He wasnt the type to be all cutesy with the PDA, but he liked showing everyone around you that you were his. To say that you were an embarrassed mess was the understatement of the century. He bowed his head, looking at the floor. The heart monitor beeped beside him as you laid motionless. Why the hell are you here, not in your little fucking emo room!" Shinsou declared. The Strawberry Swirl Blast is too good to ever pass up!. You didn't know how to repay the hothea. He slumped forward, deciding to turn his focus onto his paper and start working again. You knew it was six words because you kept replaying that scene in your head over and over again and wishing you had done something different. As far as you were concerned, Katsuki Bakugo was never going to want to speak to you ever again. 'We.we're getting divorced?' Ah, the one and only Bakugou Katsuki. You turned to look at your lap, as a stream of tears flowed down. He wanted to protect you from the evils of the world, and he vowed to do it from this point on. Your only resolve was a distraction, even if it was for only a few minutes. He glared at you when you giggled. You got up to leave, taking the help of your assistant to walk straight. He sat down, leaning his head back and staring at the ceiling. You looked up at his face to see a single tear escape from his eye. She was perfect to the two of you. Why couldnt you just be normal? What he heard tore him to pieces. You complain about all of them!. I need you! So long as he was looking at you, you didnt care. Youd never become a Pro-Hero because if that were to happen, people would only remember you as the girl who ended up screaming at the guys she liked rather than talk to him. Bakugou sighed as he closed the video and opened Quotev. It wasnt like it wasnt even a technique to help you anymore but one to hurt you more. It burned, because you couldnt keep anything in anymore and that terrifies you. Everyone saw it, that he was in some kind of pain. He cried, an angry look on his face. Shinsou's eyes were fixed into Bakugou's as he stared at him with a death glare. Plus-size influencer demands FAA and airlines give fat flyers as many FREE seats as they need to spread themselves out - and admits other passengers may have to foot the bill She left for her so called work and didn't return for months. Why should he be soft with you? Thats why shitty hair asked to pick him up, not to go somewhere, but to surprise him. He didnt talk about it with any passion, only knowledge, but you could tell he took his time with it and it was something he valued. Your gaze would never meet his again, or hear the sound of your voice. BNHA Boyfriend Scenarios and Oneshots 1 - #95 Cheater!Bakugou x Fem!Reader Just another preference book on bnha boy characters. I thought you were just some stupid girl, but I realized that youre not. You was Uraraka smile an peck Bakugou's cheek. Oh my goodness kamanari made a baby voice your getting so big! He took meis little hand, Kamanari Flicked Kirishimas head dude shes a girl. On top of Bakugo possibly losing his shit, your classmates knew better than to bring up something like that again to you. It made you very quiet, more quiet than usual. That guy, Bakugo, was the one person you liked. Of shush! That was enough to spark him and he grabbed your hand, leading you out of the store front and down the sidewalk. 'Cause those cuts on her wrists were bleeding through you see, She knew she was depressed, didn't want to admit it". He sometimes wondered why he chose to have fill his company with these knuckleheads, but he didnt question it too much because he didnt want to waste the mental capacity. The most relaxed you had ever been? I'm nothing." "Icyhot" He just had to get to you as fast as possible and there were people in his way, and he hated that. With the amount you had drunk already, and your low tolerance, you couldn't hide your expressions very well and for one, you now hated Uraraka's voice. I didnt know I felt this way until I watched you at the Sports Festival. "We take a drink of booze, every time we've done something." I also slipped up on the words few times, so i'm sorry about that. Just stop kamanari hissed at Bakugou seriously the electric blond helped you up and out of the room, un-strapping the baby and taking her from you. You were thankful to how he had treated you like a sister all this time and had helped you through, but you were excited since he had promised to introduce you to his girlfriend who Todoroki had asked him to bring along. "Let's get ready!" Bakugou was lying on the bed, scrolling through his phone. People like Mina would probably push you to tell him, and that wouldnt be okay. "We are throwing a huge party tonight! Katsukis mood took a complete 180 at the sound of your voice. He stood up and wrapped you in his arms, letting you cry into his chest. You felt so weak. You had to be on his level, no matter what that meant. And Momo helps me usually, but its not really helping all that much and-, Shut up! he shouted, tearing his eyes from the paper and his pencil snapping in half. You didnt look anything like yourself. Shut up! you screamed at Monoma, sneering at him. Someone was falling off a building. Were you drunk? you asked. You didnt hug him back, instead pounding his back with your fist and cursing him. He didnt say anything about it as he looked at you again, noticing your other hand was to your mouth. You questioned yourself hard on why you had done such a thing, because surely he didnt like you anymore than he did before. You had your eyes glued to him for a solid minute, but you guessed he felt the heat of your eyes on him because he turned his head sharply to face you. Not like that. You looked down. You had always been a model student, someone for all the other students to look to when they needed advice or wanted a proper example of what UA students should be. Your eyes trailed to Ochako, who was telling Bakugou that Izuku was lying while Bakugou stared at you with wide teary crimson orbs, his mouth open in shock, as hot tears were flowing down. He was thankful, but he wasnt going to tell her that. you said, turning back, "Sign them quickly, I'll get them done on my way back. Hawks said, placing a hand on his shoulder. Bakugou x reader Ep 13 Jul 16, 2020 like 117 #13. You forced up a smile. Just then someone knocked on the door. In my dream she seemed to try and remember. You were too scared to try and speak, so you finally opened your eyes and looked at him. He chuckled, pointing a thumb at himself. There was nothing noteworthy that happened, but as you were packing up your belongings, you noticed there was still another figure in the room - even after everyone else had left. She had heard you, that was for sure. After just a minute, the only people who remained were you and Bakugo. You couldnt handle this! "His eyes widened, and he slowly started to shake his head as I continued, "I can't live in this cruel world anymore. He didnt want anyone saying anything about the two of you, so he wasnt going to give them a reason to. Why are you doing this? he asked, his voice low and giving off subtle anger. They tied you to your partner and symbolized everything he universe had for the two of you. A groggy voice asked. It could, as you couldnt let go. But theirs one problem for a certain (h/c) girl. You felt your soberness slipping in gradually. You thought maybe they would have found out, or the teacher would have said something along the lines of what happened to explain your absence. Fuck- I love the both of you so god damn much its not even funny he rubbed circles into your back pleaseplease. You and him stayed up talking late and you let him sleepover. "Too bad that's just lies." You looked around. He prided himself in his strength and he viewed many people as being below him. Yeah, okay.. His name was called a million times over, but he didnt care. Your quick wasnt speed, but you couldnt have fooled him. He scratched his head, thinking about it. However, it felt off and you didnt really like that. Well, I guess I can say the same thing about you.. Your seat would not be filled with your happy-go-lucky attitude nor would it be filled with anyone elses personality - not if he had a say in the matter. I can't bear it anymore.' Todoroki spoke instead of you. It took him by surprise, but he would not allow it to show on his face. Huh?? With Bakugou Katsuki back from the villains, everyone was somewhat fine. He remembered how you had never gone to the salon before a celebration, how you had never needed the salon. You forced up a smile. "Never have I ever loved a girl so bad, that seeing her sad hurts my heart.". That wasnt the case, because the second guy walked around his friend and stood over your chair. And who said shes yours? the first guys asked, laughing loudly. It caused one of the drinks to spill, but that was what you wanted. "It honestly wouldn't matter." He was one of the reasons you were like this, like a freaking mess of a person who couldnt hold themselves together. he thought. 6 6. He didnt know you well because of your differing classes, but he noticed you. Hell, maybe youd be a better girl - one who could talk to guys without losing her cool! Yeah, well they can go fuck themselves because I don- he stopped mid insult when you suddenly appeared, wrapped your arms around Ashido and cheerfully greeting her. " this bar inconvenient for you?" I loved how well these went together! She listened to Her Last Words, singing a little to it. Midoriya! Facebook. You screamed, the muffled noise sounding a lot like a starving cat. So you called Kirishima to help walk with you over to the agency, he ended up bringing kamanari, the both of them helping wave away fans and paparazzi. Who the fuck is calling me at this god fucking hour? The ash-blond hissed through his teeth picking up the phone. Dammit! he yelled, pulling at the sleeve of his uniform and scratching at his soul mark. There was something about you that irritated Bakugo to hell and back, but he couldnt figure it out. No matter how much of an asshole he was, you always ended up thinking good of him. He looked a little bored, but you were about to change all of that. You wondered how he knew just what to do. C-cute? you asked, tilting your head to the side. Bakugou winced at the thought, but only nodded and slowly got out of the car. A soft smile tugged at Bakugou's lips. But looking at you in his arms made something inside of him feel strange. Youd let him have a pass on that one. You cried hard. No excuses. You think Im cute, you laughed softly. He took note that a lot of them were older, white burn marks on your skin. Secondly, why did he had to have a soulmate who had such a perverted mind that they thought about thatupon their first meeting. Ex Escape: Yandere!Bakugo. Warnings: cursing, vary little suggestive themes. Alright!" Life was cruel, but time was a living nightmare. He looked you dead in the eyes and gave you a small smile. He needed to know what you had chosen to do, where you were, if you were okay. He took a sneaky glance at them, not noticing anything too out of the ordinary, but your nails were short, too short to be comfortable. You wanna join?" This is an easy one, you said, deciding to at least let the first question be easy. I'm glad to be back as well." It was nothing fancy, you werent entirely sure if Bakugo owned anything to that caliber. You were indeed a social disaster, but that didnt stop him from watching the cute way you smiled at your accomplishments or from listening in on your conversations just so he can hear your voice. Thank you and I hope you enjoy my pieces. You passed him the papers from over the table. He looked at them. His girlfriend had got a call from work right at the 11th hour and she was really sad to decline. They would want to know why and how and when you started liking him. It felt so good, being in his embrace, its what you needed, what you craved. No one knew you to be a boiling pot of anger, and you werent. Y/n works at a research hospital on a top secret project that could have drastic consequences if it Of course you liked Bakugo, but he had never made you blush. You stuttered I know I- I couldnt show you proper affection lately, and Im sorry, m-meis just so much to handle aloneand y-your not home- Im sorry- Im sorry if I fall asleep before we can do anything-. And worse, the itch was still there, despite his consistent effort. He shouldnt know all of this, but for some reason he knew all of this. Maybe youll forget about him and start liking someone else.. Well of coarse he wouldnt, his tongue was shoved down another girls throat. "Bakugou," Hawks said, "her parents died and how do you think she'll feel after seeing her only family suicide right after she got to know they died?" Two strong arms wrapped around you, pulling you into warmth. She turned on her heel so fast, she could have given herself whiplash. You barely made it through the staring incident without dying of embarrassment. I Told The Flowers of You And They Bloomed. You flung yourself into Dekus arms again, burrowing into his chest with your tear streaked face. He felt as your hands began to calm down and your erratic breathing fell into normality again. His arms circled you and his face nuzzled into your neck and shoulder. Your heart rate was picking up, sweaty building on your brow. He shook his head, cursing the rising heat that was soon to set on his cheeks. Ikept deleting a lotand rewriting. What could have caused him to do this? Instead you were plagued by the overwhelming feelings you had on a daily basis and there was no stopping the snowball of anxiety falling down the hill and running over your composure. He sighed and rubbed his temples. "Uh..(Name)could we talk to you outside. You noticed the pitiful looks everyone gave you. Math, specifically trig, you said, putting down the question card and moving on. Summer came by, all she wore was long sleeve. You wanted him to go away, but at the same time you didnt. ", "Uh..Hawks.." Mirko said, but Hawks just crouched down to where you were and said, "Hey, relax, W-We're he-". He just sat there, taking in what Kaminari was telling him, the words that your mother had said to him. Stop being so damn cute, you nerd!. Bakugo would come into the classroom and always look to your seat, but was always met with how empty it was. I got a call last night from (name)s mother.. "Did you not notice it?" He turned to you and called out your name. Your classmate who didnt even know your name, let alone your quirk. He wasnt loud anymore, but his voice was still sharp. Turn to me., Turn to me. His voice wasnt so demanding. ', "(Name)." A place within himself that he left unexplored for a reason. You were less obvious about it in recent weeks, so perhaps the speculation did die down. (Y/n) Kirishima looked at you, eyes kind this is not your fault-. His attention never left you as you turned cherry red and stared at him. Youre not strong enough for anyone to want to notice you. You doodled instead of taking notes and you spent your time staring at him in class. _____________________back to the present. Bakugou the Penguin~. You didnt bother me at all!!!!! You couldn't help it, you began crying out loud. You passed him the papers from over the table. And the demands starting flying from his mouth faster than he could think of them. Instead, it seemed to only want to push your nerves further. "Aren't you fat enough you filthy pig?! Bakugou watched as the love of his life disappeared out the hallway with mei. "It wouldn't matter." he thought, checking the date of the interview. You thought you had it, but you began to doubt yourself. His heart throbbed. Hes just patiently waited, hoping for your return, because he had to figure out why he seemed to need you in his life. If he had it his way, he would have maybe complimented you or teased you playfully - not meanly. This was exactly what you needed right now. You have to come to class, Jiro said, poking you in the head. It was your undying happiness that brightened up the room. His recommended section had the first quiz as -, He smirked as the results came out, but his expressions fell immediately. He wanted to yell at his friend for the action, but knew the red was just trying to protect you, from him. He shook his head, a gruff grunt leaving his lips as he came to a stop before you and your best friend, who stood from her crouched position. You could get a decent score on a test but blame your lack of studying as a reason for why your grae wasnt better. Votes. Your heart slowly catching it's pace every time his intense gaze fell on you? He yells at the female. He smirked at Bakugo, cluelessly unaware of what he was doing. Little did you know that Bakugo had gone to his friends with a huge two days before. Relax, hes probably forgotten about it, Jiro assured you. The way she looked at him when he interviewed her. The nearby classes either heard everything you were exchanging or they were only hearing the yelling and couldnt make out the words. So he sat down and didnt say a word to anyone. Okay. You looked at your joined hands and felt yourself blush. Just stop it, please! Im not going to pry, mainly because you look like a tomato about to implode, but if you like him than you like him. It was like a wave of realization had hit him unexpectedly and he found himself wishing it was all just a dream, some horrid nightmare that he was having. ? You whispered. He pushed your hair behind your ear using both of his thumbs to wipe your eyes. "Wear that!" The guy over your shoulder put a hand on your shoulder in a bold move as he stood up straight. Bakugou asked Ochako as he pasued the video. Where was the answer? You know they only itch when youre about to meet your soulmate.. He had never thought of being with someone like you. We're going! you said, as tears began falling down, "Nononononononono. Bakugou x bullied reader. !, You giggled. Why did he know all of this? But to be admired for the one thing he held onto pridefully that wasnt what he cared about now. Those asswipes did, and honestly, you telling them off was the best part. you giggled, hiding your smile behind your hand. I mean, hes mean and hes ungrateful. He didnt know you well enough to be able to make that assumption, but what he did know was that in the beginning of the school year, you had at least been a smiling girl. What the fuck are all of you looking at!? You winced at the contact from how unexpected it was but slowly reached up to run your hand through his hair as he buried his face in your hair. Instead, he knelt down beside you and watched you. Your condition was stable, but aside from that, no one knew if you were going to wake up. You started trying to do you breathing exercises, the ones that usually where able to calm down with. All he knew was that he wanted to be away from all of your classmates and he wanted you to be happy with wherever he was taking you. His rough voice was just the same as it always was. What the hell is wrong with you? he asked. The blond barely noticed your presences. So stupid, you scolded under your breath. But you had reached your limit and you were ready to kill Monoma if it meant he would finally shut up. "Did you not notice it?" Ill get you another drink, he muttered lowly. Hes too much for even damage control to handle., The hot head, who was walking by, perked his ears upon hearing his name. At least not on my channel., He ignored you, instead looking at you seriously. @sam-i-am-1025 @kirishimaisthatbitch @the2ndl @imasweater @darkzelda88 @v0dkadaddy @skzero-99 @jazzylove @5sausefandom @godkatsukibakugou @heydae20 @mileven-reddie @popbubblegumpop @endeavors-big-dick @power-house-fan12, 1, 10, 12 from your prompt list with bakugo x reader? How the hell am I supposed to know that?. You chastised yourself for handling the situation so badly, that you blushed when thinking about it. Your best friend was stationed behind it, giving you a thumbs up. In fact, by looking at the clock, it was exactly six oclock, aka exactly when he said to be ready for him to come fetch you. 'I'm done with this. Smiling that smile that he would never admit to loving. You had always been a little strange in his opinion, but he just hadnt known that it was your way of getting his attention. Pink began to dust his cheeks as he realized he could be in over his head. jp54-buyers AnExplorer File Manager Pro 4.1.0 APK [Paid] [Full] CadSoft EAGLE 9.6.2 Crack Full License Key wifi-country-region-code Right (name)? He turned his head to you, that smug look on his face. He couldnt come to grips with himself nor the fact that you had likely transferred to another school. (Name) would never cheat on me. You talked quietly amongst each other, avoiding topics like school and hero work for a change of pace, and instead spoke of other interests, and you would have never guessed he was a cook. Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. you said. It wasnt like that was a bad thing! He didnt need to be nice and he sure as hell didnt need to hold back. No! You discreetly moved your hand and the hot liquid coated the guy on the ground. You felt it and immediately wiped it away, but it was too late. He started yelling as it burned his skin and his friend hurried to his side. Bakugou and Uraraka greeted everyone. You werent pestering me about homework or stupid things you like. "What." His friends were huddled up and talking amongst themselves. A really short fuse. You put your pencil to the paper, but the force was far greater than you had meant. So you ran, out of the room, away from Katsuki, and away from your feelings. He got like, three and a half points, I think, which is a win to me! You got up and wrapped your arms around Katsuki, sitting on his lap. He couldnt believe you would try to do him dirty like that. Todoroki said, "You're right, (Name), Momo, you're not drinking." He sat there, staring at the white ceiling, feeling himself falling into a place he didnt want a go. Bakugou rubbed his eyes, but he couldnt help the feelings that were inside him. You wanted answers. TW{fanfic}{music} SoI have no relationship experience. I mean, it wasnt like he didnt deserve it. you mumbled, unable to take your eyes off of him. Stop crying dumb ass your making me cry, and if you tell anyone Ill kill you.. To say the least, he had a short fuse. Katsuki laughed a bit through his tears, a wide grin on his face while he still cried. Okay, well see, you giggled, looking at the camera. How the hell am I supposed to do that if you go and kill yourself! "She passed out, can't you see, she does care." He not only saw your ability, but how hard you worked to hone in on it. You can manipulate the earth into any shape you want. 'She's faking the smile.' He smirked as the results came out, but his expressions fell immediately. You were against using it when unnecessary, feeling that unless it was absolutely needed, then you should never go out of bounds with your abilities. "Katsu!" He held his head as he cried, clutching the ring tight to his chest. You hated yourself for so many reasons. You tripped over a bag and your lunch tray spilled all over me., You started laughing, no longer embarrassed about the incident that led to your relationship. Opposite of them was the guy you most certainly were head over heels for, and he was approaching the situation with a strange coldness that you found odd. Statistically speaking, someone had to like him, that person just ended up being you. The lead in the pencil more than broke, it shattered and even spread dust across the paper. You traced the burn scars up and down your arms before pulling a bobby pin out of your hair. Why couldnt you be by his side like how he had wanted? That girl is you, (L/n) (Y/n). The guy you was usually yelling about something. 'Just a few steps away.' His scowl contorted into a meaner glare as he opened his mouth and started yelling. he said, "SShhhhh, I'm here.". you said. He sighed Bakugou., Katsuki opened but closed his mouth again, looking anywhere but the red I his voice was low, so low it was nearly a whisper even with his normal gruff tone. You hate horror movies!, You laughed, nodding to him. Suddenly, his phone began vibrating, it was a call from Ochako. You never wanted to appear weak, especially not in front of Bakugo. At this point, all of his friends must know about what happened. You couldnt explain it, and you knew that if you told people, than they would only ask why. You were diagnosed with anxiety at a young age and your panic attacks were often crippling. Your a great wife- mother and hero! Yeah, he chuckled, trying to force his flushed face to go back to how it usually was. Please, I'll be good, I promise I'll be good! The last contact anyone had with you was Mina, and all you had told her was that you werent feeling up to coming to school that day. You rocked back and forth on the balls of your feet, patiently waiting for him to notice you. "Y/N I heard you crying Wh-what are you doing! You felt your face become hot, tears threatening to take over I didnt mean- Ill try harder- Ill- you chocked back a sob its just that- mei was just born and I- god how could I let this happen? you said, shrugging again, as you hovered over him, checking the papers out. You were going to be home alone all day in the dorms. Your cheeks and tip of your ears were red. You were beautiful, but in his mind he didnt think that there was anything you did worth his attention. You hated attention, almost all types of it. I wanted to apologize for the lack of videos, so i'm gonna spam some today! He says he's only doing it to make sure you don't do anything stupid again. Your voice made Bakugou wince, but he didnt answer. "Would that make you happy, Bakugou?! For some fucked up reason I ignored her the last week- I havent talked to her for three days- like a child. His tone was low and angry so today right before you came to pick me up, she brought it up again and I just- I dont know- blew up? ? Kirishima's jaw was on the floor as he stood in your doorway looking in at you. Ochako said brightly. A million different possibilities ran through your head over the course of the last few days, but you didnt hype up your expectations. Bakugo was making his way through the hall, his hands shoved deep into his pockets.
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